Guild leader inactive for over 90 days, and the expansion has launched

How do I go about having leadership transferred? Tickets are currently saying over 25 days of wait time!? Is that accurate?

If you are of high enough rank the automated Dethrone system will offer the leadership to you when the former leader is inactive long enough.


The Guild Dethrone option is automatic, Atalanta. If you qualify to dethrone the guild leader, meaning that the guilder had members of the guild in positions that allowed for it, you’ll be given the option.

If your not in a rank that allows the dethrone, or there are active members who are in a higher dethrone rank, you won’t be given the option.

At no point will a Game Master be able to assist with replacing a guild leader, so a ticket will not be helpful there.


Thank you both for the quick response!


The instructions worked perfectly, and I’m (my other character) is guild lead. Thank you!


Just so this doesnt hapen to you demote anyone thats rank 3 or higher


Thank you for that - though I don’t plan to be away for 90 days, it’s a good safety measure.

Its funny most dont but can never be prepared.

Just out of curiosity, what happens if you’re not in a rank that allows the dethrone and the higher ranked players are inactive, what could be done then?

Nothing would be done then. The guild would stay as it was with an inactive leader.

There have been 3 versions of the guild dethrone system.

  1. From Vanilla and for many years, a player in the guild could put in a ticket to a Game Master if the guild leader was gone for more than 30 days.
  2. Years later they set up an automated system. If the guild leader was away more than 30 days it started giving others the option to take GM lead. From the highest rank down to lowest. That caused some problems, esp in smaller family guilds. Lots of complaints.
  3. Current system. GM is gone for more than 90 days it grants people the option to take lead starting with the top rank and going down to the 3rd. Nobody below that can take lead.

It lets a Guild Master decide if they want to have people in a rank to take over if they are gone or not. It lets them lock down leadership of a guild if they wish so that it is still there years later if they come back. This is not uncommon for smaller social guilds or family guilds.


Mirasol would be correct. If you are not in a rank that is able to dethrone and those that are either are inactive or unwilling to use the dethrone option then nothing happens until either of those two things change. i.e. Someone becomes active who qualifies and uses the dethrone option.