Guild bank missing items

I lost everything in all 7 tabs! I have been going back and forth with blizzard first they give me “the ticket is closed because we are busy so here is the link to the forums, support page and the wowhead page” next I go thru a different avenue to support after calling Blizzard in Anaheim and that ticket just got answered “to delete all my addons and reset my UI and the guild bank will appear!” WHAT a load of crap! I had 3 full tabs of rare pets and mounts and 7 full tabs represnting massive time sink. THEY think they can just say oops and not make this right. Been here since Vanilla and pissed as he%$ right now.


Everything is still missing from my Guild Bank, nothing in the mail either

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I was just hoping more would actually be done. I too am choosing to leave. Going back to my mmo where they let me have houses and everyone’s toons look different. We get nothing here except screwed. Best wishes to you Amberose :slight_smile:

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Even if it is that they refuse to replace items they can’t prove we had, like the expensive stuff, things like the letters containing words of the dead are worth nothing, there’s no possible harm to the game in restoring copies of those letters.

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Still waiting for my gbank to be restored. I’m giving it till reset, then I guess I’ll see what my options are.

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I think they consider sending some people 1% of the contents of their bank and other people nothing is “enough” of a solution for them. I haven’t heard of people getting anything returned recently, so i think everyone is SOL.


I got screenshots, if they feel like they need help returning my stuff. :roll_eyes:


I got a ticket response that said, in no uncertain terms, they won’t accept screenshots or lists as any kind of evidence. Which, yeah, I get those can be faked, but why can I see the guild bank logs that show items missing, without the use of any addons or anything? Items deposited and never withdrawn, but are clearly no longer in the bank. It’s part of the basic UI, but Blizzard can’t see it? Why can players see something in the game that Blizzard can’t?


i got 6 stacks of netherweave cloth 2 stacks of silk cloth and 2 partial stacks of fish. 2 stacks of 3 star leather and 4 blue hides … I got none of the Rousing fire, air earth etc … over a dozen stacks and not a single one returned … No Jewelcrafting mats , no blacksmithing, mining, engineering. a total waste of hope . 7 Tabs filled with dragonflight Mats and not even a pizza party …

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8 tabs worth of guild items… and we haven’t received a single item back.


Expected against my better judgement to have my items restored yesterday after maintenance. No joy.


If you don’t have active game time, can you even see the mail icon? My GM is 80 and I’m not resubbing on the off chance they maybe might send more items over the next few months. So far all I’ve gotten back is seven measly bits of old world cloth, from seven tabs entirely emptied. The only way I’m coming back is if they actually return items or compensate people somehow, but it ain’t looking good.

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People have said there has been no mail icon on character select when they receive their restoration mails.


See, that’s what bugs me. I’d have to resub, for who knows how long, on the off chance that my stuff gets returned. It’s basically just “hey we deleted your stuff but keep giving us money and maybe we’ll give it back, eventually, maybe not, just keep paying”.

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I have gametime till Nov 25, and I’ve been trying to cancel, and their system won’t let me. Nothing has come back to my guild bank. No emails, nothing. How can I trust their system to put anything back in there, if this can happen with another update? I’m just going to keep trying to cancel over and over again. This is my reason why.


I think this is the worst screw up Blizzard has had so far. Anyone have other examples of this level of craziness from them? I mean it’s one thing to lose things but to offer nothing after doing it just seems bonkers to me.


Is there any portion of the game working the way it’s supposed to be? The part that charges you seems to be the only one. :crazy_face:


Not that I recall, this is by far their single biggest bug (in terms of infamy) as far as I know

There’s been other bugs here and there (such as a bugged quest NPC, or a bugged ability, etc) - but those bugs have been fairly minor in comparison to the guild banks bug

The biggest difference that sets this bug apart imo is it affects the player on the personal level due to said missing tabs/items representing 100s and sometimes 1000s of hours of past /played time… whereas say, a bugged quest NPC here and there is fairly impersonal and doesn’t “rob” the player of significant time-investment compared to an empty/deleted guild bank


100’s of items lost. I get back 100 Black Iron Residue… I feel this is fair…


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Guild Bank Missing Items Update