Guild Banks Pt. 14


Yes, because of that maybe, is a huge difference honestly? not really, but still significant.

“Huh? No, we never got any frozen runes. You must be mistaken”

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and see here, where I show that isn’t the case.

But that is the truth here, it is possible whereas the in game logs cannot be altered.


I. Can’t. Even.

Do you not know how, I dunno, people LIE?


then you have chat logs that can be checked. and before this blows up, I am NOT saying there is a HUGE advantage, just a significant one, it all still boils down to TRUST, if you don’t have that , no system is going to do anything.


Do you mean exactly like how they can lie about what happened to those items they withdrew from the guild bank?

See, no it wouldn’t. It’s not a “QOL” change. I’d elevate it to a security change.


Are you for real? Everyone can see the BLIZZARD logs.

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Who is going to check chat logs? Blizzard?

Johnny had permission to take that leather. GM’s will not touch a claim that “Johnny took item X and said that Billy asked him for it, but Billy says he never asked for it” with a ten foot pole unless they are overstepping their authority.

he meant the player saying another player said it was ok, again trust.

That’s still a weak argument. I don’t see how arguing against an official log will ever win.

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Security? What security?

It has already been shown that those precious in game logs provide no additional security. Thefts can still occur, and likely with more possible thieves. It has also been shown that those logs prove nothing with regards to who the thief was, should something be stolen.

Maybe to you, not everyone else.


Read my post again.

Those logs prove NOTHING about what ultimately happened to items withdrawn from the guild bank. They may show that Johnny withdrew item X, but they do NOT show what Johnny did with item X. Johnny can just lie and say he gave it to Billy.

So, I will ask again. Do you mean exactly like how people can lie about what happened to those items they withdrew from the guild bank?

If someone did a ticket, yah? they are the only ones who can, you know that.

If there is an issue raised they will look into it, and you have a better chance with a GB than with a player log, and no that is well withing their authority.

well no you haven’t ,in fact the opposite was proven, game logs cannot be altered, while player logs can, it is that simple.

and if the player in question is so untrustworthy then they likely would not even have access to withdraw that item or amount, once again, not a HUGE difference in security, but there is one.

If your guild has such a lack of trust where you have to set really restrictive limits, or have 20 alts with 20 logs, you need a new guild.


That will be up to Blizzard to decide.

On the one hand, we have a truer to vanilla system without guild banks.

On the other hand, we have a non vanilla QOL convenience change that even Blizzard said was added for the convenience it brought. They said nothing about security, or reduced tickets, etc. That statement was made long before Activision entered the picture and when Blizzard’s word still meant something.

They cannot lie about what items they both deposited or withdrew from the guild bank.

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Better yet, a guild bank deposit implies INTENT. Guild bank alts do not.


The game logs may not be able to be altered, but all they show is who took item X from the guild bank, not what happened to item X.

That does not seem like any additional security over player kept logs to me.

A lack of trust?

I would say that trusting 20 people to hold guild resources shows more trust than having a GM that insists upon holding everything and keeping the only record.

They can lie about what happened to those items they withdrew from the guild bank, though, right? And that is what I asked. Do you mean exactly like how people can lie about what happened to those items they withdrew from the guild bank?