Guild name

Naming and shaming is not allowed. It doesn’t matter how bad the name is, it does not give you the right to post it in the forums. It is considered harassment.

Spotlight on: Harassment - Support / Customer Support - this thread says:

We do not allow what is considered “naming and shaming” and any such threads are likely to be edited or deleted. No investigations will be initiated as the result of a forum post and could result in the temporary loss of forum posting privileges.

Right-click>Report is the proper way to report this. Thank you for using it first. The time-frame it takes to get to the report can seem long. The group that handles those reports takes reports from around 240 retail realms, plus the Classic, and TBC Classic realms. They generally address them in the order they are received. The more players (not characters) that report it, the faster it will be addressed as it shows Blizzard that it impacts more players.

The name you showed would be addressed even if you are the only player reporting it. It really is inappropriate. It will not be addressed faster because you posted on the forums about it. It will not be addressed faster because you made a ticket about it. Your report is important, but so are the reports from other players.

Reporting a World of Warcraft Guild Name - Blizzard Support

GMs who answer tickets are generally not the ones who address naming violations. A ticket would likely just result in them giving you directions on how to report the name in-game.

Spotlight on: Game Master Help - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums