Guild bank still empty

Its been a couple months now and my guild bank is still 100% empty from the bug that affected thousands prior to the release of the TWW. Not a single thing has been restored and it was a complete, 100% wipe out of my entire personal guild bank of 7 tabs with no communication from Blizzard on when these items will be restored. I’ve tried reaching out to in game support with no improvement and no clarification on when this will be rectified. It seems like Blizz is just trying to sweep this under the rug by ignoring it as long as possible and not offering any form of fix or restitution to those affected. I saw the previous forum post with the wishy-washy answer of them only being able to do a partial restore of the data lost, but that was it, still no talk on how this is going to be made right for those like me who lost everything and are just getting crickets while trying to find answers. The way this whole issue has been handled is unacceptable. When are the rest of us going to get our stuff restored or receive some form of restitution? This was years worth of crafting/rare mats across all of my characters just…gone. When can we expect any clarity on this issue Blizz?


This is for reporting technical issues with WoW websites. You’re not going to find answers here. The pinned thread on the issue is where any updates will be made.

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ah my bad. the drop down menu cut off after a few words of the explanation of what its for so i had to just guess. I’m not super well versed on these forums. Sorry for the mistake.

The response, basically if you didn’t get mailed the items they ain’t coming back/lost forever

Even more reason to continue to press them for a different result. This is unacceptable, as is how they addressed the issue in the first place. You don’t ignore/punish those victimized by your own mistake. They need to be held accountable until they actually DO something about this.

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Not here, though. The website team has nothing to do with the developers’ decision regarding the issue, and in general Blizzard’s internal processes prohibit forwarding feedback given in the wrong place.

This is where i was directed by the in game support. I put in numerous tickets trying to get clarification, trying to reach or escalate to anyone who can actually cause change or at least address my concerns and all they say is “forums forums forums.” If there’s a better platform to do this I’m all ears, but this was where i was pointed to with a link and everything. I tried posting to other bug forums on here and got the same response “not here!” so, where then? I’m not the most internet savvy, I’m just doing my best with what I was given but i’m more than happy to shift this over to a more appropriate place if there is one. Not trying to argue or come across as defensive, I’m just really frustrated. I keep getting the run around no matter where I turn or am directed so I’m not sure what I should do from this point forward or where I should be to actually be heard.

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Maybe you’re getting the run-around because nobody can help you and you refuse to accept it.

fair point, but I’m not the only one affected and to just blindly accept how this whole thing has been handled sets a dangerous precedent for future blunders. If this had to do with progression content there’s no way Blizzard would get away with it, but because its with banks and things people have invested large amounts of time into that isn’t progression related its ok to just screw over their players? If that’s really how you view this then I sincerely hope Blizzard treats you with the same apathy next time one of their blunders severely impacts you and your gameplay. Like, i hope all of your gear, currency and everything else you’ve worked for disappears and when you are upset and trying to get answers and the screw up made right that you get the same treatment.

There is nothing they can do. The stuff is lost. Move along with your life already. It was not Intentional, blizz knows it looks bad. Stop. Being. A. Manchild.

literally NOTHING has been done to fix it. I lost tons of stuff, years worth of accrued goods gone and nothing at all has been done about it and no lengths have been gone to to make this right by anyone who was affected and I’m just supposed to accept it? Really? Hope you get the same treatment next time something like this happens to you in game and i hope you remember your comment when you’re salty about it too.

What is it you want them to do mate. They can’t access the data of what people had or lost. That’s the issue at hand. They literally can’t find it. They aren’t just gonna take everyone words for the 12 million gold and 75 zg tiger mounts or whatever they lost. You pouting and crying saying you hope all these other people suffer because they told you move along you got your answer already. You act like blizz did it on purpose and is gonna start doing it more. When in reality it’s a stain on their reputation and can impact future player retention so they def are more prone to keep it working as intended. You are just a manchild throwing a temper tantrum.

I had my original character a paladin hacked and delted and my sulthraze never got restored and I didn’t rip my wrists open over it.

Maybe you should have done something more about it like I’m trying to do. If i had gotten literally anything back I’d be more inclined to accept this but i lost 7 tabs worth of materials and did not receive one single item restored. Not one. I’m a casual player, those items represented years of effort, scraping, and collecting across all of my characters to get. I know i’m shouting into the void, and i know the items are likely lost forever. My main issue is how all of this was handled and the lack of anything being done to compensate for it. I know to a lot of people it seems a stupid thing to be upset about but dang it they could at least have given players affected a free month of gametime/a game token or a pittance of gold to help recoup their losses, literally anything at all as a means of saying sorry even if it didn’t make up for a players loss, but nothing at all was done and i’m getting told to just shut my mouth and suck it up. The level of apathy from both the developers and you/others as my fellow players/community is really disheartening. I’m not asking for a full restore, or max compensation, i’m just asking for anything at all. I’ll take the bare minimum and be happy with it, but having everything completely wiped and being told to just deal with a complete loss doesn’t sit right with me morally.

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How do they know who is affected and to what extent? They have no records. What’s stopping me from saying I had 7 tabs full of Spectral Tigers?

I’m not looking for a full exact restore, i’m just asking for literally anything to be done. If i’d gotten so much as a few scraps of linen cloth and some copper ore back i’d just take my losses. My issue is that nothing at all was restored or done as a means of a sorry, even if the apology gesture was not comparable to the loss.

Even if they just took available bank logs of what had been recently deposited and went with that, it would at least be something and those are logs that they have access to. Heck i can look at them in game right now.

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Because you act like a child throwing a tantrum. Life isn’t always fair. It sucks. I agree. But that’s life sometimes.

You’re right, life isn’t always fair. I’m sorry you feel trying to have my problem addressed, or the way I’m going about it is childish. We’re just going to have to agree to disagree on that point i think.

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it has been addressed. again, the issue is you refusing to accept it.

And again, I understand that measures have been implemented to try and make this right, but I’m pretty much the 1%, who didn’t get a single thing back in their restore and lost everything as a result of their mistake. I think its absurd that their customer service has gone so downhill that they are choosing to ignore available options to compensate players like me and/or choosing not to make it right by those who are the worst affected and who nothing is being done for. Agree to disagree.