Guild Chat/Roster Is Blank

As of 12:30PM Eastern, I’m no longer able to see anything in my guild chat or member roster. I am still in the guild. The other guild members are reporting the same thing and so are people in Trade chat.

EDIT: This has now been fixed. Thank you.


I’m having the same problem as well

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Same for me, can see MOTD upon log in, guild bank is fine too. Cannot chat or see guild interface.

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Yeah mine is blank as well

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Everyone in my guild is also experiencing this issue.

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Yeah our whole guild lost visability

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I am having the same issue. Several in my guild have contacted me and said they are having same issue.

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Same here. It isn’t just Guilds either, I cannot see any of the Communities I joined either.

Same mine is not working ether but can see Guild message of the day

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same here!

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same here i sent a bug report, but guild members are saying the same thing so whats going on?

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I reported this issue back in September and it didn’t gain any traction even though it was fairly reliable to reproduce for me (always happening after my first log-in for a game session). The workaround I came up with was attempting to scroll the guild log’s window which forces a retrieval of the chat (though sometimes this still doesn’t work).

Sounds a bit like something was changed which is making this occur for far more people.

EDIT: I see this is also about roster, which our guild currently isn’t experiencing. Still just the random chat blank issue for us.

Same, can’t use Guild Chat, Guild Roster/Chat window is blank

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posting again for more traction

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Yep reporting the same issue here. Guildie and I are online and we both cant see the guild interface. The guild bank, guild recruitment post and guild repairs are still working.

This sounds a bit more like the guild community framework might be struggling. Are you guys still able to use guild chat even without the log being available?

When I use /g in game it disappears as soon as I hit enter


Having same exact issue. I turned off all add-ons, reset UI, etc. Still not working.

Guild and Community list is missing.

It’s the same behavior for me.