Guild Hunting

Heya, this character has been around for awhile. Can’t say I check the forums a lot, but I’ve been trying to get back into the character so good chance of catching me in-game.

As the topic suggests, I’m looking for a guild. Given the character’s themes, there’s a number of ideal guild types.

RP above all. The character has a greater theme for demons and the like, so a sort of dark/edgy guild with a demonic theme would be great! Otherwise, guilds focused on fighting and stuff is fine too.

PvP second. I enjoy it, but I’m unsure if I can dedicate myself to PvP, but its not something I’ll ever say ‘no’ to in regards to guild activities!


I am not a Horde GM, but I did see a recruitment event happening this weekend, seems like a good place to start!

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I appreciate the plug!

And yeah, the guild recruitment faire is THIS Sunday. If you can’t make it in that time frame, feel free to come join the Discord and check out our guild listings to see many of the guilds recruiting and what they specialize in.

Demonic themes, fighting focus, and loves PvP… :thinking:

Does she have any strong feelings about the Horde, or is she more of a renegade out on her own ventures?

Are you looking for freeform roleplay, pick-up-and-go (i.e. develop things as it comes) or structured D20-lite storylines?

Additionally, pirates or ninjas?


-She cares more about a fight then the Horde itself, so she’s willing to pick fights with the Horde, but as it stands the Horde is the best chance she has to find fights, so she’s down for it.

-Good for freeform roleplay or D20-styled stuff.

-Vikings, obviously.


Gotcha. Let me preface by saying that not all guilds recruit via the forums. There are more in the roleplay community than I assumed, and I was exposed to a huge underground of people wholly embracing Shadowlands plots through the Azeroth Medical Association. If nothing on the forums is interesting you, try to search through some of the discords or other information outlets.

The first two guilds I can think of are The Grim and The Torn. Firstly, while The Grim is pro-Horde, they are moreso concerned with combat and the struggle of life. I could be corrected, of course, but they are constantly engaging with the Alliance in a supreme struggle for control. If Kinsiah is darker-themed with loose ethics, might be a good idea! They are a lovely bunch of folk who have been around for years. Several Vol’kar members are former Grim members, and hundreds of folks on WrA are former Twisting Nether-ites. The Grim will probably be one of the last guilds on the WoW servers. :+1:

The Torn are an oddball bunch that have been around for several years as well. They were big in WoD when the community was turning to itself to get through the timey-wimey-wibbly-wobbly lore. Unfortunately, they are suffering the same issues that many other guilds are experiencing: the lack of enjoyment the game is giving them, tried and silly lore, and forced plotlines that are turning the usual coffee-like-substance that RP provides, into soupy, frothy, spoiled milk. They are mainly discord-based, but they are an adventuring-like-bunch with all walks of life IC and OOC.

Vikings are the correct choice, very good.

I try not to self-promote when helping folks. If you ever get an itch for primarily Horde-centric themes, I suggest looking at the many guilds still around. Blackheart Accord, Steel and Ash, and of course, Vol’kar. ^^

I hope this information helps.