Guild UI and Permissions, Redux Part II

Hmm. Forums haven't been redone yet. The announcement about the change has been removed. Hmm.

Dear Blizzard,

Please break up the guild permissions that are currently lumped under the "is officer" heading. Make it so Guild Leaders can assign permissions however they wish.

Thank you,

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Since the forums are still active (but I don't believe this will last), I think I'll copy another post from the original thread.

Here is a nice one asking to have the controls back:
08/03/2018 10:31 PMPosted by Keiralynn
Please give us more tailored guild control.

I have the most amazing guildies who have been beyond understanding. They have stuck with me as I have been dealing with a very broken guild control settings system. They are what makes Blizz world turn. This is all trickling down to them now too.

It is heartbreaking for me because I do this for them. I do this to give them a good home. I just want them to have the best guild they can have and sadly I can't even give them what they deserve to have. Which is the absolute best.
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Hate the new guild interface.
It is terri-bad design.
Nothing was wrong with it to begin with.
Unnecessary change was unnecessary.
Please put it back like it was, Blizzard.
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Not sure what I should do here. It could be a while before Blizz gets around to overhauling the forums. Our original thread is still available, but should we be posting there or here? This one might fill up and not get extended. But if we put everything in the old one, it'll be lost when Blizz does eventually purge the forums.

I think for now, I'll just bring out another post from the original thread. This is a guild master ruminating on the changes and what they mean to her guild:
08/04/2018 08:42 PMPosted by Nysalla
08/04/2018 07:57 PMPosted by Suéter
So I just found this out today, and it sucks that I can't tailor a guild how I want it to be anymore?
Instead we are forced to have a guild in what blizzard feels like a guild is...

Yeah, my vision for my guild involved a lot of custom ranks. A combination of rp and non rp things. I'd given up in Legion trying to run it because no one I knew really played, so I kept it all to myself. But now I have a bunch of friends coming back to the game and I liked the idea of making a guild or community for all of us.

But it's so limited, and the chat hanging around forever is off putting to all of them. We're better off just keeping all our communication outside of the game. I would have loved to spend this prepatch recruiting and organizing events but it looks like that won't be happening.

I'm content playing solo, because that's what I've basically done for the last 2-3 years, but I really wanted to aspire to more.
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11/13/2018 12:24 PMPosted by Fumel
Not sure what I should do here. It could be a while before Blizz gets around to overhauling the forums. Our original thread is still available, but should we be posting there or here? This one might fill up and not get extended. But if we put everything in the old one, it'll be lost when Blizz does eventually purge the forums.

Just my two cents worth.

If it's certain that the other thread wont survive "the purge" then here would likely be best.

However. IF there IS any chance that the other months old mega thread that Blizzard seems to be aware of would somehow survive that purge (is there any chance of that?) then over there would be best.

(If the old one gets purged, and this one is eventually locked, perhaps "Redux part III...")

Oh Quandary, thy name is Catch 22...
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I liked the idea of making a guild or community for all of us.

But it's so limited,

I would have loved to spend this prepatch recruiting and organizing events but it looks like that won't be happening.

I really wanted to aspire to more.

I totally get this.

I have really enjoyed (for the most part) creating a real community for the folks I love playing the game with. A place they can be themselves, and can feel safe knowing they do not have to be the best Wow players out there. In fact in our case, we are often self described as the worst. That doesn't matter. We enjoy the game. We have a riot when we wipe for the 20th time and Jah (our resident "always dead guy") has to make his 20th death run.

We have always had the system in place where ranking was a reward for helping out and being active. The more you help and take part, the higher you ranked (to a point) the more guild privileges you got. The more you got involved creating events, runs, etc...the better chance you had of becoming an officer if you wanted to be one. (Some don't)

We can't do that now.

I too intended on recruiting and creating events once BfA went live.

That's all still on hold until we know one way or another if the guild permissions will be restored or not.

