Guild Hall

A customizable guild Hall would be amazing. I’m not the build a base kind of player but I do enjoy helping my friends get the materials they need to do awesome and creative things.

A feature like this would be very ambitious but would certainly be a player favorite, help build community, and be an ever green feature!

If this was a feature to come to be what would you like to see in it?


Not gonna happen. Blizzard’s one-and-only comment on guild halls was “Guild Halls sound like great fun for the guild master, not so much for everyone else.”

And that was that.


I’d like to be able to create wings in the guild hall, one for each type of content. I also think each member should get their own customizable room.

However, Blizzard said they will likely never do Guild Halls, as it would end up putting all the creative fun on the guild master while normal members would be left out.

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I’d rather they did something with class halls again. Create new ones. Put the rogue hall in Ravenholdt Manor like it shoulda been…

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Me like guild hall.

Me put skulls of enimies in hall.

Me like idea.

I would not be so quick with the not gonna happen. Blizzard has walked back on a few things they said was not going to happen.


Yeah I really don’t see a need for player housing, especially after experiencing garrisons. I could see guild/class housing becoming a thing though. Like you as a druid could find your place in a burrow den as a Night Elf Druid or Rogue could find some back alley room somewhere

Have you experienced final fantasy 14s apartments, houses, and guildhalls?

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Nope, I’ve never played ff14.

i dont think that will be a good idea for a few reasons
1 if they set it up to who has access to the hall new players to the lobby and no where else
2 you gather the materials and help to build the hall with the gold donations to help out and you get booted from the guild. and i dont think the gm would like to have tickets being made about having the gold and mats returned to the players. with the gold donation look at warframe you use the ingam cash to build the halls up also

To be honest? I agree with that.

Because of the ever-fluctuating population of the player-base, a guild’s membership is hardly static. On top of that, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a guild in which the leadership changed hands for one reason or another…and then its quality and/or level of activity went downhill fast.

Then finally, there’s the fact that one’s membership in a guild can be terminated on a whim. If an officer didn’t like what a member had to say? BAM…they’re out.

Given all of that…knowing that your efforts toward improving the guild’s hall could be made pointless in a mere moment…what incentive is there to do so? I’d much rather put my time and resources into a player home than a guild hall.


This along with player housing has been asked for pretty much forever now.

As M$ owns bethesda/zenimax AND Activision/blizzard now, maybe/hopefully they add ESO style instanced player/guild housing.

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I see this and I raise you SERVER CITY. Slowly but surely upgrade the cosmetic phasing of your own server’s current XPAK city. It would give guilds and players a goal if they all had a hand in making the in-game world more beautiful.

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Unless it unlocked a dungeon, this would only work on RP servers. PVP and PVE players could likely care less about how the city looks.

That really would be awesome…if only it were possible. The current game engine just isn’t robust and flexible enough to allow it, unfortunately.

It really wouldn’t. And Blizzard has already said no to it. “It’s great fun for the guild lead, not so much for the guild.”

As someone who is guild lead in Old Republic with guild ships… they’re absolutely correct.

Garrisons were not player housing.

Yep. I once lost millions upon millions of credits and hundreds of decos that I added and helped unlock the guild ship as an officer in a guild… and then the guild lead kicked everyone out and sold the guild.


What if more “currency” was awarded for completion of in-game events? They could dump it on cosmetics awarded for monthly contribution.

That’s still geared more towards RPers with currency for cosmetics being the reward.

Not to say there wouldn’t be ANY PVE/PVP players trying it out, but the majority have other focus areas in the game like M+ or Rated BGs

Yes, but I don’t know how we’d make phased player housing or guild halls relevant. Even if it would be geared towards RPers in that fashion (realm city upgrades, cosmetic unlocks for participation, ect.) it at least allows for something the community could work towards cooperatively.