I am the GM of my guild and you can add to the list I can’t change guild info, and can’t promote or demote anyone. Guild roster shows people online that are actually offline and it doesn’t update the zone they are in when they are online.
Just adding my two cents. On top of not showing people who are actually online, the guild roster will frequently show people on multiple of their own characters at the same time.
All of the same problems for our guild roster as well, I would really love it if they would fix this issue so that people can do things together
Adding Shadowblades on Gilneas to the list of affected guilds. Roster has not accurately shown online members since the 10.2.7 patch released, and we periodically have the Guild Message of the Day appear for members throughout the day.
Using a /who search for the guild name has proven a partially effective workaround to see who is online, but the results are limited to characters of the same faction as the searcher.
Same thing happens for the guild i’m part of… i even raised a Support ticket and was advised to navigate to the “World of Warcraft_retail_\WTF folder.” and rename to config.wtf
This step will reset your user interface settings to their default values. And if i’m still experiencing issues after this step, to do the following
Log in to the game and open the chat box.
Run the command: /console cvar_default
Gotta wait till more people are able to be online to test it.
Of course they also said that if it doesn’t resolve the issue, to report it here and then resolve the incident
+1 still broken as of today. Maybe maintenance will fix it this week.
Still going on, let’s hope a fix today. It’s sad I actually have to type, hey “so and so” are you on right now?
My guild is still broken
Still broken after todays maintenance. This is a core function of the game and still broken after a week of the patch going live. What gives? You can’t promote players who show offline and the zone you are in sometimes isn’t even accurate if you do show online.
Still not working. This is ridiculous! You would think they could at least tell us they acknowledge the bug and are working on it. It’s been a week and makes playing difficult!
new bug, cant update guild recruitment listing in guild finder, guild challenges GONE, guild log GONE, guildmates cant read motd if its not being spammed, cant read guild information tab…
seriously blizz, wt actual f is going on there?
Is this ever going to get fixed? Feels like amateur hour with such a basic system in the game not working properly for over a week.
This seems wild this bug isn’t fixed yet. Or at least no update on it. Its pretty hard to be social in the guild when it appears only 4 people are on instead of 15.
Broken for myself and my guildmates as well.
Being such an important feature of the game, and absolutely no communcation from Blizzard feels like a spit in the players face to be honest.
How can this simply go unaddressed for this long is beyond me. If I were running the business, a bug of this magnitude would be addressed Day 1, not ignored for over a whole week long period.
The lack of communication with the playerbase tells me that Blizzard isn’t concerned over how we feel.
@blizzard bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Still having the problem of not seeing everyone that’s online in the guild as of a week after 10.2.7. There’s also a bug that guild bank isn’t accessible for every character in the guild. Guild repairs are giving “Guild Internal Error” but that error goes away when you relog/reload ui. In the guild roster when you sort by professions, you can see what characters in the guild have which professions; however, the guild roster doesn’t link the character’s crafting to see what can be crafted by the character or not.
Been noticing the same re: people appearing offline even though they’re online. Weird stuff!
Still an issue after reset.
While preparing for raid we noticed another anomaly. The raid leader did not see me in the guild roster (as typical with this bug), but I suddenly appeared when I auto-awayed. I then disappeared from the roster for them again when I returned. Manually testing with /afk repeated it - they could only see me in the roster while I was flagged as AFK.
As with all of the guild bugs, this is an intermittent problem.
The WoW guild servers/API endpoints are unstable. If you have a problem with not seeing the guild roster, you can literally just spam “logout” and “enter world” until it works. Usually it takes less than 5 tries.
Of course, if you start doing that, then you’ve become part of the problem I suspect, since you’re just making their server load worse.
The whole thing is a mess, and the worst part is that I’m not even sure they’re aware about it. The one CS response on Twitter made it sound like a minor UI issue, instead of literally every single possible guild action being unstable (the reality). Sometimes gkicking fails. Sometimes changing the message of the day fails. Sometimes repairing with guild funds fails.
It’s fun to see what will fail next, especially when you’re in a raid with 20 other people similarly frustrated.
If they really aren’t aware this is a problem and somehow don’t have availability metrics on core game APIs (good action item for a post-mortem!), then maybe they’ll notice during MoP Remix. After all, the guilds are shared with that and normal Retail, so they’ll be just as unstable if not worse (since much more activity).
There’s no way they aren’t aware of this problem. My theory is they either don’t care or don’t know how to fix it. I’ve been telling guildies to come here and post, the hope is if there’s enough attention they’ll take action. I think what bothers me the most is the fact that I’m paying for this complete lack of customer support.