So far, we are hanging in there, but it isn't like it should be in our guild. Normally we'd have a good 20-25+ people on in the evenings doing runs (or whatever) together.

Now it's more like the ghost-town we often become at the end of an xpack.

After all these years, it truly breaks my heart.
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I just wanted to add the following to this thread:

The only members of a guild that I would check the "is officer" box on in any of my own guilds, are my own alts (who have a special rank I made just for them).

In the case of guild controls (as with game feature controls), the best solution is to allow us to have more control over specifics (I will add here that I hate having to use add ons to do so many things that are built into the default options menu of other games I play). Lumping a large number of specific features under an umbrella option of "is officer" is just plain bad design.

Edit to add this request: I would dearly love to have separate amounts for "withdraw" and "repair" in my guilds, without having to disable withdraw completely. I would actually like to be able to allow all members (at least of certain ranks) unlimited repair funds, regardless of how much I allow them to withdraw from the guild bank.
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I really wanted to aspire to more.

I meant to comment further on the above statement earlier.


You have multiple threads of mostly "veteran" guild masters pleading, complaining, suggesting ideas, and even mourning over the loss of their guild control.

What you have here (apparently) in "I really wanted to aspire to more." is someone who wanted to bring their unique idea of what a guild should be to Wow.

Because of the way the permissions are now, that up and coming Guild Leader is no longer up and coming.

So you've managed to hit two birds with one stone so to speak. You hit us "older' veteran Guild Leaders, as well as those who aspire to create their own guild communities now.

"I really wanted to aspire to more."

I'll just let that sink in.
I don't know how long we have before the forum switch, but I still believe we'll lose our original thread about these problems. I found a page full of wonderful posts in the original thread that I'm going to bring up to this one.
08/04/2018 10:00 PMPosted by Irannia
I don't like getting on a soapbox, but this really is disrupting a lot of people. Thank you to those that read these long winded posts from me. Anyway to carry on....

You wouldn't tell a business owner how to run their business, and how to promote or what incentives they can and cannot offer to their employees.

Even then as a business owner you allow your managers to give incentives to employees as well to increase performance, and allow people to work up the ladder and grow.

Same goes the other way around, not everyone wants to be a manager, or anything resembling that because they don't want the responsibility. Honestly, that's okay too.

I know some people might wonder why bring this up, but the same goes for guilds. We incentivize players, we try to help them become better players or give them opportunities.

Now we still have controls over the guild vault but even then that is only a small drop in the bucket.

I really don't think this was the intent with the guild controls, and I sure hope it isn't, because if it was then why bother with ranks. It's just a title otherwise, and a mechanism to separate people and nothing else. It holds no other value, other than potentially having access to another bank tab or they can withdraw one extra item... YAY! (not)

Again, I don't mind the communities as there is a place for them you could say. At the same time though, you've given us a very watered down version of Discord. I as a player will not stop using Discord. Case in point when Voice to the game was originally introduced to the game back in TBC. I still used Ventrillo, TeamSpeak, Mumble (ect.).

There is a reason for this, and to be fair Discord is a GREAT application. Not just because it's easy to use, but it does offer the chat logs, different channels within the SAME server, AND the ability to tailor your ranks/roles within it. All while not segregating your member base if you so choose.

You could argue making separate communities for your guild for certain aspects, but that does segregate your guild, and then what is the point? You may as well have separate guilds, and that would only serve to hurt the guild community.

You could also argue from this point, that players shouldn't have to download separate applications outside of the game to play or communicate affectively with other players. I can completely understand this viewpoint, as I've in the past seen a guild literately fall apart over in-voice over using an outside program. (Don't ask but it's true)

I'm using an addon to revert some of the changes made to the guild lead controls. And on the above statement I shouldn't have to go to outside sources to play affectively, or do what I've always been able to do affectively.

