Guild Banks Pt. 14

Well it’s still going.

Only the topics that have been consistent. Things like Classic™/Retail transferability and Class Balance.


Ah, OK. So I can necro the transferability thread and it’ll hold more weight to you?


No because your intention is not sincere. I mean really, this is what your goal is this morning?


This thread was LITERALLY necro’d as a distraction…



People are still talking about it.

People are still making threads about transferability.

Goalposts …


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It’s actually after 2100 where I’m at. And isn’t this the goal of posting? To keep the thread going?


All I did was make a point about what topics survived and you’re on some kind of xkcd-induced crusade to prove…what?

If a new thread on the topic is created weekly but doesn’t get over 100 replies does that mean the topic didn’t survive?


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It’s called traction


That’s…not what traction is dude

I know. You failed to answer my question, which is why I repeated it.

Go ahead. Tell me a topic is dead even though threads are consistently made about it.


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Then why not just keep posting on the one thread?

Answer: because it’s not that important and falls off the radar.

Like this one did, until it was necro’d as a distraction.


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I knew you were gonna say that. So why didn’t another thread get started?

Answer: traction

Because, as this thread indicates, only about 4 people are legitimately advocating for Gbanks.


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Well thank Elune you’re here

Sure, we’ll go with that.
