Guild gold isn't enough to afford repairs and items for members

We have a 550 characters guild on Benediction ally, in our guild we have 3 10m raiding groups that are currently progressing on H Rag, all of these groups have been clearing 6/7HC for atleast 2 weeks now.

The problem is that we can barely afford cauldron flasks for our raid groups with the current methods to obtain gold, let alone repairs, food and pots. We max at 2750g per week since we don’t do RBGs. This doesn’t feel fair for a guild this big and active to not be able to access such basic guild perks because there are no methods to generate extra gold.

Here are few solutions we’ve thought:

  • Gold reward per HC boss kill;
  • Gold reward per raid completed in guild group (remove current cap);
  • Gold reward per dungeon completed in guild group (remove current cap);
  • Gold reward per quest completed by member (used to be like this in the past) - “Oh, but the bots and guild hoarders are going to abuse it!” fine, just make a separate guild gold amount, innaccessible to withdraws and can only be used for repairs.

We know we’re going to be ignored, just wanted to share.

you dont make gold selling BoEs? I run a small 10man group and this tier our bank made over 500k just on BoE Sells.

Blame blizzard for removing the cashflow perk.

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This is a good ideia, we currently roll MS>Greed our BOEs since the raid members felt it would be fairer. But since we have multiple independent groups, I fear it would cause unecessary drama between people when not everyone is bringing in the same amount of gold, so I would rather not be able to afford repairs to avoid this.

Make it a guild activity to power through Molten front dailies after raid. Easy 5000+ gold.

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If you do not wish to sell the BoEs to fund repairs and consumables, then have your raiders provide their own. It is that simple; they cannot have it both ways. Regardless of the approach, some people will be upset. It is about doing what is best for the guild.

To avoid drama, you could put it up for a guild vote. Give them 2 options.

  1. All BoEs go to the guild to be sold to fund repairs and consumes.
  2. Leave BoEs as they are. But players fund their own consumes and repairs.

Which ultimately impacts this.

Because either way, people are going to make more or less gold than others; that is just how the game works and how the economy functions.


so instead of making gold for the guild for repair (and presumably feasts and cauldrons) by selling the BoE’s, you just give them out to the raid members for them to sell? if this is the case then they better be bringing their own food and flasks.

if you do plan on making this a change where the guild sells the BoEs for repair cost then make it known ahead of time that the policy will change with Dragon Soul opening up since that shouldn’t cause too much drama compared to switching it mid tier


Since DS will be available for 6-7 months, it may be best to sell the BoEs for the first three weeks. To further support the guild bank for consumables, you can sell the BoEs to raiders for half of the AH price, with the condition that they equip the items and do not resell them. Continue this until your raid is fully equipped and no longer needs the BoE gear, then revert to selling the items on the AH. This strategy will help fund guild repairs and consumables.

This ^

I help my guild farm the mats for Cauldrons and feasts. We don’t usually buy them as that costs a lot of gold.

Since OP has over 500 members and 3 raid teams, they could talk with the guild and designate people to farming herbs/fish. It takes a while, but it would save gold in the long run.

Heres your issue right there personal gold over guild gold. Guild i am in has 5 10 man teams 650k gold in the bank at which split among the raid teams as a diviends at the end of the phase and will leave 250k in the gbank for DS.

My previous guild made all raiders pay 600g a month which gave them access to flasks and guild repairs.

each raider can do 25 daily quests per day, alot of them reward 50g each.

otherwise as other have suggested selling boes from raids or selling crafted gear with the embers

Its silly to not sell off your BOEs.

Letting people roll on them so they personally have the gold and then not buying their own flasks/repairs, how is that fair?

We have plenty of gold from selling boes and were able to buy the boes we needed for people, fund all cauldrons and feasts.

If people are going to be dramatic over it then tell them to supply their own stuff.

Running three 10-man groups instead of a single 25-man group is more expensive, as it at least 20 extra feasts per week. This estimate only one feast is used per raid, no one dies the raid is cleared in under hour. However, since you are doing Ragnaros progression it is probably safe to say that each group will need 7-10 feasts per week This translates to approximately 21-30 fe per week, costing around 100 gold each, amounting to 2,000-3, gold weekly just for feasts, not including cauldrons and potions. Then you allow your raiders to roll on BoE’s. You are only hurting the guild and your players.

Either farm more gold, whether that’s through the AH, dailies etc or just cap guild repairs.

I mean there is, do you mean passive gold like from the removed guild perk?

the gold you get weekly should be enough for repairs. have the repair only on for the raid time.
as for the feasts/cauldrons, have your raiders contribute with either mats/gold for them.

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I liked how the interpretation of this post spiraled completely out of the problem I brought up, and everyone assumed the raiders aren’t already paying for their own repairs, food and pots.

Come on guys, we’re progressing on H Rag, we all know how to grind gold and no members are complaining about having to spend their own gold. Let me try to rephrase the problem: there are currently no other methods to passively earn gold to the guild like there used to be on CATACLYSM (aka cashflow).

I thank you for the suggestion of selling BOEs, but as I said, it would likely cause drama. It is simply impossible to control how much each member/group brings to the bank on such a large guild, and if we were to try and control it, the raiders would probably leave the guild and form their own to avoid the headache - what if group 1 brings in 20k for 2 straight months from lucky drops and group 3 brings 0? Are they snatching the BOEs and keeping the gold for themselves? Are they not following the rules? Were they just unlucky with drops? - we’re not an english speaking guild, so our guild is an important connection point to our smaller community, everyone would lose should the guild disband or decrease it’s size. So it’s in our best interest to avoid unecessary conflicts between members.

Our frustration is regarding the fact that there are no methods for the guild to generate gold passively, where all members contribute and benefit equaly from efforts. And it’s a shame that on such a large guild, the only thing we’re able to afford with passive gold are the cauldron flasks for the raiders.

It does not matter what each group contributes because the funds should be divided evenly among the raiders. Your a guild a guild is a team, teams work together.

By having BoEs sold by the guild and the funds deposited to the guild bank, every raider benefits, rather than just one or two individuals who get lucky and win a roll.

EVERYONE would win in this case. This is 100% how guilds pay for repairs,consumes and other things.

ALL boes go to the guild bank.
Greens and blues get disenchanted along with bop purples to supply guild enchants
BoE purples get auctioned off and the funds get put in the guild bank.

Everyone wins.

Then they don’t need to be in a guild if they don’t want to support it, so it can in turn support them, it’s a scratch back system, get in line or get gone.

100% but alot of people do not understand that, though. This is the participation trophy generation; they want everything for nothing. I am playing, so I should receive everything I want, even if I lose.