If that is really the mentality, then why not add WeakAuras to the game so that you can customize warnings, or DBM for pull timers... need an addon even for just that. What about DPS meters, or GTFO, Omen, Quartz, or Elvui since so many people don't use the base UI. Or for those that play the auction house, TSM, Auctioneer, Auctionator, ect. I could go on and on here... but that's not done because you allow players to build addons to adjust the game to their playstyle.

It's great that the option is there, but it's not needed. Let the people who do VOIP do VOIP and focus of building great games.

WoW in my opinion still is a great game, but we've had so many silly problems with this patch that it's really just painful to see. The pre-patch content was slim, compared to other launches that I've been a part of. Some classes didn't even have their changes put in to place because "there wasn't enough time." I for one would have rather waited an extra month or two and have everything working properly and everything available than this. I know I'm one of the few in this regard considering the "we want it and we want it now" group mentality. We got a new system that we didn't really even ask for that broke the game, (It had to be disabled to get ppl back on line, so yes broke the game), and converted a system that didn't need to be converted. Unless that's why it broke.

I've suggested doing an advanced option, which I think would be a great addition to this. Your guild leaders and now Community Leaders need these granular controls to be able to build successful functioning environments. Not because we are control freaks, but because it's human nature to work towards something. Hence why games like WoW are as successful as they are.
Another from the original thread:
08/05/2018 04:25 AMPosted by Lucyclawless
08/04/2018 10:54 PMPosted by Kiwì
how about if you put the guild interface back the way it was until you can find something that works for the players. Just trying to manage the roster has turned into a nightmare. We had set up our permissions exactly the way we wanted them and now we don't have the flexibility to do that any more. Our options are either demote people or let them have permissions we really don't want them to have.

I have to echo these sentiments verbatim. The only reason to have more than 2 or three ranks right now is to regulate guild bank access and even that's pretty weak. Right now my guild has 7 ranks that are redundant in function and appearance.

It's nice to know that Blizzard is "listening" and I hope they are able to amend these changes soon to suit the needs of the communities themselves.

For my guild, the most important features that have been disabled are:
1 - The ability for the individual members to mark or notate each of their own characters with Public Notes. The officers can modify them to appeal to the standard officer notes later which reflect when a person joined the guild or whose alt they belong to. Ideally it would be nice to have the option back so that our officers notes can be transparent to the members even though they are restricted from writing or changing them.
HOWEVER I would be eternally grateful if there way as the GM or officer of a guild to connect alts to a main or characters to a player automatically, rather than counting on a player to divulge this info and keeping track with it manually. It would benefit many guilds who likely offer up guild benefit or responsibility to a single character. (i.e. farming of materials to create a powerful item) Once a character has reached the pinnacle of such an accomplishment the guild can then assist a different player rather than the same player on a different character. Also on that same issue, if a person is misbehaving and the guild has decided to dismiss a player from the guild, the hardest part is dismissing ALL of their characters, especially if they have a sleeper in the guild. (Some character that joined much later than their other characters and did not tell the leadership that they were an alt, either inherently or intentionally.)
2 - The ability to create events that involves the guild as a whole. Previously I know there were issues in the calendar where strangers could communicate (mostly their solicitation of illegal services) through calendar invites. But while my community of active gamers is large enough to be an active and progressive group, I also do not think I have to worry about them soliciting anything illegal in this manner via guild calendar events. If that were the case, I would expect they would push it in gchat instead.
3 - The ever rare need to silence a person from guild chat without completely dismissing them from the guild. Thankfully I have not needed this function since Cataclysm but it was there in the case it was needed.
HOWEVER it would be great to give officers and moderators alike the ability to mute or ban members from chatting in their respective channels with a time limit or a toggle.
4 - If there was one method I saw other guilds use that I would adopt immediately is to allow a specific rank of members to post blindly to Officer chat so that Officers can be alerted to any issue without going to guild chat or whispering them privately.

Just my $0.02 and I hope it's worth mentioning that I appreciate all the help the devs have given their community leaders prior to this point. I am counting on the devs to come through for us again real soon.
Another from the original thread:
08/05/2018 08:04 AMPosted by Æthelwulf
Something from a business perspective we have yet to discuss in this thread is risk (no not the very good board game from Hasbro), we are talking about real world risks of taking certain actions. We all take risks and all of us have an appetite for risk. Some less, and others greater. When you invest in a company in the stock market or you read an article about stocks in a particular industry as investment instruments you will often see the following statement or statements having the same effect:

"You should note that there are significant risks inherent in investing in certain financial instruments and in certain markets. Investment in derivatives, for example, may expose you to risks which are different to those investors might expect when they invest in equities. Similarly, investment in shares issued by issuers in emerging markets (by which we mean those that have an underdeveloped infrastructure or which are less economically or politically stable as markets in developed countries) involves risks not typically associated with equities investment in well developed markets." This (along with what amounts to several pages more of related information) is known as an investment risk disclosure statement. It is meant specifically to address a certain type of risk inherent in the investment of capital and is mandated by all countries with a global or national level investment instrument exchange. It is necessary because people especially in the U.S. U.K. and other nations have the right to contract which brings with it the right to sue based on tort or criminal acts or breach of those contracts. It is a disclaimer that "sometimes" gives a company a legal out if things beyond their control cause the investor to lose money (a type of legitimate harm that if the company is held liable to would increase the company's amount of regulatory riskiness).

One of the prime motivations for adaptation of processes in a business environment is risk, or the appetite for or lack of appetite of various categories of risk:

  • 1. Strategic Risk
  • 2. Compliance Risk
  • 3. Credit Risk
  • 4. Operational Risk
  • 5. Market Risk
  • 6. Reputational Risk

Strategic risk is risk associated with your business strategy. I'll give two real world examples here:

  • Kodak
    Kodak's business plan was based on the strategy of being number one in the photographic film industry. It was singularly successful at this. It was so successful at this that when, in 1975, Kodak engineer, Steve Sasson developed the first digital camera, it was seen as a threat to Kodak's core business and so Kodak failed to develop it. Hindsight is crystal clear as they say, but if Kodak had analyzed the strategic risk more carefully, it would have concluded that someone else would start producing digital cameras eventually, so it was better for Kodak to cannibalize its own business than for another company to do it.

    Failure to adapt to a strategic risk led to bankruptcy for Kodak. It’s now emerged from bankruptcy as a much smaller company focusing on corporate imaging solutions, but if it had made that shift sooner, it could have preserved its dominance.
  • Xerox
    Xerox became synonymous with a single, hugely successful product, the Xerox photocopier. The development of laser printing was a strategic risk to Xerox’s position, but unlike Kodak, it was able to adapt to the new technology and change its business model. Laser printing became a multi-billion-dollar business line for Xerox, and the company survived the strategic risk.

Compliance risk is risk associated with laws regulations or policies, often set out by a state agency (the word state here is used to describe the governing body of a nation not the political division within any particular nation) Not in compliance with a statute, administrative regulation, or federal guideline? Get caught and you can expect to be fined and if the failure to comply impacts a third party well then also expect them to make a claim against your company.

Credit Risk is the risk associated with borrowing or lending money. If you do not pay your mortgage you risk foreclosure and harm to your credit rating.

Operational Risk. This is the risk associated with something going kaputsky within the company like a server outage or adding an extra '0' to a $10,000 dollar check so that it becomes 100,000 paid out to a vendor.

Market Risk: This is the risk a business takes when it invests in other businesses or takes on debt related to investments through a market or exchange. If the market as a whole loses a large amount of intrinsic value in a short period of time the market has said to have crashed and the investments made by the company may become worth much less than they were when they were first purchased.

