Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Still haven’t received anything back and at this point I have given up.

I am missing enchanting scrolls from dragonflight and earlier, extra pets that I would offer guildies as a perks, shadowlands items, lockboxes, dragonflight food, dragonflight potions and phials, all of the blue/green/purple gear I had in tabs 7 and 8 that was crafted or donated or earned in raids, unlearned recipes I had in tab 8. Dragonflight and earlier enchanting and skinning mats. Ore and gems that was donated, cloth that was earned.

I don’t run an addon that has all the items listed, and I doubt I will get everything back I doubt I will get any of it back.

I have already given up on that, still my constant fear and the reason why I have locked down the guild bank is simple has any testing been done to ensure that new items that are deposited aren’t overwriting older items and won’t disappear as well.

Right now I am placing everything in the bags of alts that are not 80 yet.

I also started using the war bank however I keep hearing that stuff is missing from them as well in other forum posts, and I can verify they have a bug where you deposit stuff and instead of going to the tab you have open the items get dropped into the first tab. So the war banks are still buggy so not confident about that system either.

I am just plain out disappointed in how they have treated guilds, guild masters and guild banks. We basically run the game for blizzard without getting recognition and / or any benefits.

We spend hours planing raids, setting up calendars for mythic+ runs, setting up raid teams and events to make people happy and yet we get no appreciation or gratitude.

Since 2010 I have been running my guild I have seen many changes and even had people split off to go to other guilds and run their own so on but never have I seen any appreciation for what guild masters do.

All we get are slaps in the face, an insult, basically we work for free then they steal or misplace our stuff it just burns me, not even a decent post in a 2607 thread saying sorry and they will try to do better.