Guild Name Change

Hello, I could not get an answer from my ticket. We recently had one of our cherished dedicated players unexpectedly pass away in November. I wanted to add her nickname to our guild name in memory of her. If I change the Guild name will i t mess up our guild achievements or make our characters hard to find on the WOW sites?

I am not 100% sure of the answer (I suspect it will cause issues), but you might want to move your thread to the Customer Support forum. That serves as an Information Desk and chances are someone can give you some advice.

To move your own thread, hit the Edit button (pencil icon) and there is a drop down list near the title. Select the Customer Support Forum and it will move the thread.

Unless you are disbanding the guild and reforming a simple name change wouldn’t impact the guild itself other than the name.

WoW Sites should update once you log in with the new guild name. At the latest it usually can take up to the next maintenance period.


Thank you So much for the info


I know this doesn’t answer your question, but what we did to memorialize our members that have passed was to create a guild rank of honor (you can name it what you want) and we moved their toons into that rank. Only officers have access to promote to that rank and then they’re there forever.


That’s a great idea, She was so good to out guild I made her co GM. Never thought I would out live her. She played everyday. She was helpful and friendly to all. Really made you feel like playing the game. Miss her so much.


I Need To Change My Guilds Name. I have checked everywhere to do this. The most I could find is it cost $20. but that does not help me find where to buy it. Can anyone tell me where I can make the Guild Name Change?

Should be available from the Shop icon at the Character Selection screen :wink: If it’s not there, then it’s in-game when logged into the Guild Leader.

Note: It’s only available in Retail and not Classic.