Reputational Risk. Our last category is the category that is common to all industries and all companies and even to individuals. Examples of corporate reputational risk include Equifax, Enron, Tyco International, Smith Barney, E.F. Hutton, Washington Mutual... That list is quite long and if I concentrated solely on these examples I should be writing them down ten years from now. Even individuals are affected by it. Harvey Weinstein (no conviction of any crime (yet) but his reputation is utterly and thoroughly ruined), Bill Cosby (convicted of a crime) and if one wants to look closer to home one need look no further than our own Rob Pardo (allegedly involved in "gamer-gate" although no proof of this exists that I am aware of only allegation), Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street, Drysc/Bashiok (aka Micah Whipple), Jay Wilson, and currently Ion Hazzikostas. All suffered or are suffering under intense scrutiny and various amounts of Reputational Risk.

That is a very long preamble but its necessary to put it out there so that we can talk about it because there is a misconception out there that the only thing Blizzard understands or acts on is money or the loss of it. That oversimplification ignores the very real factors of risk.

If we desire changes to be made or to have a change reverted the best way is not necessarily with ideas for fixes nor for umbrage, outrage, pleading, or pontification, but rather to find ways to alert Blizzard to the exposure to various types of risk they have created in taking the actions they have.

Maintaining a civil thread atmosphere is fine and dandy if we simply want a place to vent our frustrations but if we want to point out the issues with the changes that Blizzard has made they have to first be made aware of real consequences to their actions, then they have to be shown ways to mitigate those consequences or ways to adapt to ameliorate the risks involved.
And still another from the original thread. I don't think I've yet gotten to the point where some of the issues (like setting one's own personal note) were addressed, so it's possible one or more of the threads I copy have complaints about things already solved. However, not everything has been solved, and so they are still relevant.
08/05/2018 10:39 AMPosted by Greenstone
Biggest risk they have is GMs deciding to gdisband their guilds and stop buying their product.

However they know they have a captive audiance that won't do this. Many guilds were created early in the game's history and are run by some of the older players who basically created communities and friend networks on their own through hard work and determination.

The opinions and needs of guilds and guildmasters should have value in this game since its main goal is to be mmo, not a solo player game. Even with communities you will need players that are willing to sacrifice game time to create and administer events. You can not do this with a simplistic interface and no permanent foundation.

Communities should be another in set of tools for guilds and guildmasters not something that will supplant them.

As my own experience has shown me when you pick up pugs and give them a community link you do not always get the best of the crop. Point in fact with how toxic lfr has made pugging you have to deal with people who won't go to voice, won't eat or buff themselves,who never even think about actually sticking around for more the two wipes. So yeah unless they plan on giving a reward for not doing bad behaviors in groups, communities will be something that will constantly cause issues for those that plan events.

Without strong GMs and officers, players who have experience building groups and dealing with the misfits in them communities will fail.

The community system seems to want to mimic Discord, however Discord has a guild structure to it, you can assign roles or ranks with different abilities like a guild and give specific people channel permissions, you can mute both voice and channel chat on multiple levels. If anything the implementation of communities barely scratches the surface of what controls you would need to mimic it. Not to mention the fact that you are basically copying another companies intellectual property.

In any case the permissions changes made to the interface should be reverted.

Guildmasters shouldn't have to work with an incomplete interface when we had a very effective and well implemented one in the original guild control panel.

Previously I have pointed out errors/bugs in the implementation of the community ui and the permission changes in this thread, I have also pointed out how ranks are harmed in previous posts, I even explained how communities are created and channels that previously existed do not merge into them. I explained how the community ui differs greatly from the original controls, I also explained how communities could be used for illegal or detrimental actions on the part of the users since they are not an organized system connected to a group but rather one own by individuals like a channel, and now I have explained how the community ui itself harms the game and actually could be a point of contention between Blizzard and Discord.

Blizzard you have all this information in your hands now, I understand you want to improve your product and do things in your way, but as consumers of your product we do not want to see any harm come to it so please try to consider this thread and the advice given.

Please revert the permission changes and consider the Community UI panel and how its being implemented why the need for it and would making stronger links to guild be a smarter route or should you be completely separating the two.

