Guild bank missing items

Same. I had an entire tab of level 25 pets. All gone along with a TON of other stuff.


Something had better be done. I spent a lot of time gathering items and now when I need something it is not there. I haven’t even been depositing or using my guild bank because the only thing I can think would fix it is a bank roll back.


I’m hoping this gets fixed, I’m missing half of EVERY tab from my guild bank. And have been since Pre-patch.

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any update on if blizzard is going to fix this? ever? GM tickets are not giving any update or progress or promise of anything being done.


This is exactly what happened to me as well. Every tab was full of old crafting items going all the way back to vanilla. Everything is gone. It’s been a month now


Same here. I went to put some items in the personal guild bank and 80-90% of the items in the bank are missing. No rhyme no reason and the logs only show me and my wife had access.


The EU forums get more information than they give us. But all that they are saying is it is a know issue and they are working on it.


issue is the same is have a toon with vanilla boe and patterns i have been saving and went to go check all my tabs emptied and no logs withdrawn i tryed to contact customer support ,make a ticket nothing has happened yet day 2 i hope we all get a proper response or fix :frowning:


Still missing all of the contents to two guild banks. Any updates? Just checked on my in-game tickets - It reads I have no tickets. I know one toon, if not two have put in one. So weird in regard to the customer support. Any ideas where to get some attention on this issue? Forums and in-game reporting haven’t yielded any action - not even a response.


Three guild banks here as well, all on different servers, two completely gone one partially sacked. If we could just get an official progress report on this, at this point it’s insane!


No official recognition, no items returned yet.


I had a ticket open due to 7 tabs being deleted. They sent me an answer to my report. It listed 7 ways to regain your internet connection to WOW. and ticket closed
 I’m done basically. I spent in game coin for game time. Not buying TWW .


So they are restoring stuff now, but people are getting nothing compared to what was lost.

I lost almost 7 complete tabs of items, and i got in the mail a handful of darkmoon faire turn in items and thats it.

7 Full tabs totally wiped out, and they give me a small number of darkmoon faire turn it items. What an absolute joke.


I also lost everything in my Guild bank and have not used it sense for fear of losing more stuff. I was consolidating from the WarBand slot that had just opened and deposited a lot of stuff. When I went back to deposit more stuff everything was gone. I’ve submitting about 40 bug tickets with ZERO response from Blizzard. I’ve been playing wow for 17 years but this is enough that I will STOP playing wow or any other Blizzard game if they don’t restore the items lost. Also, I’m not too impressed by Microsoft, who is probably 90% responsible. They are the ones who laid off all of Blizzards Quality control people.


Just to impose, bug reports are not the same as tickets. There’s no response.

But community did post about this last week, in case it was missed.


I combed through what limited Altoholic database snapshots and backups I had to determine what the knobs stole from one of my guild banks.

I had a full snapshot from November 2022 and two others, a full snapshot from August 2024 after the robbery, and a partial from early August 2024. The partial snapshot was from the free weekend when I logged on to an alt account but only looked at 2 of the 7 tabs unfortunately, the first and last.

However it should still be 98-99% accurate because:

  1. It’s my own personal bank guild
  2. I have not purchased DF or TWW so obviously I haven’t had much reason to be around so virtually nothing has changed from 2022.
  3. The only things which have shuffled around were some of the reagents and recipes in the last two tabs (in purple) when items such as Spirts of Harmony became stackable up to 1000.

As luck would have it, this was my “main” guild so almost all of my general interest items went into here. It seemed to be the only one of my guilds on this server that was robbed but I haven’t done a snapshot comparison with the others yet.

They only stole 60% of this bank so my losses aren’t as big as what others have lost. I initially put the value of what was missing likely at between 1 and 1.5 million gold but after looking into some of the rare world recipes and patterns, I’m going to push that number to between 1.5 and 2 million gold for this single guild bank.

There are quite a few bind on equip items which are no longer obtainable lost. Rare world drop recipes and patterns. Rare world drop equipment. Annoying to farm drops from rares. I’m afraid to look into the guild bank which contained my Haunted Mementos.

For the curious, image link uploaded to Google (broken up because I can’t post links, just delete the two spaces after the dots in the URL)

https:// lh3. googleusercontent. com/pw/AP1GczNcoaN-z2s62F5d7gHOQLiiom782DIipHhdrh1JYeqa61hcSdUC61LT8Wk3iaPVtjwNqxuhhhLJqAAbboBJLg24VEXRlEmwhq3XSlFpEt_rqjaDkM12PKWf025X04fOs8rpP9fT2xvvCAPFqpythNZ7=w3894-h1362-s-no

Anything in white is gone. As far as I can tell I haven’t received any restore mails but the way the game is broken right now the UI at the start screen could be lying to me.

They said many were related to “professions materials from prior expansions.” My butt. What a lie.

The powers that be have done and continue to do a :poop: job.


Looking more and more like Blizz doesn’t consider this a bug anymore. Deleting our stuff is a feature. Deleting their own logs so they can’t restore anything is a feature. They don’t care if you can prove you owned something, because its not their logs. All they want to do is corral us into a single general discussion thread and let us get eaten by trolls.


Yeah it is a joke. I got a few emails with a handful of stuff. NOTHING compared to how much was lost.


Blizzard locking threads related to the guild bank items missing. Its done and over. If you lost millions of gold of items, whatever you lost is gone forever. It’s been officially acknowledged and explained on what happened. The entire thing has been a reality check for me, on why I spent so much time playing wow, collecting, hoarding, farming ect. Very sad on the outcome. If you chose to still play wow, then sell what you have, do not hoard! Items disappearing and not being restored is now part of WoW.


The problem with the poor handling of this situation is that this also means you can lose other things without any restoration or compassion (mounts, transmog, achievements). I had to make the decision (admittedly very easy choice now) to cancel, as I simply don’t want to play a game where progress isn’t actually maintained. I had been collecting the Archaeology Keystones and other pieces so I could then get a tonne of achievements in one go when I got round to it.
I realised that this wasn’t fun anymore when I was constantly reminded of the effort I’d have to redo if I was going to try and do it again, which had already been so grindy for some of it.
I hope that you all are able to either have items restored (though GMs have said they won’t be restoring any more items than they already have when asked in tickets), or you find a new game that is just as satisfying (or more so since it hopefully won’t take away your things and laugh when you dare to expect them back).
I’ve already chosen another game and will enjoy spending my money there (I already burned a bunch of $$ on this, but won’t be anymore).