Guild bank

Just looking for an update on where my guild bank items are from the August bug that wiped 50%+ of everything I had over 17 years.


If there’s an update, you’d want to keep an eye on the thread in general. The CS forum isn’t really the place for this.


The update was: an apology that it happened and a note that CS cannot restore anything that was lost.

I would think the CS forum is the exact place for this. Nothing is going to be done in General. This forum, at least, has people that respond to posts. He’s not alone. I want my stuff back too. Have received ziltch across all my toons and banks. Nadda! Nothing! My patients can only be stretched so far.


And jack nothing will be done from posting on this forum. The blues here ain’t a means to get in contact with other departments in Blizzard. If there’s a place that someone is actively taking info/feedback on, then that’s the place. Sorry to deliver this to ya, but the CS forum has no means to give info on something like this.


I suspect if you havent recieved it by now odds are its gone but maybe a blue can confirm it in the morning.

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This forum is not staffed by anyone who can give you items. As was stated in the larger thread which is pinned, data was lost, and partial restorations will be undertaken, but there is no guarantee that everything lost will be restored, only what they can recover will be restored. Unfortunate as that may be, there’s little that can be done.


This forum isn’t a personal infomation desk. If you don’t like what we’re saying, that’s on you, but the CS forum isn’t here to give updates on something that has a given thread on it in general. You can plug your ears all you like, but the Blues here don’t give info ahead of time on stuff.

Bold the part from a Blue on how updates work from Blizzard. Take it how you will.


Data cannot be recovered. Saying it louder isn’t goint to make it recoverable, I’m sorry to say.

Also, in this case I believe the place to get updates would be the pinned thread on the issue. Maybe you’ll get something, but I have a hard time imagining that they wouldn’t append or reply to the pinned post with any information rather than scatter it over smaller theeads.

You know, that’s the general forums, right? The same one you turn your nose up to. Would be a good idea to read the whole posts rather then hone in on a given part. The blues here are Support Forum Agents, or SFA, that watch this form. The Community Management is the blues in General and outside the support forum.

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Oh, good to know. Edit: Wait that’s just not true

Never did that.

Gl with that

Well… I just checked again and now it is showing up… I don’t know what happened there.

The information we currently have is that partial restorations are in progress. Given that so far the only restorations that have occurred anywhere have been “insignificant” rather than “partial” it is reasonable to ask for an update if the process is complete or still ongoing after more than 2 weeks since the announcement.

If Blizzard chooses to keep their customer service departments completely in the dark such as to render them useless, that’s on them to address; it’s not on us to stop asking the customer support department to support the customers.


And that’s the information that’s current and most up to date. If there’s an update, it’d be posted in the thread in general would they’ve posted that they’ve sent out what they can recover. The blues here don’t have insider information and holding onto it until someone asked.

No, you paying to play the game doesn’t mean you’re entitled to information that isn’t there. More so when there’s a spot already for such.


I’m really sorry Blizzard lost all your stuff and hasn’t restored it. That sucks. I hope you will eventually get a good result, but from the announcement they made, it looks pretty bleak. I would temper your expectations. Sorry. :cry:


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We don’t know that. Responses people are getting are incredibly inconsistent. That said, I don’t think Vrak or Orylia will have any more information. They have the same information we have (what’s in the post in general).