Guild Banks - A Fair Compromise

guild banks are about the only change that i thought made sense as far as changes go. but i didnt experience the full vanilla timeline. i think i started playing just a few months before tbc came out, so most of my memories about vanilla content, came from that part of the game’s evolution. i do recall though, gms having to log in to their bank alts to distribute stuff.

p.s. french toast with butter, syrup, cinnamon and powdered sugar. <-- cant eat that anymore but boy is it good.

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IF was the best location because it was closest to where most people wanted to go, with the fastest paths.

Stormwind was really only closest to Zulgurub or if you wanted Stockades. Ironforge was the capital closest to BlackRock Mountain for UBRS, MC, BWL. It was also closest of the three to the Plaguelands. It was closest to Menethil and a boat to Theramore, for Ony or flying to Silithus for AQ.

For most Alliance players, IF was simply the most efficient point to start your day.


No just very busy this past week and actually missed out on a gbank/pancake discussion. Now im upset. This thread is awesome btw!

Pancakes pwn. /end discussion

Gbanks add community incentives, security, less gm tickets, and will keep blizz from trying to shard prime time due to all of the bank alts beating on the login servers.


You just reminded m[e] of a guild that used to recruit in general chat: Pwncakes & ROFLS


what community incentives do they add that gba dont?

security is just as powerful with gbas other than the log which can still be achieved through addons with gbas.

by less gm tickets you mean about the same. and dont start with the “but everyone will be sharing alts and what if they get hacked!!!” cause thats garbage. to even get your account to be able to be used by another person is a super rough hassle unless you go through someone remoting into your computer or give someone your ip to spoof .

guild bank alts are just people who would be playing on their mains so there would be no increase in people. sharding is idiotic as it is but we dont need false excuses like that to implement it.

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There are a million different changes that “might” not damage the fabric of the Classic experience. But none of them are necessary. Until you can justify a necessary reason for including them (Hot tip: Doesn’t exist), there’s no reason to include them.

Not even close. Addons are locally stored which can be fudged. Bliz logs are server side and if you’re that good. Well you should use thise skills for something else.

No I mean less. As in not as many tickets because gbanks have been “dialed in”.

I said a long time ago that the ip lock and authenticator would be quite the hindrance to account sharing.
The log however does add traceability. Which is a form of security in knowing your contributions aren’t just being used to fund officerfivefingerdiscount epic mount or worse a gold stream he’s selling to Susan for resale.

It’s beating on the login server.

What are you smoking and where do I get some?

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