Guild Hall

Make it like ESO Player/Guild instanced housing
Allow for profession work stations to be placed in them, AH access, maybe BMAH access, achievements that unlock housing cosmetic items from doing dungeons and raids or pvp, placeable/pathable NPCs, and of course make it a hearthable location.

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I disagree if ALL players can’t access it. It would become like WOD, where it is just me in my garrison. I’m all for community spaces, but for them to be available to all the players to enjoy.

It then becomes a battle of Instanced player/guild housing like ESO (where you can invite anyone to your group or guild and thus inside) VS Neighborhood player/guild housing like FFXIV (Where anyone can come in but real-estate is limited so not everyone can get a place of their own)

I have my own guild for me and my alts so guild housing would just be account housing anyways.

Just skip the middleman and give us actual player housing.


Phased housing is relevant in almost every other MMORPG.

I don’t need the community working on anything to do with my house.

Public listings exist to visit others. Wildstar had the ability to have a neighborhood of friends with the way their phasing worked. Different levels of key access can be given to friends, as well.

People do not sit in player housing. People sat in Garrisons because it was a profession and quest hub.

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The problem with community built city is it will inevitably have to be pretty bare bones to prevent a lot of problems. I’d rather have an xpac city that’s the SAME on every server rather than having to think “Oh that’s not there on this server, it’s over here instead”. Especially if it can change over time where you get a “oh that’s not here this week it’s over there, but on this other server it’s here.”

You can prevent those problems but then you get something like a “The pvp building is blue vs the pvp building is purple” type of thing. It would be watered down garrisons but public in some ways even.

Now if there was a GUILD HALL where it posted leaderboards for the server kills and guild group completions in-game that’d be neat.

who says a tracking board furnishing item for housing couldn’t be added that does just that?

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I do worry about abuse with this feature, if ever implemented. I’d rather they invest resources in more dimorphism with the races and removing racial class restrictions for the most part.

They already are, next up will be druid and paladin for everyone, the reason they are last up is cause of all the customizations that have to be created for every race. Custom Pali race mounts and druid forms take a lot.

Guilds are dead.

Is there a roadmap or reference for this? I had suspected the black/red druid flight form with the eyebrows was a potential nod to belf release?

No real ETA on it, but for sure before the world souls saga ends.

With Warbands coming as a feature, this might be a nice thing to do for the Warbands exclusively. It wouldn’t be on any given server, but a place where all your characters could go to do crafting or farming or to access the Warband bank, etc.

It isn’t -quite- player housing or guild housing, but something in between. It could have places for armor sets to be displayed, different rooms for collecting trophies, an achievement area, etc. In essence, it’s the cumulative experiences of you, as a player, in World of Warcraft.

And then if you allowed us to buy or build furniture for it (think tapestries, weird enchanted fountains, woodcarvings, rugs made of animal skins, etc.) and place them how we’d like in that space, it might be a lot of fun.

I especially like the farming idea so that you can, for instance, raise chickens, or cows, or grow carrots or be a beekeeper. Anyway…a million little mini-games to just pass time when you don’t feel like doing something more complicated. That sounds really nice and cozy, and if the decorations for the place were related to doing things in-game, it might incentivize people actually playing in the game to get those things.

Just a thought.

There has been no official word on this. You made a huge assumption here.

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Add player housing, give the players the option to allow friends/guildmates to build on their lots. Build a Guildhall.

In fact the only official word we’ve gotten recently was “no current plans”.

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In the future there will be customizable locations - homes/guilds/types but likely at an additional cost

open world survival games would be great for u

They stated they are homogenizing at past blizzcons, hence warrior, rogue, hunter, priest, mage, and warlocks were all worked on and gradually released over time. It’s no assumption. I think it was former lead combat designer Brian Holinka who did the interview, but he left in May 2023.
They did say that druid would be more difficult cause of all the racial models.

Shaman, Paladin, and Druids take longer because they have race specific class skills like druid forms, paladin mounts, or shaman totems and creating that takes way more time.

Evoker and Demon Hunters will be the only exclusion.