Guild UI Issue: Crown Missing from GM, Cannot Access Recruitment Panel

See the hidden text for details. < >

You may have to open a ticket but id wait till morning this maybe a sideeffect of the ddos attack earlier.

Have you tried a full UI reset? It sounds like a display issue.

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The issue seems to be resolved. Will be closing the ticket down as a consequence.


Thanks for the update Jaquio, and for remembering to close out the ticket :slight_smile:

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It seems I was mistaken Kalviery.

The issue has returned as of today so I’m going to have to reopen the ticket. Additionally seems someone else is experiencing Guild UI issues. I have done the WTF/Interface/etc. Rename, and it did not work at all.

Although though me and a friend were able to invite a few of my alts to said guild, so it wasn’t just this character specifically; the Crown signifying that I am the GM of the Shadowmaw Tribe keeps vanishing and reattaching to prior guild-members. Not sure why that is but given the background and troubles I’ve dealt with since July 2019, it’s become par for the course.

It appears as of right now that I am also unable to access the Guild recruitment function.

(Please see my hidden text with < > for further details / Context)

if you’re coming here for assistance, it’s kind of pointless to hide relevant information.

…just wait on your ticket.

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It may or may not be relevant. But because it deals with player names I usually block them out so Blizzard can have the full score, while ensuring I don’t run afoul of the rules. It’s a ticklish situation to say the least.

Plus when I originally wrote it, I wasn’t sure if my guild would vanish the next morning, so I wanted to get a post with a time stamp in place in the event of some skulduggery.

That’s not really the point of the forums - basically have an on on one with a blue here. More to the point, the forums is a place for players to help other players with issues with blues to keep watch.


Also, with the new forums the CSRs that post here have stated that they are now unable to see edits. So posting something and deleting it isn’t something that can be done anymore.

They didn’t delete the text … they hid it.

Text inserted between the < > brackets will not be visible, but is still there. And the Blues can see it.

That’s not really what we’re pointing out - we’re pointing out that the OP is basically wanting an one-on-one with the blue on the forums.

See she got it. It may not belong on the forums. If not, that’s fine and I accept that. This is a major reason I hid the text. What is written there is not for players eyes. It is however for Blizzard’s, and they may view it. The Blues may lock a post at their discretion or direct me to the GM Department. If they do, I’ll proceed in the direction they point me.

However in the event my concerns play out, or have some bearing; it will allow me to show to the GMs when I speak to them that I was concerned of X scenario, and it occurred while I was waiting for a ticket.

Moreover it is relevant as I thought this matter had been resolved but as of this moment it is not. Point is, I will leave the final call to the GMs and any blues that wish to investigate or reply. If they choose not to, that’s their prerogative.

I tend to put my trust in Blizzard itself, rather than it’s players these days, for several reasons that are and remain my own. But keeping a solid paper trail has always served me well in the past and that is all I am doing with this.

Edit: (since I have no desire to bump what may be a moot issue).

I don’t believe I ever said that it was at any point friend. All I have ever said that my purpose here was to make a time-stamp, and document my concern / incident so that in the event that my concern played out while I waited for a GM response they would be fully armed with all facts, as well as the time at which I posted them.

Moreover I’d followed Kalviery’s initial statement and closed the ticket out when I thought the issue was resolved. When it re-manifested, I simply updated the thread accordingly, and mentioned that I had created a new ticket. This simply allows me a hyperlink to give the GMs so they know this issue has been ongoing.

Perhaps your aversion and statements are borne out of a perception that I am “cutting in line” by posting this. I am not. They will get to me in the same order regardless of what I post here. However on a off-chance another person is having this issue (which seems to be the case judging the bug forum), this lets others know it’s not just them having said issue. And if I find a solution in the interim, I can also post it here to save others the hassle I went through.

It’s more it brings a bad precedent that a person can basically talk to a blue on the forums as of it’s a ticket for one reason or another.

Yeah I forgot about the hidden text thing. The point though, is that this forum is NOT a replacement for a ticket. It is NOT a one on one for players and Blizzard. If you have a concern you would want to open a ticket. The Blues that post here can not answer your ticket, move it up in line, or talk to the GM that might receive it.

If your problem is not resolved you would need to open another ticket.

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I’m not seeing any indications of malicious acts from our side of things.

It looks like the guild leader status has been passed around about 7 times since March. A number of those were in the last couple of days - perhaps in attempts to test guild control permissions.

In the last few days, there have been a few DDoS attacks that we’ve announced (breaking news in the launcher, usually). Those can have ripple affects through other connected services. Guilds and Communities are technically services now and your WOW client connects to them to provide the in-game information. It’s possible that these service disruptions are causing funky display / permission issues until services are back in a healthy state.

I can’t be sure, the engineering involved is not my expertise but I can say from experience that whenever there have been service disruptions we often see issues reported with guild, community, and friend lists (basically all social services) as well.

If it continues, I’d definitely write up a Bug Report for the QA team to review. It’s possible there could be an issue that prevents some social services from getting back into a healthy state. These edge cases can be more difficult to identify since the impact is much smaller.


Off topic, but regarding some other remarks/advice shared in the thread:

I definitely appreciate that you all are looking to be proactive and provide advice about the best ways to have an issue investigated.

Regular posters here know what to expect, but that’s not always going to be the case for people who reach out here for help. It can be somewhat off-putting and occasionally confrontational to be informed “you’re doing it wrong” when seeking help. We don’t want to discourage folks from coming here if they’re in need of some assistance or guidance.

If there is some behavior that needs to be corrected, we’ll address it in our response.

Off Topic #2:
We can see both post edits and text masked in markup brackets. Either works :slight_smile:


Honestly 7 sounds about right with regard to the GM Leadership transfer, since March was the month all the messes really started. I’ve been cycling through characters to try and correct the issue, and it seemed to briefly.

Thank you for looking into things on your end though Kalviery. I really appreciate it. The last thing I want is to wake up and find that my Guild vanished / was reformed by another. Take care and thanks for all your responses and help.