Guild services unavailable

Hi there. I’m aware that, since the 22nd February, guild services, specifically guild transfers, have been unavailable. I’m also aware that there have been several issues since the new character transfer tokens have been introduced, including an issue relating to characters trying to transfer following a guild transfer, and characters transferring to a RP realm.

I’ve been following those issues closely, and have seen very regular updates relating to the RP realm transfer issue, until resolution.

However, there have been absolutely no updates relating to the guild transfers.

From my understanding, the issue isn’t actually with transferring guilds themselves, but with characters then “following” guilds, after a guild transfer. I understand the reasoning behind removing guild transfers from the shop, because then it means that there is no longer an issue with characters trying to follow guilds … because guilds can no longer move. Hence … no problem.

However … for all those people who would like to actually remain in the same guild, transfer their guild bank, their guild reputation and their guild history and achievements, there is no option. We’re all stuck.

There is currently a sale on character transfers however, for those waiting for their guilds to be able to be transferred … they cannot take advantage of that sale. Sure, they can purchase in advance, in the hope that the guild transfer actually turns up again on the store, and that characters are once again able to follow their guilds. But there is no guarantee that it is even being worked on, currently, never mind having a timeline of when that might happen.

I also realise that, in theory, people who purchase a transfer token, who later no longer wish to use it, can probably get a refund. However, that seems very unfair.

I’m just looking for an honest update on what is happening with the issue revolving around guild transfers. The support guides say it is being worked on … but is this top of the list, or is this one of those things, like a lot of stuff that is guild related, that is on the back burner until Fred out the back has a chance to look at it after everything else is finished?

Is it possible, if Fred out the back is really busy and not likely to get to it any time soon, if you could simply just unlink the guild transfer from the character transfer? That way, guilds can transfer, characters can transfer, it just means a tiny bit more work for people rejoining their guilds on the new realm. Which is a win:win situation … we get to move guilds, you get to do less work.

Thank you for your time.

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If there’s any updates, than the given thread listing the current issues and updates as the blues here don’t often have an update upon request. More often than not, if there’s an an update to a given issue and they have a thread with update/answer to something, then they’d post it there. Not much can be done at the moment.


If there were an update to provide, Strappin, we’d provide it. The current system does not work with guild transfers or allow those who wish to follow a previously transferred guild to the new realm. That is what is being worked on, but we don’t have an ETA on how long that might take. Nor can I really give you a priority.

While I am not fully familiar all the ins and outs of the systems I can say with absolute certainty that no, it would not be simple to do any such thing. If it were, it would have been done.


Lord you done went and made they/them mad.

I’m 100% with you for sure, Strapping. It wasn’t unreasonable post; despite the response tone.

/grab Soap Box

It takes 10 minutes to make a post.

For example:

Sorry, Maw Walkers, we are still experiencing issues with Guild Services. Unfortunately. at this time we do not have an ETA.

We understand that having access to Guild Services is very important to many of you. While we are not able to reply to every thread, it’s important to us that you know we hear you. While this problem persists, we commit to keeping our subscribers informed at least once daily.

We appreciate your patience and can assure you that our people are working tirelessly to get this service back to the subscribers.

If I were a supervisor, this is definitely how I would want our team to respond to customers who had concerns about our service/product. It even manages to not sound condescending.

Sometimes, keeping people informed-- in the loop --is enough makes a difference. Even if the issue hasn’t been solved, the person knows they are heard and appreciated. I may have just had exceptional customer service role models but I honestly thought everyone who worked with customers knew that.

/leave Soap Box

edited to correct a bold lettering issue (see how I kept you informed?)


Well to be fair to Vrakthris, he/she/they did give some information, in that my (what I thought reasonable) suggestion of disconnecting guild transfers from character transfers wasn’t as simple as that or they would have done it already. Which was good to know. I don’t know why … but I know enough to know that, for any company, if there’s an easy cost effective and quick solution to something, they tend to do it :stuck_out_tongue:

What is a little frustrating is that the RP issue, which was caused by the same new tokens as the guild services issue, was resolved with a very good level of discussion. They kept people up to date and interacted with them in a reasonable way. The fact that they haven’t done that with guild services suggests either that they are not even working on the issue, or that they have spent almost two weeks on the problem and still have no idea even what the problem is, never mind how to fix it. Or, I suppose, that Blizzard like interacting with the RP community, but don’t support the guild leader community.

None of these help me or my guild members, and I know there are other guilds out there with similar problems.

As a little background - I’ve been running the same guild, and have had a live subscription to wow, with no lapses at all, since early 2007. During that time the realm our guild is on has gone through various issues, but now it’s dead. We can’t buy items that we need to gear up for legendaries on the auction house - because there are none. The cost of raiding mats is double or triple other realms. I log into our main auction house and there might be one other person stood there. At virtually any time of the day.

Essentially, being stuck on that realm is having a big impact on the ability of our members to play the game in a way that we’ve been encouraged to play. Some people get frustrated, leave and pay to transfer to another realm. Others just get frustrated and simply stop playing. In the meantime, we can’t recruit members to the guild because who wants to come to a dead realm? So far we’ve done okay, because we’ve lasted longer than many other guilds on the realm - so we’ve absorbed some of their ex-members. But that’s no longer possible.

Anyway … we noticed that there is a scheduled maintenance this week, which takes the shop offline - any chance that’s to repair the issue with the guild services? /flutters eyelashes

(see … I did a RP thing there … now they can talk to me :stuck_out_tongue: )

*edit … sorry Mademoiselle - I think I must have accidentally pressed something whilst replying. When I came back to the post it said your was “ignored” or something, and was faded out - and I don’t know how to fix that :frowning:

Her post was flagged by the community, nothing you did on your part.

Oh phew! I have a tendancy to accidentally kill technology. :stuck_out_tongue:

Add “fix transmog disappearance issues” to the list of things we hope get fixed with the shop maintenance :smiley: (my Yeti costume disappeared again and left me in this unmogged sorry state again :frowning: ).

Time will tell and fingers crossed! Even if things aren’t fixed with tomorrow’s maintenance, we’ll at least be able to see the end of the expansion to see how this story wraps up, so we win something tomorrow either way!

There’s no problem with the mogs on the shop site. Your account shows you still have it. The problem with the store mogs is game-side, not store-side. The game looses track of the fact you own the mog. It wouldn’t be fixed by shop maintenance but by regular game maintenance.


Going to go ahead and close this topic. Once we have information to share, it’ll be provided in our sticky topic about these issues. As Vrak mentioned in another thread, we tend not to provide “non-update updates” because users are watching these threads and checking them when there have been edits made. We only want to make edits when there is some new information for you all. Until then, we appreciate your patience.

To set some expecatations, the Shop Maintenance noted in the launcher/game client is not related to guild transfers or any in-game bugs. There is a database upgrade happening so the WOW Token will be tempoarily disabled and we may see delays in delivery of purchases.
Edit: The database upgrades have been postponed so we will not be disabling the WOW Token on Tuesday.