Also as some have said the fact that Loot Master, and Guild Rewards, and Perks that we had earned as guilds have now gone it seems that more and more guild associated features and benefits are going away. Is there truly no more place for guilds in the World of Warcraft are you truly trying to remove them and remove the benefits that they bring to the game?
Here is a long list of good ideas for guild management improvements (from the original thread).
08/06/2018 11:21 AMPosted by Greenstone
You know someone said something that clicked for me.

I know that Blizzard does e-mail surveys about their products cause I have gotten a few. Normally they do not give announcements about these surveys and they normally have to do with their websites but I am sure you can setup a system where you can e-mail out to all the Guildmasters in the game and have them respond to a survey regarding what they would like to see.

Could be a list of questions with built in answers or just ask for 128 character response for each question. (Like the old twitter limit.)

This could help the Devs get a better understanding of what the community wants and could potentially lead to a better interface for Guildmasters.

Here is simple breakdown of things we could get for guilds:

01. We want to have the old permissions back - allowing us to specifically make ranks with permissions we choose.

02. We need the ability to MUTE guild chat for players to avoid conflicts and create buffer from new people just spamming in guild once they join.

03. We want to have some control over the new logging system in guild community and officer channels, allowing officers or gm's to clear the log or make it private even. This way adult conversations are not always present in chat.

04. Fix the in game recruiting app so that when someone requests an invite and they are OFFLINE (not on game) you can just hit a button that says "ginvite next time they are online" or sends a link to them that will autoinvite them to guild just like the community UI does with the channels.

05. We would like lootmaster added back to the game (if its been completely removed from raids) since its the raiding teams choice whether to use it or not. Maybe have a flag if more than 3-4 pugs in a group lootmaster is turned off.

06. We would like to have guild rewards mean something again meaning that all the efforts we put in as a group means something, the rewards we can purchase from the guild vendor are basically from wraith content if I remember correctly or BC, they are pretty old, these should be updated every year with different mounts or toys or even buff items.

07. It would be awesome for every year a Guildmaster runs a guild they are given some sort of reward as well, such as an XP boost they can grant to other people for an hour, or something cool to show they have earned the gratitude of Blizzard for taking care of communities and players.

08. An in game tool that shows all the guilds on a server, their size and their current standing at boss kills or pvp. These stats are available on different websites on the internet but really by now they should be integrated into game with a click allowing users to see things like that. (Also give an option to keep it private for those that don't want to publish their stats.)

09. Give a bigger cap to all guilds regarding membership and the ability to create more ranks. (I think the limit is 8 but could be 10 don't remember.)

10. Allow us to ginvite cross server - not just make a community for pugs - because official kills don't count unless the person is in the guild. (Should probably make a check on this person is not counted until two days of actually being in a guild so pugs can't be autoinvited and released after a raid.) Its a big problem for servers like Hyjal which is horde dominated and not many new alliance are on it.

Lots of ideas come to mind but those are the first 10 that could think put down.

Greenstone 2018
Fumel you are rocking it! Thank you for all you are doing.

Please revert the guild controls or explain whats up Blizz...pretty please.
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Here is a post from the original thread that clearly explains why players get upset with sudden changes and the importance of good communication:
08/06/2018 06:19 PMPosted by Hathlo
08/06/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Ythisens
Extended the cap once more on this one!

As you can imagine we're aware of this thread but don't have anything to share at this time but just wanted to say thanks for the continued feedback on this one. As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys.

Ythisens, thank you for letting us know that this is still being seen. :)
I'll take this moment to reiterate that this issue is paramount, and we need rank controls restored and improved upon.
Everything I have to say on the topic I've documented in this thread, and at

To any other blues else who may be watching:

The communication we've gotten about this change is dismal at best, non-existent at worst. Where are the rank changes in the patch notes? Why haven't these been documented? Why was this not specifically something that was asked to be tested and given feedback for in beta? I played in beta, and submitted a smorgasbord of bugs I encountered in vuldun. Not once did it occur to me that I should go look at guild controls. I never would have imagined that they would be changed, let alone reduced.

