The “misconception” is you claiming that I said “adding A will lead to Z” .
What I said was that adding A sets a precedent for adding other things, that adding A make it easier to add B. Adding B makes it easier to justify adding C.
I don’t see the need to have guild banks. Just distribute all potions and flasks out to raiders as they are accumulated. They do not need to be stored on a alt account that all officers have access to. The only reason to have a guild bank is to store potions and flasks for raiding. Materials for crafting should be distributed between those whom are there to acquire them and can use them. Any BoE that is picked up by the guild should be rolled out to whoever wins it or whomever is decided to get it by the loot council. Hording items in a guild bank or alt account for multiple people to use, will only create arguments in Classic when items start to disappear slowly.
To those who will say it is a better use of time for whomever created the flasks and potions to just put them in a bank and for raiders to grab them one by one, you forget this is Classic where player interaction should be encouraged. Quickening the process with QoL features was the beginning of the downfall of World of Warcraft.
Because retail is definitely just classic with guild banks. WTB reasonable discussion about why bank alt toons are a better option than a clickable object.
YOU mentioned the slippery slope, so maybe you’d care to elaborate on what exactly that means? Because if I explicitly say A, B, C, then there’s no point in going past that.
I was curious as to just how safe guilds banks are and came across this article in the Blizzard Support.
You can read it for yourselves if you so desire, but there is one part that matters more than all the others.
“Since the Guild Master has full control over who has access to the Guild Bank, we will not assist when a player removes items without the Guild Master’s permission.”
In other words, there is no stealing from a guild bank because the guild master let them have it. It also means that the guild master can, at any time, change levels of access to any and all items in the guild bank and there’s nothing members of the guild can do about it. Not only can’t players do anything, but Blizzard is on record (a rarity for them to be sure) as saying they themselves won’t do anything.
So what does it come back to? The same thing it’s been coming back to for countless posts on the seemingly countless pages of this thread that will likely go on even after Blizzard has announced a formal position on guild banks:
Yes, but with guild banks you can at least find out the GM is a scumbag and then YOU as the individual can stop giving him free gold.
With guild bank alts it’s easy to hide the theft and keep scamming the guild. With the guild bank logs, that isn’t possible to anyone who cares to look at the logs.
Meanwhile I have seen first hand blizzard return “stolen” items from guild banks.
So they aren’t taking a very firm stance on the non interference thing.
They said “reasonable discussion”, not “chicken little panicking about the sky falling”. There is a marked difference between the two. Going from 0 to 100 instantly and digging in your heels and ranting about it sure isn’t going to do you any favors when people are looking for a discussion.
Johnny, however, might say D, E and F. Billy might say G, H and I.
What makes you think that only those things that YOU mention are up or Blizzard’s consideration?
If Blizzard adds your A, that sets a precedent for further non vanilla changes, whether those changes are your B and C or any number of the various other non vanilla changes that others have “suggested”.
Please show us all this “security hole” that guild banks closes 100%.
Guild banks do not prevent theft of guild items and in the event of a thief stealing guild items guild banks do not even show who that thief is.
Those logs may show that Johnny withdrew those items from the guild bank, but they do NOT show what happened to those items after he withdrew them. Did Johnny sell those items or did e give them to Billy as he claims he did? Good luck getting that information from those precious in game logs.
Those opposed to guild banks have provided 14 threads of reasonable discussion.
Those who want the non vanilla QOL convenience of guild banks simply dismiss, ignore, pooh pooh and hand wave anything and anyone that does not support their desire for that convenience.
In the end, though, the only point of “discussion” that CANNOT be denied is that guild banks were NEVER part of vanilla. It could be said that that is really the most important point if the project is to make classic as close to vanilla as possible.
Not only weren’t they part of Vanilla, but they weren’t even included in the TBC launch (patch 2.3 was almost 10 months later) which I think speaks to the idea that Blizzard didn’t view them as essential to closing a security hole of any sort.
I think even those that want the non vanilla QOL convenience of guild banks know that, but they refuse to admit it.
I have seen claims from the pro guild bank side that guild banks were “meant to be in the game at launch” even though they were not added until almost three years after launch.
I have seen numerous claims that guild banks were added for security, even though in an interview linked by a pro changer, Blizzard stated in an interview which that guild banks were being added due to the convenience they brought. That article has been linked and repeated several times in the various guild bak threads.