Guild bank missing items - what happened?

In my case it was different. 2 guild banks -and 2 guilds- I have for auction.
In 1, all it’s alright.
In the other, all but 4 items disappeared. 4 days later those 4 items also disappeared.
In other words, they touched something, they did something that made those 4 items disappear. Since the reset where this started, I didn’t get anything or even touch those 4 items

If I do right click on slots that I know were occupied by things, nothing comes out of the bank, so it’s not a display problem.

It’s not my case. My guild whose bank is empty has several players with 0 bank permission, people who wanted to have a guild because of the advantages of Hearthstone, achievements to buy things, not being bothered with invitations, etc.

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