When sweeping changes are made to guilds we need better communication.
When guild changes hit Beta, I think your testing would benefit from having an opt-in or selection for entire guilds to copy to the test realm to test guild changes, perhaps for a limited time.

In a world where we're paying monthly for a service, changes to the service need to be clear and available. Logging in and finding ranks on fire and needing to spend time reformulating and re-deciding what all our ranks need to be instead of playing the new pre patch content is pretty not fun.

Please learn from this. A feature rollout as large as communities (which came with subsequent guild changes) and voice chat should have much, much more than 5 sentences written about it. See: under "Social Features"

Thank you.
Here is the post Hathlo linked (so it doesn't get lost in the forums revamp):
07/19/2018 03:13 PMPosted by Hathlo
Hello Blizzard. It's my hope that this can actually have some positive effect.

Thus far, I haven't met a single guild leader who isn't upset about the homogenization of guild permissions under a single checkbox for "is officer". It's a major step backwards for guild management. Personally, I can't imagine trying to lead a large-scale guild again with the current level of permission granularity.

With the addition of voice chat and communities to the game, we have some new permissions to play with overall. Specifically, Remove people from voice chat, and Delete other people's chat messages. I cannot fathom how it's appropriate for people with permission to edit notes or the motd to also be assumed to have permission to kick people from voice chat or delete logged guild chat messages and calendar events.

I suggest the following changes to guild/community rank management:

0.) Guild Logs should be improved across the board. Please allow us to look back at actions such as membership changes, public and officer note changes/edits, guild calendar event changes/audits, motd changes, chat messages and chat message deletions, as well as bank access. The basic logs should still be kept available to all players, and the advanced logs should be available to the guild master and designated ranks. The advanced logs should be searchable and filterable up to 7 days, regardless of the number of logged actions taken within that time span. Currently, actions can be hidden in the basic logs by performing actions to "push" certain actions out of the viewable log.

1.) All permission controls should be individually controlled and toggle-able, not grouped together. This should be a given for any system with permissions; it is impossible to account for every situation when permissions are forcibly granted or denied as a group.

2.) Access to officer channels should again be split to it's two previous controls: View officer chat, and speak officer chat. There are many situations where I might want to bring a non-officer rank into officer chat in a temporary manor without simultaneously granting access for that rank to make changes to guild information. With the addition of voice communications, this could be expanded to access to voice officer channels, and access to officer chat channels.

3.) There should be new permissions for guild notes as follows:
- Edit Own Public Note
- Edit Others Pubic Note (Implies Edit Own Public Note)
- View Own Officer Note
- View Others Officer Note (Implies View Own Officer Note)
- Edit Own Officer Note (Implies View Own Officer Note)
- Edit Others Officer Note (Implies View Others Officer Note)

4.) Additional Ranks, and Customizable Permissions should also be added to communities. Specifically, it would be nice to set notes or change the community message of the day without also granting permission to remove members, or vice versa.

I'd love to hear some developer feedback about these ideas, thank you for your time.

- Hathlo of WrA

See the mega thread other folks have posted in as well:
How do I nominate Fumel for MVP status?
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11/14/2018 04:37 PMPosted by Venjin
How do I nominate Fumel for MVP status?

1 Like
11/14/2018 04:37 PMPosted by Venjin
How do I nominate Fumel for MVP status?

11/14/2018 05:19 PMPosted by Druunah
11/14/2018 04:37 PMPosted by Venjin
How do I nominate Fumel for MVP status?

Oh, God. No. Please, no.

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This from the blue post about the upgrade:
11/14/2018 04:52 PMPosted by Ythisens
Note: We will be migrating over any active threads from the last two weeks to allow ongoing community discussions to continue as seamlessly as possible.
makes it sound like we'll be able to keep our original mega-thread.

/fingers crossed
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