Guild Roster - Cannot sort by Inactivity

One of the main requirements of a guild leader is to be able to remove inactive guild members from their guild.

There is currently NO WAY this is possible easily with the “new” guild roster. As far as I’m aware, any guild leader who wanted to do this prior to now had to either revert to the old /guildroster which has been lurking in the background but, as from 10.1, will no longer exist, or rely on an addon.

The guild roster does show the last time a character was online, however, this is combined into the “Zone” column. Sorting this column sorts by the Zone that character is in, irrespective of whether or not the information in the column shows zone or inactivity information.

It is not possible to sort by inactivity, to work out who has been offline for an extended period of time.

I don’t know whether it was due to size constraints (oh, we only have space for X number of columns, lets combine these …), laziness (can’t be bothered to make another sortable column) or good intentions (if they’re online it will show where they are, if they’re offline it will show how long for - what a great idea!), but for anyone having any intention of being able to maintain a guild reasonably well, they need to be able to sort this information so they can remove those who pass a guild “inactivity” threshold.

I don’t know any guild leaders who do not remove members for inactivity at some point during their maintenance of the guild. As from 10.1, you are making this pretty much impossible for guild leaders, without having to use an addon. And I can’t believe it would be your intention to make part of the game so unplayable, that people were forced to use an addon to be able to make it work.

If you need some help with this, I would highly recommend speaking to the author of the addon Guild Roster Manager:


We have been fighting and complaining about this since Shadowlands. It worked on the new guild screen when Shadowlands launched; however, they patched something that first week, and from that time, it has been broken. I, personally, have submitted tickets, complained on forums, etc., but Blizzard has ignored our pleas each time and now has taken away our only work around in the /groster command. I’m a pissed off GM at the moment.

Guild Roster Sorting Change in 9.1


Wait… seriously?! I always used that old one. :frowning:


Yeah, was wondering about that. It’s what brought me here. Ever since they made the changes to the guild interface (I think when Communities were brought in) I’ve macroed the /guildroster as I’ve always preferred that. As they said, you could sort by last on. For me, it’s not to remove people, but to see who has been on lately. It’s very useful, and lets me see who my most active members are.

I wonder if it has to do with the new Cross-faction guidling but if so, I HOPE it’s a bug and that /guildroster will work again. For many of us who didn’t like the changes made to the interface (except for the archived chat, which can be interesting and also lets me see who’s the most active in guild chat) it’s been a way to get our old guild interface back. I used the old version for everything except reading the chat.


From what I’ve heard, the removal of the old /guildroster isn’t a bug but a deliberate act … it was simply overlooked/accidentally left in when they brought the “new” interface in with communities. They just happen to have only just gotten around to removing it - so unlikely to be back.

I really dislike the “new” version … not least because of all of the bugs that we’re forced to endure on it, but also because it’s just so darn big! And sometimes it just plants itself off to the middle right of the screen, leaving a big empty space to the left, which REALLY bugs me :stuck_out_tongue: You have to just muck around with other screens until something forces it back in place.

I get the feeling that there is no voice for guild leaders at Blizzard any more.


This is really the most important thing facing guild leadership right now!!! lmao Please Blizzard, this is SOOO critical.


Blizzard - restore the /rgoster feature. In removing this feature you have made guild maintenance more of a chore than it already has been.

If you plan to add similar functionality to the modern version, the /goster options must still be restored until the new option exists.

At the very least, provide reasoning as to how the feature harms the game.


We need to drill this as a point now more then ever, since /groster has been taken away. They need to either

  1. Bring /groster back, we were using that
  2. Allow us to sort by inactivity from the current guild tab

Very disappointed to see that /groster was gone as of 10.1. I’m fortunate that my guild is growing steadily and the influx of cross faction alts led me to check on doing a cleanup of inactive toons. It’s nearly impossible to do that though when the current guild roster UI bugs out and resets your list every time someone in the guild does anything… And no sorting by last online or “zone” rather. Really needs to be added back in.


Just making a link to another thread mentioning the same issue:


There has been a fix offered to Blizzard on this thread … hopefully they take note:


I’ve come here as a guild leader needing this to be fixed, please! I’ve been using /guildroster and now it no longer works!


I wish they’d fix this or make the current guild frame have the same functions :frowning:

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This should be a PRIORITY fix, really, imo.


I just wanted to spread the word that “Guild Roster Manager” has added a custom guild roster frame you can sort by Last Online, in the meantime.

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As one who assists in maintaining the roster for our 800ish member guild, the loss of this function is devastating. I used it almost every day. TBH, I’ve hated the new format since it came out. Please bring the old /guildroster back.

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OOh, can you tell me, pls, how to do this? Another member and I have been scratching our heads for days trying to figure it out…

Go to Curseforge and download the Guild Roster Manager addon. You can access the new roster just typing /roster

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They fixed it! Blizzard finally fixed the sorting issue after almost 3 years! happy dance