Guild transfer service removed

I was planning on realm change for progress, and realized that im not longer able to do a guild transfer, how am i supposed to take all my gold with me?


Probably a bug, post in CS/bug report forums instead of GD if you want it looked at.

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I’m having the same issue, meet all the criteria required, including multiple characters in the guild and the option is not showing up on the guild master character in-game. The only thing I might have screwed up is the * You cannot purchase a new guild service if you have used a guild or a personal character service (such as an individual character transfer) within the last 30 days. I didn’t purchase any guild services or character services on the guild master character, but I have server transferred other characters today

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Seems with the transfer bundles being put in the shop, guild services are no longer there.


Hey folks,

We’ve temporarly disabled this service to resolve a bug. This includes Character Transfers that attempt to use the Follow Guild option for a guild that was previously transferred.

We’ve added these two issues to our 9.2 Common Issues blog for tracking/visibility.


When is the guild transfer service going to be restored?

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Blizzard never gives estimates as people forget what estimate means. I guess keep an eye out here or on Twitter for updates.


When they have an answer to that, they’ll post here:

Until it’s posted there, no one knows.


it’s been two weeks now, mythic is open. Any updates?

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I asked that about the 30 day restriction and was told by a blue something along the lines that “most of these restrictions are character based”. Which I took to mean that transferring a different character on your account wouldn’t cause a problem. (although I did feel it was a bit vague, and could more easily have said “no, you’re fine to do that with another character, just so long as the guild, or the guild leader character, hasn’t transferred in the last 30 days”). But there you go. I’ve always been classed as “pernickety” because I actually read what people put, rather than assuming what they mean.

While I dont disagree they are having technical difficulties, I find it hard to believe the solution is this difficult. I hate to be blunt, but lets be honest, we all know that the real issue is Blizzard is trying to implement a large guild transfer deal. Especially in the works for X faction gameplay. With this feature being implemented, naturally lots of people will now want to switch, and Blizz will want to make money from that.

I can tell you haven’t done much programing or bug finding. Solutions are NEVER easy to implement. Fix one thing, another breaks and so on.

As for the rest, poppycock. Keep that in General Discussion, it has no place here.


I mean it certainly has a place here. It’s been a month and the only update we’ve received is “we have no updates”. Communicate with the damn player base already
 How many times must they relearn this lesson?

I assume what you mean be the term ‘large guild transfer deal’ is some sort of bulk transfer. How exactly would that work? How would the payment work? Does the guild leader pay to transfer all the guild members?

That one issue is why such a thing isn’t going to be a thing. Occam’s razor applies here.


It’s very simple, the guild leader buys a guild transfer, and those who follow receive 33% off or what ever it was during the bulk character transfer deal a week ago.

Okay, now
 How does that have any impact on the current guild transfer issues? Why wouldn’t they just offer a discount to all character transfers, kinda like the sales they have every few months already?

I’m just trying to understand why Blizzard would do what you’re theorizing instead of just having a sale on character transfers the same as they’ve been doing since transfers became a thing.


You’ve never programmed anything in your life and know nothing about the system at all, so your belief is irrelevant.

I highly doubt it’s the price of the transfers that is causing the issue.

All they can say is “We are working on this issue, but have no updates at this time.” That’s all we’re getting. We don’t get a blow by blow commentary of everything they are trying or have tried.

Again, it’s not the cost that’s gumming up the works. Turning on a discount isn’t going to suddenly make all the issues go away.


I’m currently working as a tester alongside developers for the development of a new platform for a company using Microsoft’s D365, I know it’s not the same for developing a game but from what I’ve experienced is the following:
Product is released > we test > give it the pass and it goes to production. If the client finds a bug, they report it > we take it into a bug/defect triage and determine “is it really a bug or did they ask for this?”, priority, severity > developers work on it. Priority and severity obviously determining what the devs should prioritise.
Devs fix it > we test > if pass, release to production > if fail UAT, send back to devs.

Again, apples to oranges comparison here, the devs are a small group of 5 devs, developing and bug fixing a Microsoft OOTB (Out of the box) software for the client. Whereas Blizz have more developers for their own Intellectual Property. You HAVE to assume that this is priority 1 (possibly 2) and severity 1 (as there is no work around - I know, I called customer support and they couldn’t allow me to transfer my characters and mirror my guild setup on the new realm).

So the problem may be difficult but they have the team to dedicate to this and hopefully would’ve resolved this by now.

Conspiracy theory thought: (this is just for fun) world first mythic runs. Can’t go ruining that.

Just to point it out: What deal? They own the system that does the moves, so who’d they be making a deal with? Themselves?

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