Guild Banks - A Fair Compromise

Lolol I actually got the account this character is on recently after I think of 10-12 years of not being logged into and somehow was made GM of the guild he’s in and made a nice chunk of gold selling things that were left in the guild bank once I noticed.

If any form of guild banks effects PvP in any way shape or form I’d have to say no on that. Otherwise idc

You’re making me fatter just looking at that food… now im hungry dude… thanks.

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And btw, grilled bacon dressed cheeseburger > all

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Who put things they wanted for themselves in the guild bank in Vanilla? If anything you put it on your own bank alt…

Same as above.

If it was for a specific newbie, same as above. If it was just general “Here’s some noob gear” who are you mailing it to? The newb not in the guild yet and no one knows?

It has everything to do with trust. With a guild bank, there are logs to see if someone is ninjaing things out of it, or abusing their power to get money/items for themselves. If I’m looking at the log, it’s certainly not because I trust the people in the guild with the guild loot.

I never said you said anything negative about anything.

So the people who are advocating for the most authentic version of Classic possible, are the people who have you worried… not the people trying to get things that were not in Vanilla added into Classic because “It’s just better with X feature.”


I never eat a pig, 'cause a pig is a cop.

Explains why ham always tastes funny.

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Crepes are just egg and whatever you put on/in them. Pancakes have ingredients beyond eggs, and suck unless in the form of funnelcake.


ht tps://êpe

I wish the other guild bank thread was this much fun.

Well I’ll be damned. The places I have been to were serving ones that were just egg. Learn something new every day.


[food] > [food] XDDDDDDDDDDDDD :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::joy::joy::joy::rofl::joy::cocktail::cocktail::cocktail::cocktail::cocktail:


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Depends on whether we follow the slippery slope and put a useful AH there. Stormwind was only an empty city because IF started with the Auction House.

That’s an omelet…

In my country, we more or less use the american recipe for pancakes, but makes them thin like Crépes. I think we only differ from the american recipe by using buttermilk instead of normal milk in the batter. The thinner pancakes we have, thus gets a slight crisp around the edges.

But, I rather have our spherical “pancakes” called Æbleskiver!

There was an auction house there by 1.12.

It stayed empty because it was a crappy city in a crappy location.

Waffles win this hands down and you’re a dumb idiot stupid if you believe otherwise and I’ll fight you IRL.

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you wanted Classic.
NO guild banks in vanilla.
Get over it.

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Nah, it stayed empty because none of us changed our hearthstone by that point. It was 1.9.0 when they merged the 3 AH’s to allow cross posting, but by that point IF was the capital city because its where we all ended up.

The reality is you’re very unlikely to fill all 10 of those slots at the end of the day.

This right here only serves to validate the stance and reasoning for the no-changes position.