Guild Message of the Day not created by GM (me) now I have security concerns. Advice Please!

Logged in today, after weekly reset and the following 6 Guild Message of the Day (GMOD) displayed

This guild consists of my toons only. They are all accounted for and show on the guild roster. I logged into a number of my other toons and did not get the messages. I use the authenticator every day I log into to play. I immediately changed my password. I do not use Discord. I have had all my toons on the same server from day one and have never moved any to a new server. Any idea why these messages appeared and I am concerned about my account security. Nothing missing in guild bank/personal banks. Any ideas on what happened here? And thanks!

GMOD: Your guild has moved to a new real and/or changed factions! Follow your guild to its new home by purchasing a character service to the shop. You will rejoin your guild automatically once your character service is complete.
GMOD: Brevior vita est quam pro furumentibus negotiam agendo
GMOD: Please download greenwall to talk with the main guild
GMOD: Have fun with Dragons!
GMOD: The future is coming
GMOD: Discord server: d

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That is odd you have a authenticator so ihighly doubt you were hacked.

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The last bit (the Discord link) seems to be the Discord channel of another guild on your server. So I guess the GMotDs got mixed up?

Adding: looks like the url got edited out. So that’s nice.

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i had a similar issue just now. i logged into my main (GM of the guild) and got several guild message of the days from other guilds. it appeared to be from guilds i had formerly been in as i recognized some of the content.

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Not sure, but thank you for the report. Passing it along.

I don’t see any weird access, Bitzei.


If this has happened to you - if you relog, is it still there?


Possibly try a full UI reset, Maybe something is currupted. Does not sound like you have been hacked, they do not waste time with MOTD sillyness

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Thank you for the responses! I’m not seeing these message again on this girl or any other toons so must have been something glitchy.

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Logged in twice today, both times two MOTDs showed up. The correct one, plus weird second one.
First time I logged in, the second message was “Only sometimes”
Second time I logged in it said “Remember: Don’t feed the trolls”
Very weird…

Actually this happened to me last night on an ALT. I got a weird Guild Message of the Day but when I checked the Guild tab, it had the correct message.
I panicked at first and then realized it must be a UI issue with all the other bugs right now. It didn’t show up for my other ALTs.

Happening in our guild too- we have no set guild messages. i log in today
Guild Message of the Day: I have taken over as GM to use the guild bank for storage,if anyone wants GM back please let me know-Lindreith (Alecca)
Followed by Guild message of the day: Welcome Crusaders of the Light. One of my toons is still gm

File a bug report. The more data points QA has on it the more likely they can find the cause.


So I just had this happen today on two of my characters. My wife’s char saw nothing. Absolutely weird.

There was one difference. I played a game of Plunderstorm, she did not. I’ve noticed previously after playing Plunderstorm, when switching over to Retail, the gold arrow in my mini-map would stop functioning for quite a long time. Wondering if this GMotD is a result of Pluderstorm as well.

It is, and it’s been looked into, but nearly impossible to reproduce.

It only seems to happen to a handful of folks, and only after a maintenance, then clears up.

Thanks for your report.


I am unguilded on my other character and getting spammed by random guild messages of the day as well. I am also getting spammed by notifications “You are not in a guild” and random members of said guilds I suppose going offline. I did try to play Plunderstorm right before this but left while in the lobby because very few people were queueing.