It’s been a while since I’ve posted on any forum at all, but I could use some community guidance.
With the advent of Communities and Discord servers, I think I’ll be able to access in-game content easily enough without a guild, that I can pursue an RP guild and not feel like I’m missing out on the actual game.
This character here could probably stand to benefit particularly from a guild community, on account of her themes. I’ve had several fantastic interactions with her already, including a fun walk-up the other night outside the Slaughtered Lamb, but I’d like to consider the possibility of involvement in something.
Frankly, she’s a particularly edgy, monstrous character; I have a penchant for them-- my main is similar, but not as prone to antagonism as Nau’rissa can be. Nau, by circumstance of who she is and what she does, probably has few friends amongst her own race.
Some things that would fit her: Mercenary enclaves, Bad Company type unorthodox-conscript battalions, cults/Orders related to Old Gods and the Void, black market/underground circles. Stuff like that.
I may seek guilds on other characters as well… I’m torn whether or not my warlock and druid will end up in an RP guild or a content guild. I’m going to try to make Communities and Discord work before committing one way or another like that.
If you have a guild, or a lead to a guild, that you think would be a cool fit for this Hunter here, do drop an advertisement in this thread! I would appreciate it a lot.
This is my Warlock, for reference. Some folks might recognize Shorelya; she’s been a smash hit for the time I’ve had her out in the wild, and to be honest, it’s really touching. I’m super happy that people have appreciated my characters and story writing. It’s what has emboldened me to make this post to begin with.
From time to time I have revisited the “Villainous” community only to continue to see all the dark plots existing in specifically controlled niches. I have seen a treasure trove of ideas, great for those of matching interest, but for those with a broader scope, it leaves one feeling ill-fitted.
I would propose establishing a community where all manor of dark storytelling can find a common ground. A “Den of Iniquity” so to speak. A place where various Guilds of ill repute can recruit and share their progressive stories with the community and possibly collaborate with other guilds or solo RP personas.
Just an idea, and one more suited to those of greater dedication than I, but if someone where to establish such a community, I would be happy to exploit it for my own personal gains.
I mean we’re technically anti-heroic? Most of the folks in-guild aren’t exactly Paladins, and even the ones who are aren’t Holier than thou Light zealots, more the judge Dredd sorts.
Can always request and interview and I’ll provide one when I can.
On that note, any guilds for unconventional/dark characters leaning towards druids? I’ve been having a lot of fun on my druid using the forsaken ephemeral enchantment on a kul tiran–it fits so freaking well with the scarecrow transmog
“Step into my office” his office is ironically an open forest with a weirdly out of place desk in the center (Do feel free to whisper me in-game though, will gladly schedule an interview)
I noticed pretty quick that any ‘dark RP’ is usually done in smaller groups, which makes sense. The themes aren’t for everyone and I’ve seen the grittier stuff go to peoples heads out of character more than anything else.
I have a pretty full schedule in real life but I think I can figure out a way to make it worth peoples time to get a cross faction guild going. I’d love to be able to toss some ideas around with people and help get my finger on the pulse of the ‘dark RP’ community and what they might be looking for.
It would be nice to have this all-encompassing for a variety of different stories, but I wouldn’t want to bloat the place up either. I’ll try to get some framework setup.
Speaking only for myself. I’m looking for a Community. Not a Guild. As for specific themes I personally enjoy undead and Necromancy focused themes, but I am open to other things as well.
Interesting! A community of some sort would be less restricting. Like the WoW ingame community tool thing? I wasn’t sure if people used that. Or some kind of Discord or something else to kind of facilitate that and connect RP’ers who are looking for the same thing?
I’m interested in starting something. Trying to find the best way to go about it now.
Yes, I was speaking about an in-game Community, and a Discord to go with it is a good idea. But these are just my suggestions, other folks may have different opinions.
But if you are still looking, do whisper me on this character, more than happy to setup an interview or if you have a name for the Druid I can contact them vice versa.
I haven’t made any decisions yet. I’m still internally recovering from being sad about a prior social situation.
Thank you all for the suggestions and stuff!
Regarding Order of the Lamb: I actually was in your guys’ discord server for a while. I joined anticipating being able to build a new computer but it never materialized. I was gifted the one I currently have! You guys have never left my radar.
Nau’rissa here is magically inclined, for sure. She’d potentially fit in that context. Shorelya absolutely would and she was my initial idea for it.
Regarding communities, servers: I think that’s the way I’m trending internally right now, in regards to finding people to play content with. I feel it’s easier to find people to run M+, raids, and PvP with in those environments, than it is to find RP.
I’m still monitoring this thread! I’ve been a bit busy irl to be replying frequently, but I’m still here. Thank you again everyone for your input.
Regarding this particular topic, I have broadened my search to WRA and have stumbled across a like-minded desire there as well. Though they are mostly Guild centric at the moment, there is an established Discord in which to engage and communicate.
Myself, I would still rather see the birth of a Community where in we can all collectively gather and share input, ideas, guild and event advertisements for all things Dark and Foreboding. (lesson in terminology: Dark RP does not mean ERP RP. Bring some maturity to the table, will yas?)
Here is a link to the WRA discussion I was referring to. Remember, us villainous types are all in this together… until the end. Then may the best Villain win! . . . ME!