Guild Chat/Roster Is Blank

Same issues also, (pretty bad when you are the guild master. Also I can’t interact with many ncpc’s to sell or like using my Yak I cannot transmog my gear

Same issues across multiple guilds on multiple servers, from low-pop RP to full pop.

Issue still present and Battle net services are being clunky to boot

Was just DC and after logging back Communities are back but not guild.

Edit. Some communities I’m in, not all of them.

Same on all my toons on Mal’ganis, but on a Blackwing Lair guild I am in, it works fine.

Working fine for me as of now!

Same problem. The temporary fix was to /gquit and get invited back…then the data feed started rolling in for that one alt.

Not a suitable fix and very tedious.

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We had that problem some time ago, The Guild master did a " scan and repair’ and we were fine again. I am not sure if this will work for you , but it solved our problem. It was his ui messed up bugging us out.

Same issue for me. If I open the guild and communities tab, it is blank. If I type /ginfo I can see that I am in a guild, number of members, when it was formed, etc.
But the guild interface is empty. It’s tru for all the toons I’ve tried so far.

I’m having this same issue as well. Unable to see the guild in the Guilds & Communities tab, but other people can see that I am online in the guild. I’ve already followed the steps online to reset the interface to no avail.

This happened to me too. It let me apply to my guild through the guild finder and getting invited from the application fixed it w/o even accepting the invite.

Still having this issue.

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Same thing, when i hit the “J” social screen, it asks me to join a new guild eventhough I show my guild tag and can see guild chat in the chat log. However no option under the social screen.

Same here. Nothing in the social screen.

Same issue

It’s working for me now.

Can this please be fixed before we have to do raid invites tonight?

chat was just working for me and then it went black

One minute it’s there, then I relog for something and my communities and guild can’t be seen.
I’m not gm/co-gm on any of my characters

Same, bank guild is fine, main guild that I’m GM in, none of my toons can see the roster/chat.