[quote=“Fesz-cenarius, post:1734, topic:18293”]
So, TWELVE major patches during vanilla and not one included guild banks, but you now want to cliam that putting the finishing touches on SSC caused guild banks to be pushed back to almost THREE YEARS after WOW launched?
Uh, when it released, they thought they’d be doing good to have 100,000 subscribers.
They hadn’t even implemented any kind of meaningful PvP system into the game.
The programmers were swimming against a strong current from the start.
Why are the servers crashing?
Hurry up and help us get this PvE content out before the players outlevel it. (Mauradon).
Why are the servers still crashing?
Hurry up and help us release another PvE dungeon, and several outdoor raid bosses.
Why are the servers still crashing?
Hurry up and get the PvP Honor System out the door, we promised to the players 5 months ago!
Why are the servers still crashing?
Hurry up and get the PvP Battlegrouns out already, maybe they’ll stop crashing the world servers if they move into the BG’s.
Why are the PvP BG’s Crashing?
Why are the Servers in general still crashing?
Let’s get this new 40 man Raid Zone out the door.
Why are the Servers crashing again?
Let’s add a 20 man raid zone and another PvP BG.
Oh No! The Servers are crashing again.
Let’s add more outdoor raid bosses.
Oh No, they’re crashing servers again, but at least it isn’t as bad this time.
OK, time to start working on the next Expansion Pack while we’re also finishing up on final development of both a 40 man and 20 man raid dungeon.
Ok, the 40 man and 20 raids have been released, the servers are crashing again.
Keep working on TBC, but also help us with this new final 40 man Raid Zone.
Also, let’s release an update to the game engine which introduces weather effects!
Phew, the last one didn’t crash anything, that helped us focus more on TBC and Naxx, time to release Naxx
Why are the servers crashing again?
–Oh hey, we want to do some things in TBC which are going to require some significant changes. And a number of realms could benefit from them sooner rather than later, and they’re a MAJOR PVP item, could you expedite getting that Cross-Realm-Battleground capability into the release version of the game rather than waiting for TBC to come out?
Ok, TBC’s gone live, the realms have been crashing constantly for a couple weeks. Also, SSC is murdering people’s game clients, is there anything we can do help with that? Keep working on BWL’s code while your at it.
Also, we’ve decided the game needs in-game voice chat, can you start integrating that into the game client?
Hey, we’ve decided getting guild banks officially implemented in the Game would be a really good idea, and have made it a priority because it’s an amazingly awesome QOL feature, can you make that happen?