Guild Banks Broken since 7/23/2024

So I was hoping what was the issue with the Warband Banks was effecting the Guild banks since my problem started when the pre-patch went live. The problem I seem to be having is I as the Guild leader try to withdraw Gold from the bank and the Money Log shows I took it out but it’s not showing on my character and the amount available in the guild bank does not go down I’m hoping this gets fixed as there is only one account attached to that guild (Mine) the rest left and I’m trying to buy my Warband Bank tabs but can’t as the game won’t let me for some reason I’m not getting an error or anything like that I’m not getting anything but Gold Stuck in the Guild Bank I also tried to submit a ticket but it wouldn’t let me


It seems like two different issues. Not sure about the guild bank, but warband banks were disabled.

Of course today was maintenance day, not sure if updates were added.

For sure put in a bug report about the guild bank.


Warband banks seem to be fixed, as you can buy tabs now, I tried to submit a bug report buy it wouldn’t let me submit it, thats why I tried here.

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Yep still can’t withdraw gold from GB and being the GM? ugh!


Just to clarify, bug reports and tickets are different entries in the game help menu.

Bug reports go directly to development and are not responded to.

Tickets to GM staff, bu GM staff don’t programs, so if a bug is verified the fix is completed by development.

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And I’m saying it won’t let me do either, so again thus why I tried here.

Well this thread has been relocated to the Bug Report forum, so it is where it can be seen by QA now.


same, tried withdrawing on two separate characters, both show gold withdrawn, but neither has any gold


Same isssue. Disabled all addons, relogged, etc. I have tried several times and the Money log shows the withdrawals but the bank balance is unchanged and the toon, who is the Guild Master and thus has unlimited access, doesn’t get the gold. I’d attach a screenshot but there doesn’t seem to be an option for that.


Same issue for the wife and I.

Occasionally logging out and back in will temporarily allow you to withdraw varying amounts, but it’ll eventually block you from doing so again.

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I too have been having the same issue with my personal guild bank. And I also thought it was because of the issue with the war bank. And I too was hoping it would be resolved today with it being maintenance day. But it seems it wasn’t resolved. I was actually able to submit the ticket for it. I was told I wouldn’t get a response back but they would look into it. I have enough gold for a third tab in my war bank but just can’t access it this is frustrating.

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Looking at the tab costs for the warband banks, I’ll just stick with the alt guild banks I have. I didn’t need a gold sink, especially one that’s causing issues.

Like anything you purchase in real life, first impressions are key. If your customer is not happy with their initial impression, you’ve lost them. So with all the problems? Yeah, wasted feature if it’s preventing me from being able to access what I could two weeks ago without issue

Odd that it won’t let you submit in-game. I was just able to, so hopefully if enough people do it, we will get some traction on it. I got my Warbands bank setup with the exception of the gold transfer, so everything else appears to be working.

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The problem many of us seem to be having is not having a lot of gold on us to buy the first warband tabs. I’m potentially out 16,000 gold. The bank logs say it was withdrawn, so don’t know if it’s still there or just ended up in some Goblins pocket.


One thing I noticed while the bank was broken for withdrawing purposes I normally bank every bit of gold on all my characters and leave them 10 gold for flight paths etc. And the limit i had was whatever amount of gold I was carrying. Luckily I had things in my guild bank i could vendor to snag an easy few thousand. Then as the weeks have gone by the wy to remedy more gold withdrawing was to have done well Dragon Isles content or any content such as the 3 Daily quests from Shadowlands if you had 3 saved up do them and progress on re exalting with those factions since all of them give 3.5k and some change from the re exalt cache. So basically do all the gold world quests in all expansions that offer world quests which is usually 10-20k a week just doing that and then go to your personal or guild run guild bank then basically withdraw the amount equal to what you have currently on you. so say you have 10k gold and some change you can withdraw that which doubles your money then you repeat the process until you have what you need. I had to do this on wednesday to buy the first 2 tabs of the Warband Bank I suggest not to bother with all of them unless you are a serial alt player who wants to more or less have another guild bank + place to drop Warband Items like I am currently doing with the Echoes gear. 2 Tabs is plenty of space to get you going since the second costs 25k then the 3rd is 100k I do not know the 4th and 5th prices I gather they are like 250k and 500k but don’t qoute me. And as of posting this they finally fixed the Reagent bank sort all function it now works as intended.

By the way on there patch notes page they have not specified this issue or noted it being fixed or a problem at all which is odd. Anyway if the gold withdraw is fixed I would be happy to hearthat news.

My issues with not having gold at hand was me always banking it at the end of that characters time logged so I deposit all but 10 g which I do for all my characters. So had to grind quests in the Dragon Isles and sell stuff out of my Guild Bank then do the withdraw method after that but keep that gold on me and send it to whatever toon I was playing on etc.

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With all the issues I’m reading, I’ll hold off for awhile. Aside from the gold shuffle, the fact things are disappearing, if you exceed a stack size of a max you can have just vanishing. I’ll hold off until they fix it.

wait stacks of gold or stacks of reagents? going missing? I have only epxerienced the lack of gold withdrawing nothing else now I placed a good chunk of gold in my Warband bank so I do not need to worry about the guild bank until they actually Show the fix is done by posting it in the Patch Notes and there Hotfixes pages. Until then don’t go looking on here or elsewhere that is not a Blizzard site except WoWhead for those updates.

Gold withdraw is tied to amount of gold in your bag. I test this on 6 characters then sent all that gold to one character until I withdrew 3.5 million. I had to log off between each transaction. A /reload would not work. Good job.

Here is a BAND AID FIX 100% working. You are welcome