Guild Broken

When any of my guildies or myself log onto a character, it auto leaves the guild.

Tried shutting off all my addons with no luck


We are running into the same issue with ours

Same issue here with my guild Severity Gaming on US-Illidan.
How can you screw this up this bad? Even with extended maintenance???

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Yeah my guild is also running into the same issue. Saved By Gamon - Zuljin. I’m the GM and just said I left, same for everyone that logs in. We can still find it in guild finder,

Same issue with my guild multiple people in discord are having the issue for Morning brew US-Illidan total of 10 people in my guild are currently homeless!

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Yeah this is so bad, idk what’s happening

Same problem, incredible work.

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bumping again. screw all of the “item issues” posts right now… you literally blew up a pre-existing community construct. Fix this before rollbacks aren’t an option and you have to opt for some other crappy solution that further inconveniences others.

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Fortunately we were all in discord, so when I saw it pass to another officer, I told him not to log on at the moment, which he was fine with.

I can’t imagine for some guilds tho D:

Linking these 2 threads.

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There is definitely something dodgy going on at the moment. Our guild was literally just wiped off the map with restart… GM logged in and he was also removed from the guild and our guild has ceased to exist in the game itself.

Here is a link to the guild:

But we no longer exist in the game. This seems to be affecting everyone who server-transferred recently. Our guild transferred to Alliance for 9.1.

I wonder. Do all the guilds have something in common? We server transferred and faction transferred from Whisperwind - Alliance to Thrall - Horde in Nya’lotha. I’ve also tried turn off all my addons and that did not stop my characters from leaving.

Thank you!

Here is a link to my guild, that was wiped from the server when we logged on:

GM logged on and was also no longer in the guild.

The only thing that seems to link all of us having this issue is that we faction changed in the last few months. My guild faction changed to Alliance from Horde for 9.1.

Please fix this.

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My guild swapped back in BFA prior to 9.0, so longer than a few months.

Yeah we faction switched at the end of SOD, so just a few months ago

My guild faction transferred back in BFA, OG guild is still on horde and not having the issue.

I’m guessing it’s the cross faction stuff they brought in with 9.2 that’s causing the issue.

But this is a pretty huge issue.

They will sort it, just get Wabbs to lodge a ticket and in game bug report. Something always going squirelly with things like this.

Posting my response from the other thread about this:

We were just bit by this as well; the second any of our guild members log in, they’re being automatically removed from the guild, so I warned our guild master to NOT log in, in order to preserve our guild bank and other stuff.

Just to provide some history, last year we faction and server transferred from Proudmoore Alliance to Illidan Horde.

This is happening to my guild too - everyone logging in gets kicked immediately. Also transferred at end of Dec 2021 from Proudmoore-Alliance to Illidan-Horde.

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