Guild Bank Missing Items Update

No, you’re sincere. (Well, maybe a sap in a good way.)

I know how important community is because I don’t have one and never really have, and a sizeable part of my heart hurts when I see people struggling with the very same things that so many of us are trying to settle out right now.

It sounds like you know where you’d like to go with this, and who you’d like to have pick things up in your place. (Just make sure they have the cake recipe first, ya know.) :wink:


This is the part… the being human part… that the haters, and the trolls, and the “it’s just pixels” folk don’t understand or won’t acknowledge. This is also the part that shows there are rays of light in the darkness of what some refer to as the Toxic community. This is the part that shows you’re someone that we’d want to play a game with, whether it’s WoW or something else. I can be just as much a “sap” if you want :slight_smile: , but i don’t want to loose the point of this reply.


Since you didn’t answer, I’ll answer for you…

Your statement has as much in relation to the price of potatoes as your statement about people squirrelling away things since vanilla – not a thing.

Why people want to keep things, what they keep, how long they keep it or where they keep it is none of your business nor your concern.

All of your responses are nothing but troll posts and filler unconstructive responses – but you already know this… It is exactly why you post to stir the pot and get attention that your HPD craves.


Yeah it’s really a no brainer. I don’t expect them to have everything figured out on how to resolve this, but I also expect to hear more than what we’ve gotten after an entire month of not knowing what was going on with the banks.

I know there are people being caustic about this, but I don’t feel like their reaction is strong enough reasoning for why we haven’t gotten more answers yet. What’s there to be cautious about telling us if the restored items are still being sent out or not.


That’s actually very interesting and good to see that the issue is gaining some traction “out there” …


Still no reply from Blizzards Nigerian prince mokele-mbembe as to why he emptied my bank account and has put nothing back.


As more time goes on, the more I’m coming to terms with the fact my stuff is gone for good. But on the other hand, the more time goes on the angrier I am at Blizzard’s ineptitude, and the more I think we should continue to express our displeasure at this whole response.

Let’s say you’re having an important celebration at a restaurant. You buy a fancy custom made cake for the occasion.

Scenario 1: As the server walks out with the cake, someone opens a door too quickly and hits the servers arms and the cake falls onto the floor.

Scenario 2: The server walks out of the kitchen backwards with the cake balanced in one hand, while talking on the phone with the other, trips over a chair and the cake falls onto the floor.

Both scenarios end with our cake ruined, but one scenario was an honest mistake and the other scenario was a careless mistake that could easily have been avoided.

While I know none of us are privy to exactly what happened it certainly seems to me like this whole fiasco was a “scenario 2.”

Then there’s the aftermath.

Scenario 1: The server and managers apologize profusely, offer to buy you a different dessert as well as giving a substantial discount on the bill.

Scenario 2: All the staff disappear for an hour, then someone comes out and scrapes a tiny bit of smashed cake off the floor onto a plate and places it in front of you.

Again, in both scenarios we lose our cake, but in scenario 1 at least the staff try to make amends.

We deserve better than this.


OMG that is the PERFECT analogy! I love it.


Definitely, for someone with a guild called “Fear the Famine” :rofl:


Clearly, Customer Support still want us posting on the forums more. The pointed question I posed within my re-opened ticket [from following the Known Issue article being taken down from the TWW Prepatch] was seeking confirmation as to if there was going to be no additional effort based on the information Linxy had shared. Very much still reeks of trying to string us along,

Your ticket has received the following response:

Greetings NameThatNoOneIsConcernedAbout!
I’m Game Master NotRelevantToThread from Blizzard Customer Support and I’m here to follow up on your request.

Your patience is appreciated while awaiting for a reply, due to a recent surge in contacts, reply wait times might take a while but we’re doing our best to reach to every player as soon as possible!

We understand how the lack of communication can affect players such as you and entire guilds in widespread situations such as this. Keep in mind that situations such as this take their time to be properly investigated before a communication can be made, among some of the issues on-going.

At this time the only information available is that the Team is still in the process of proceeding with the recovery of the items for the affected guilds.

In regards to your opinion regarding the communication or lack thereof, we’d suggest posting this in the forums, as our Teams take a lot of time to go through suggestions that could improve the game and community overall: https:// support-blizzard-com /article/000021518

Thank you for your comprehension, I understand that this is not the answer which you seek, however, it is the only one that Blizzard Customer Support can provide for cases such as the one you so kindly described to us.

Should you have any more questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime.
Until next time.

  • Game Master NotRelevantToThread
    Customer Service, Blizzard Entertainment
    http:// blizzard-com /support

I don’t think they can get any more clear with the “We are still working on this” without giving any estimates as to timeline. They may have no idea how long it may/might/could/will take.

Fortunately, it looks like your ticket was addressed by A Real Human™ and was topically relevant.


I hope this really means they are still recovering items.

Probably not, but my Wishful Thinking side really wants my stuff back.


I don’t think they can get any more clear with the “We are still working on this” without giving any estimates as to timeline. They may have no idea how long it may/might/could/will take.

Fortunately, it looks like your ticket was addressed by A Real Human™ and was topically relevant.

I’d be more open to believing that there are folks within Blizzard that are still working on it (eg. not Customer Service, likely not the teams trying to finish the 20th anniversary fixes, or the next expansion or two, maybe some of the goblins that are trying to earn rep with the gnomes may have time waiting for respawns…), if the Bug Report’s thread (that was locked after 2.6k replies) had not been trending towards the “if you did not get in-game mails on Friday Sept-20th, you are likely SoL” conclusion, following Linxy’s official post.

At least the estimated response time of 2.5 days was spot on, from the middle of the night re-opening of the ticket after the Tuesday reset, with a Friday near start of business (Pacific).


My guild bank has been basically wiped out. I would like my items restored or monies restored. I agree that this is not a good way to do business with your customers. I have been playing this game since original beta and have never seen this happen and then to be told there could be no restitution. Please remember that we are paying customers and businesses losing data and responding with woops, we don’t know how to fix this and will not be restoring your data or offering restitution is bad business.


And five minutes later, while you’re still in shock over your celebration being ruined a guest comes up to you and screams “it’s just cake, get over it”.


It could be total coincidence, but I just got an email with a rather lengthy survey from Blizzard.

Makes me wonder if there’s been a big drop in subs after all?

I can’t think of a specific example off the top of my head, but I’m sure Blizzard wouldn’t be the first company to magically change their tune after some backlash.

Keep the pressure on, fam :muscle:t3:


LOL, great addition!


I tried making a post to clarify what Vrakthris said in his earlier statement in the customer service forums about the “ultimate disappointing resolution where many did not receive much of anything back at all”. I just wanted to know if that meant customer service considers the matter closed and restorations done, or if customer service doesn’t know because devs are too busy putting out fires to communicate anything.

Anyways that got locked real quick, they’re not very nice over there. I imagine they’re sick of us clogging up the GM bots with our shared problem.


I saw your post there, and saw it got locked quickly. I have been pondering the same question you had above.


What do you say Blizz? It’s been a week and you have not yet alienated every loyal customer effected into refund and cancel. It’s been a week since Linzy’s vague statement with 0 follow-up (just like the 5 weeks we sat in the bug forum). Any word that this is still in process and not a done deal? I know I’m not the first to ask here, but any snippet of your time to put such an important issue into perspective would be the absolute least you could do. No response?