Guild UI and Permissions, Redux Part II

The sentiment is going around. I posted this on the mega thread a few minutes ago, but after reading Fumel’s last post, it seemed relevant here as well.

I found the following on another thread. That thread was regarding a Gm how is apparently MIA (or maybe AWOL)

In any case, this is one of the replies:

Tea Party Patriots)

169 posts

120 Draenei Death Knight[20585]


Blizzard ignores guilds. Guild leaders start ignoring their members. Seems fair.


Not like Blizzard has paid much attention to guild leader complaints in the Guild UI and Permissions thread.

It’s been a long time since Blizzard has shown any love for guilds. No surprise that guilds are dying off.

When I posted this a few minutes ago, I said something like "nothing Earth Shattering here, but I though it was interesting to see our plight worded like that on another thread.

It occurs to me however:

If the poster I quoted is correct and guilds really are “dying off” that could be very Earth shattering.

For Blizzard.

Once upon a time Blizzard understood that guilds are the backbone of Warcraft. If guilds are indeed killed off by Blizz whether intentionally, or through their own foolishness, they truly are (as has been stated in previous posts) their own “Wow killer”