Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I’m wondering if it has something to do with the new way they have items labeled by expansion. Like maybe certain items “don’t exist” because of how they’re categorized/coded now. Maybe they aren’t registering properly as items, so they game just ignores them.

This may or may not be related to Warbank coding. I haven’t activated the Warbank personally.

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I got the same crap response after I reopened a previous ticket with a less than stellar response.

I had opened a ticket bcause my guild name change wasn’t going through, they said oh I see that that, I don’t underdstand, try later this week… It finally went through and now 3/4 of my guild bank is missing, and it was FULL!!

Blizzard used to have amazing customer service and now it’s terrible! They are polite but they do nothing to help you.

They asked me to be patient… I just came back after a long break and this is my welcome back?


It was all there after I activated the Warbank. It poofed a coupe of weeks later.

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at least they should let us sell it off first rather than just removing it from us. Some of the stuff removed was current. The items that vanished was random, some from all expansions and some was left from all expansions. It took 3/4 of my very full gbank.

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Perhaps the Game Masters are as much in the dark as we are and a much smaller group of Developers are hoping that the release of TWW will make all forget the purging of guild banks.

Our guild is still missing all kinds of reagents and materials. Hope they get this sorted at some point.

I had reopened a ticket because my stuff poofed after a guild name change that I already had a ticket opened for (lol) and the GM said he could see the items in the bank, so yes they do have records of it and I believe the items could and should be replaced. Yes it would be a lot of work on their part but so be it… do it.

If they can see the items in the bank but we can’t, that means it’s a display issue/visual glitch, nothing is actually gone, and we can relax because they will just reppear when they fix the issue.

That would be the ideal situaiton.


the GM’s can’t fix it but they can pass the bug reports on to the devs.

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Actually, no they can’t. GM’s do not pass on bug reports. They will ask you to submit a bug report and give you directions on how.

However, in this case, I don’t believe it’s necessary because they are already aware and working on it.

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Adding my guild’s name to the ever growing list - Planet Caravan, Wyrmrest Accord

Hadn’t noticed until today, no clue when it started since I don’t tend to check the Gbank unless I need something.
Like so many others, it is a personal bank and only my husband and I have access.
Logs show nothing suspicious but nearly everything is gone out of what was an incredibly stocked personal, alt bank.

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Any news? My guild bank is completely empty, and I had there a lot of maths and old crafting blueprints, this sucks


Something to keep in mind is that the underlying problem COULD be fixed to prevent it from continuing, even if it appears on our end like it keeps happening.

For example, the first day I ran into this, my items weren’t gone. Literally none of them. But I couldn’t interact with them. They only vanished LATER. So them being there and then not being there later could be a visual bug, but the actual bug that started it all was there even when I could still see them.

So the initial bug could be fixed (to prevent it from continuing), even if the display bugs continue to occur for us. For all the people who say more items went missing, did they try to interact with them at all? Or did they open the bank, see some items, close the bank, try again later and now they are gone?

Also a reminder that if you have TSM, it claims we still have those missing items (or at least it did last time I checked). So either they aren’t there and the cache just thinks they are, or they are really there (somewhere) and we just can’t see where.

TSM behaved as though we had 2 guild banks. Something like:

You’ve got 100 serevite in the guild bank.
You’ve got 150 serevite in the guild bank.

(I don’t remember the exact verbiage; my husband has the addon, not me.)

EDIT: Almost makes me wonder if the guild bank logs/database got duplicated somehow, with some items in one and some on the other. And then if more items are disappearing, maybe that’s the devs manually merging the two databases together with the goal of deleting the eventual blank one and replacing it with the newly merged one.

Therein lies a major problem: If this is the case, then we all wish they would just come out and say it. It would at the very least set everyone’s minds at ease, knowing that eventually it will all come back. The virtual silence, other than “we’ve implemented a fix so it won’t happen again” basically tells us they have NO clue how they are going to handle this.

Aside from that, Vralok, you’ve been a voice of calm here and it’s appreciated.


wow everything ive collected for sales tomorrow is just gone out of my guild bank. wtf blizzard. wheres all my stuff please? I’m so sad…

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That’s so weird to hear, because I am almost always an extreme pessemist. Maybe because I have some knowledge of code and SQL databases…and in a situation like this databases don’t just go poof. And even if something gets horribly corrupted, there are backups.

When they say we can’t restore this item because it’s too old, that’s because the more detailed logs of individual items are removed after some time. But this is a very recent situation, and it’s the ENTIRE database that involves the guild bank that is having issues.

I actually wasn’t sure for awhile, but when someone told me that a GM said they could see the items in their guild bank even though the players couldn’t, that told me it’s almost definitely not a case of the items actually being gone.

Gotta remember our “items” don’t really exist. They are all just entries in a database. An enterprise-level SQL database (Oracle actaully) that has frequent backups.


Thank you! That’s wonderful news! It’s there but not visible. This is not sarcasm either. I am ecstatic to hear this.

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Wish that was true but I have a second smallish guild bank that I control and that one got wiped clean of all items about two days ago. I had the same thought you did but it is broader than just warband toons. The second bank had no one in a warband.


Add me as well. I am missing tens of thousands of gather materials, tokens and items spanning back to the Burning Crusade.

This isnt cool, dude. Please tell me that there will be a fix soon.


7 completely FULL Guild Bank tabs, empty. ALL items gone.