Guild Faction Change In 10.1

Good morning, I am wanting to switch my guild from Horde to Alliance but am wondering if it will create a new guild since cross factions guilds are enabled. What will be the outcome? Will we lose the Wow Progession this tier as a guild? Is it like starting the guild from 0? The guild bank will it be copied over?

I am trying to find out the outcome considering the guild cross faction are enabled.

Thank you

This should give you the information you need. Also keep in mind that the guild leader must be the same faction as the guild.


The Guild Faction Change service still works the same, so when initiated it will still create a placeholder guild.

As noted in the article Sendryn linked, you’ll lose progress on incomplete achievements. Your guild bank will go with.


What happens to those in placeholder guild who dont leave? Do they have a certain amount of time to stay there before if goes away?

No, there is no time limit before it self-destructs. The placeholder guild remains and functions as a normal guild for those who may remain.