Guild tabard Referencing Hate Group

For sure, but you’re kinda quick out of the gate if you’re saying that basically as soon as the thread is posted lol

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Op,you’re taking this out of context ,it’s an old cross of yore it doesn’t have a meaning by itself and isn’t even related to this hate group.

Do you understand mysticism?


That’s a knight’s templar tabard. You are grasping.


Black Christians might have something to say about this conversation that you might not like.

Such as?


It’s cool if someone doesn’t agree with me, by the way. I’m not really looking to start a conversation about this; I’m just trying to post this in a place so Blizzard can look at it and think about it. It’s fine if nothing is changed, but I think it would be a good thing to at least consider changing it.

LMAO. This actually made me laugh at my desk, and not for the right reasons. This is like when people thought the German hate party (because I apparently can’t say the NA ZI word) came up with the Swastika, and completely forget that the symbol represents rebirth in eastern culture/religions.


And, yet, the swastika is now considered a hate symbol, so using it will get you in hot water. It doesn’t really matter about a symbol’s origins; it matters how the symbol’s used and perceived today, at the present.


Blizzard doesn’t really ready the forums, if you want them to take a look… reporting would be the right way to do it.


Um, I have a lot to say about Christianity/Catholicism, but won’t that get me forum banned?


Likely, which is why I am being as vague as possible.

No, it’s not. You can tell when someone has a small cultural bubble. Yours is showing.

It’s still used, in present day, as the symbol of rebirth, in many eastern religions. My wife is Southeast Asian. I think I have a decent point of reference here.


Oh stop.
We all know it’s just a classic looking Knight emblem.


Only in the west. It’s still a sort of holy symbol in Asian countries.

You’d have to get flagged for that to happen. These forums are incredibly sympathetic to anti christian bigotry. But, it’s still a bit of a gamble. Me personally, I wouldn’t berate anyone based on their beliefs, but that’s just me.


And Op,that where the education begins.

It is Sunday already?!?


This bait was like 144P quality. I could see the pixels


It’s always Sunday.


Yeah, and notice how the swastika has been irrevocably tainted in the eyes of most of the world?

Symbols and their meanings can change, and it does matter. I didn’t know the Charlottesville trash had used medieval symbolism, but if they wanted to avoid the swastika, it makes sense. It’ll be interesting to see if this becomes a trend or not.

Just because you totally disagree with the forum post doesn’t make it bait. I clearly stated my opinion, provided evidence to support why I have that opinion, and did so respectfully. I’m not mad about it, and I’m not expressing anger about it. I’m just simply stating that maybe it shouldn’t be so easy to create a look that (in my opinion) is so similar to a hate group’s look.


There is no pointy hood and the cross isn’t even white inside of a red circle like the one you linked, they’re not the same.