Guild chat not showing

Also not working on any of my characters.

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Phew… glad I’m not the only one.


I tried the suggested solution, to reset everything by renaming my directories and I still can’t open my guild & communities window and still can’t chat in guild chat.

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I’m also having the same issue logged on and cant open the guild tab.

I am having this same issue on all my toons.

I think this may be an issue. I tried to login and the servers were unavailable.

My guild chat is down. My boyfriend sitting 2 feet away - his is working.

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same here ever since 2nd restart, cant get to it, i exit wait 5 mins log back in worked for 5 mins then back to no chat, no addons installed either

My Guild experiences this periodically. The General chat tab occasionally does not display a guild member’s /g chat, but when you open the Guild & Communities window, we see and the silenced guild member’s typed message. The only thing that seems to work for us is to quit wow, quit the blizz app and then log in from scratch. After logging in, you can see the silenced guild member’s /g chat in the General tab, and their chat messages are still unattributed in the Guild & Communities window. This work around does not always work, but it does sometimes. This happens with zero addons enabled, as well as after a client restart. /resetchat does not work. Quitting the blizz app completely seems to be required.

This is happening today since the patch and extended down time. Wifes character shows the guild etc, but my pc right beside hers only shows my classic guilds/communities. My main one that I play retail with doesn’t exist what is going on!

This thread is from last week and I’m pretty sure those issues were resolved. You might want to give some of the troubleshooting from early on in this thread a shot and see if it clears up for you.

I figured it out apparently GTFO is broken, install it from Curseforge its out dated back to 1/16 and shows as corrupted. Tried reinstalling same thing still shows as corrupted and that for some reason breaks the interface/guild function in game. Uninstall GTFO and everything works just fine, went back and forth to confirm it a few times so waiting on GTFO to get updated.

GTFO was updated Jan. 16th 2020. Not Jan. 2016.
The current version is 4.59 and it’s not tossing any errors n my Bugsack addon.


Well I’m glad for you that it’s not but for me and others it is. And the date was for 2021 I didn’t feel it was necessary to add the obvious. Also its 2021 not 2020, so thanks for the smart correction.

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He was trying to help by making sure you had the current version number. No reason to get hostile.

I know you say you tried reinstalling the addon, but you may want to try a reinstall after resetting your UI as outlined in Post 2. There’s a possibility some leftover code could still be corrupted if you simply uninstalled and hit the download button again.


Regardless of the fact that I mistyped 2020 instead of 2021, the addon was updated as recently as 3-4 days before the post that led me to believe that the poster was stating the addon hadn’t been updated for quite a while.


Me and a few guildies are having same issue on area 52 server, none of us have GTFO addon. we all turned off our addons and did a /reload and still have same problem, som ppl in guild aren’t showing up they show up as [ ] and only way to see their chat is to keep guild chat window open. Its still happening as of feb 1st 2021.

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If you’re experiencing this, please be sure to also try some of the other troubleshooting from the start of this thread.

Be sure to try /reloadchat and if that doesn’t do it, you might want to try a Full UI Reset to rule out a faulty UI or addon. Just disabling them and typing /reload isn’t the same as a full reset.

Lastly, be sure to post in the Bug Report forums so that the QA team can look into it to ensure this isn’t an ongoing issue.


Same issue here. Tried everything suggested here and then some. Started yesterday. Can’t see guild chat in my chat window – I can see it in the Guild and Communities box when I press the (I) key but not in my own chat window.

Have you filed a bug report? Include the steps you’ve tried when you do.