Guild bank missing items - what happened?


Well, new expansion, when I would normally be sending old mats (from previous expansion) to the proper bank guilds, and moving things in vault of the actual guild that I run.

I’m going to log onto my tailor toon, make a bunch of 34 slot bags (since the 36 ones I bought for my to-be banks I made in Remix are gone), and send the mats to THOSE for now, which I’ll have to sort through later, I guess.

I’m not at all excited about the new expansion. Not only is it making me NOT forget about this issue but making me think about it even more. THIS is the time I interact with my various banks as well as my actual guild’s bank a lot. Honestly, I’m hanging out here, not logging on. I will eventually, but . . . certainly not looking forward to it.

I guess maybe that’s my issue. That or just anxious about it. I feel really uncomfortable logging on. What I get for throwing my money at early access, though to be honest, I just got it for other goodies, not beta or early access.

Anyway, hopefully, in a few days (weeks? months? years?) when (or IF) this is fixed, I guess I can go through and resort everything properly, rather than doing it now.

There are comments about some posts somewhere that it’s all a VISUAL ERROR. (They linked it but it’s not blue, so I can’t say it’s official). Maybe they can post HERE, which is the MAIN topic of this issue, not just in the EU ones, or the CS ones or whatever. Maybe let us know whether we can trust our warbands bank, whether we should or should not take out or put things into the vault (or just LOCK the vaults until they fix the issue). Maybe ask for screenshots from players and then compare it to what THEY (the dev team) sees, and post it somewhere so that we can actually know that they are actually THERE. We HEAR about it but I can’t trust it.

LOVE that. That’s leadership that cares about customers, and not even just letting the little guys take the fall. I wish they did something like that here. Yes, the game is pixels and as long as the servers are still in operation and I have an active account, those STUFF are my history, they are a part of us. Thank you for putting it into great words, Brew! It just feels like others out there understand what I’m feeling.

Agreed, While my guild does interact with the bank, unless they are especially paying attention to the content (one of my officers who hasn’t been on in awhile, would have noticed) most won’t notice, which means that most people who may either be guilded (but not guild leader or bank officer) or don’t have solo guilds, will not have noticed, though it could impact them later, as the guild bank, used for mats or consumables, will no longer be useful.