Guild Banks Pt. 14

Guild Banks weren’t added until 2.3. All thru out vanilla, guilds operated successfully without them. That’s just fact. Asking for this is no different than asking for every other change that wasn’t part of vanilla.
My .02


And the GM can add a bank tab to the gbank that only he has access to and all your precious log shows is stuff being moved to that tab, not what happens afterwards…

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Yep and we see stuff moved to that tab, so once again a win for gbanks.


Because I never have typos from the messages I put on here because my phone is amazing… It apparently also auto corrects 10 to 100. lol…(auto correct crirs for over 9000!!!)

Fixed my post though.

And if we see a trend of high value items being taken by the GM we know he’s using the guilds resources for personal gain.

But with a log that can’t be altered we can look for a trend much easier than logs that we can’t trust 100%.

Find the trend and you can come to a logical conclusion.

I’ve caught officers stealing with guild banks and pointed it out. With the proof of guild bank log I got their access removed so they couldn’t steal any more.

If it was done with the guild bank alt system they CAN take steps to cover their actions up, with guild banks stealing becomes a matter of hoping no one noticed, with no option to cover up your trail.

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But you don’t see stuff removed from that tab so not a “win” for guild banks since it’s exactly the same as mailing it to a bank alt…


Versus not seeing or knowing anything?


I’m not the one grasping at straws–claiming that those precious in game logs will prevent theft from the guild bank, prevent any “he said, she said”, prove without a shadow of a doubt exactly who the thief is (even though those precious in game logs are supposed to 100% prevent any theft), etc.–in an effort to get my pet non vanilla QOL convenience change added to classic.

The one undeniable, irrefutable fact is that guild banks were NEVER part of vanilla. IMO, they have no place in a game that is supposed to be as close to vanilla as orcishly possible. Then again, I am not solely concerned about my own convenience above all else.

Vanilla not only survived without guild banks, but thrived without them.

After guild banks with their precious in game logs, CS was still fielding an inordinate number of “guild bank theft” tickets. I’m not sure how much water that “reduced ticket” excuse will hold, given that history does not seem to support that claim.

When gb’s were first released i am positive there was an increase in tickets.
People know how to work guild banks now and know how to set permissions, so there won’t be an increase.
Will it go up or down only blizzard can say since they have the numbers


We also have years of experience with how to set up a system of guild bank alts to maximize its effectiveness.

That would even be in keeping with the goal of classic being as close to vanilla as orcishly possible.

I’ll keep asking for a more authentic Classic.

Then I guess there’s nothing left to talk about.

They weren’t “successful”, not all of them. That’s why we’re having this conversation.

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So much to unpack here.

First, the sarcastic use of “precious” to make it seem like anyone who supports guild banks is wrong.

There is no thieving if the GM sets the proper permissions

And this obsession you have with throwing shade on anyone who has a legit security concern by using the whole “muh vanilla” doesn’t work. We already have sharding and new loot rules. Now, those were BLIZZARD’S ideas, not the communities. We have every right to have a conversation based on concern. Blizzard asked for this. Throwing shade on people that want to have a conversation is trolling.


We’re having this conversation because some people want their pet non vanilla QOL convenience changes and/or want anything that will result in Classic being as far from vanilla as possible.

Other people want a truer Classic experience that is as close to vanilla as orcishly possible.

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You truly need to stop with this trolling, dude. It’s appalling how much you poison the forums with this garbage. Allow people to have a conversation AS BLIZZARD ASKED.



Grasping the “slippery slope” straw now, I see. “Classic will have loot sharing and sharding, so why not add other non vanilla QOL conveniences, like guild banks?”

When did Blizzard ask people to have a conversation about guild banks?

So not what I said. In fact, I explicitly avoided it.

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Blizzard asked for community feedback about classic in general. You know this and you keep trolling people saying “buuhh Blizzard never said that”


Blizzard asked for feedback about things that changed during vanilla and you know that. The only thing they mentioned that was not something that changed during vanilla was graphics, which are purely cosmetic, but you know that, too.

Please show us all an official Blizzard statement (not a blue’s personal opinion) where Blizzard asked for conversations about non vanilla changes, other than graphics.

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No, they didn’t. We’ve done this a dozen times already.

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