Guild Broken

My guild is currently going through the same thing as well :confused:

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Wow, what a great time to start a new PvP guild trying to get new members!!

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Bump to get back to top. Pls fix.

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Any word from Blizzard about how this is being addressed?

@Blizzard can you at least acknowledge the issue and help us understand how you are prioritizing it???

I don’t think you understand the level of panic and frustration you just put a portion of your player base through. It’s been an incredible time sink having to communicate with my entire community and quell their concerns as people discover that they are no longer in our guild.

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Same thing here, please fix it!
Guild from Azralon-US.

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Bump again…

Any update @Blizzard?

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Same on Azralon guild, please fix it.

Any fix for this? @Blizzard

It appears to have been fixed. In our case, people who hadn’t logged on yet and just logged on now were still in the guild. The GM passed to another officer and G-Bank is still there.

So just have people who hadn’t logged in yet to try to log on (have like one or two do it to test it, just in case) and it may have been fixed.

People who were removed from their guilds have to be re-invited to their respective guilds.


Just had the same thing happen here, it seems safe for now.

looks like they mass injected those that got booted. but it does not preserve rank, time in guild, officer/player notes.

seemingly cannot promote or demote those that were injected back in.