Guild Banks WONT Be in At TBC Launch

They were like that in prepatch, everything else fits though.

well all the other QOL wasn’t and now are added in PRE PATCH, dunno if Summoning stone was on launch or pre patch, but how cares, guild bank is HUGE.

i bet Omar Gonzalez was working on Guild Bank and then he left… and no one know how to make it work on launch.

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Whatever you’re on, you should cut it out.

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No reason for them to give them to us sooner? They could say no changes and make us wait till ZA. They’re going to give them to us sooner.

I never account shared as a gm. My last gm didn’t account share. Only the gm needs the gbank.

Seeing how unprepared they are for TBC’s launch, they should probably start working on Classic Wrath right now.

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What sucks is this would have been a real good opportunity for transparency.

Just admit, gbanks aren’t ready, we’ve prioritized other things and they’ll be in as soon as we can add them. That would be great.

Yeah but that’s not the blizzard we know is it? Too bad they don’t go no changes from 2007 blizzard.

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TBF, you’re assuming they really didn’t plan to have them in at launch, which honestly could be 100% true.

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This is pathetic. They fleece their player base for paid features that were NEVER in TBC but won’t add an actual feature from TBC that greatly reduces guild management headache?

Let people free up their bank alts for actual characters to play!


Sounds like you are the entitled one, I’m guessing you have never had the job of managing a guild bank before?

So was the LFG tool, but they aren’t going to have it ready by then :frowning:

Your statement is wrong on so many levels I’m not sure where to start in my response. It’s not a “GM Bank”, it’s a “Guild Bank”. You, the GM, already have your own banks. The purpose of the Guild Bank was specifically to allow multiple guild members across multiple accounts access. If you want bank space that’s only for you, the GM, then you have no worry because that’s already in Vanilla and persists through TBC. It’s called “the bank”.

It is a guild bank for sure. But we still didn’t account share. We still switched to the guild bank and gave people whatever they wanted whenever they asked for it. We used the guild bank website. It’s really no big deal if you trust your GM. I have never heard of anyone account sharing in all my time in classic or even pservers. The GM controlled the gbank. That’s how its always been. It’s not wrong if everyone is ok with it. You go ahead not trust your gm though.

Sounds like based on the wording that they may be having troubles getting them to work properly. It’s not like they “don’t” want them in the game at launch.

This is absolutely ridiculous. So initially they we’re introduced in patch 2.3. If we’re starting with patch 2.4 why wouldn’t they already be there?

I have 4 characters that are holding guild stuff which means I can’t even play them. Are they going to give additional spaces to create new characters then?

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So the bank guild theft drama(s) won’t be posted right away at TBC Classic release then…

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Please reconsider this Blizzard!

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Just incompetent.