Guild Bank Missing Items Update

They were too busy replacing all of their snapshots with bowls of fruit.


ā€œFor the last few weeks, weā€™ve been packing up the missing items that weā€™re able to identify as lost by this process, and we will soon mail those to the guild leader character for each affected guild.ā€
Where in this does it say that they will be sent out over days? Iā€™ll help you out, it doesnā€™t.


7 full tabs nearly emptied and all my guild got back from postmaster mail was some anti-venom, a few potions, a couple patterns, and 800-something netherweave cloth?? And as some others said, some of those things we got back were stuff that was still in there to begin with!
My brother, my dad, and I havenā€™t been collecting these things for nearly 2 decades for you to wipe them out with a bug. I know youā€™re probably running at minimal capacity because of management issues, but that doesnā€™t excuse how bad a fix this is.
I donā€™t mean this with malice (just Deep Frustration), but Please Do Better. I havenā€™t been playing this game for most of my life for you to toss my stuff in the trash/black-hole while Iā€™m not looking. I know you give zero flying-flips about me as a customer, but the minimum I ask is for my familyā€™s stuff to be there when we go looking for it, okay?


You can tell whoā€™s vying for that green text.

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Incomplete for some guilds. Iā€™m curious if anyone here has received all of the missing items back? Also out of the posts Iā€™ve seen regarding item returns, I havenā€™t seen gold mentioned. Anyone get gold back?


I havenā€™t seen anyone claim even 10% restoration yet and no one mentioned any gold either from what I have seen.

That ā€˜for some guildsā€™ doesnā€™t sound very accurate from the reports.


Sorry, another reply to this. Emphasis on the SOME guilds. Has there been anyone that has received more than half of their stuff back ? All posts that I have been seeing here or in the mega thread, people got a fraction back. Sure this is recent and people might not have checked yet, but is there anyone that has gotten most of their stuff back ? Or it just so happens that we all have received crumbs back.

Edit: Wren and Dagris, guess we were all thinking the same thing


So, I know itā€™s still early, but itā€™s looking like the majority of items lost are going to stay lost. We have been waiting in limbo for weeks for a resolution. We went into a new expansion with full bags and nowhere to store stuff because guild banks werenā€™t safe. Many people lost gold making opportunities because the items they were going to sell went missing. There was even someone saying they had copies of in game mail from old friends who have since passed on.
Now that we have a light at the end of the tunnel all I see is more frustration at minimal returns. So far all Iā€™ve gotten back is a recipe for Savory Deviate Delight. Iā€™m hoping there will be more returned over the weekend?

My question:
Will there be any compensation (gold, game time, whatever) for those of us affected by the Great Guild Bank Issue of 2024?

I know, I know, but hear me out. To return so little after so long with no compensation is just salt on the wound. Again, we waited weeks with no communication, we felt used and forgotten about. To give us something would be a form of apology, an olive branch of sorts.

Iā€™m curious what others think, can Blizzard make up for this? Or is all trust lost forever?


my guild bank lost about 100 stored battle pets (stored so that newcomers could add to their collections). I guess I wonā€™t see them all back


Gonna be hard to make up for this when so many people just lost their collected items from the entire time theyā€™ve been playing WoW.

Warbank already has issues, Iā€™m almost considering dumping all that stuff into random alts inventories instead.

But what if inventories get wiped. Is anything safe lol

Iā€™m upset at myself that I didnā€™t figure out a way to grab data from TSM when this happened, so I could at least figure out what went missing. But, silly me, I figured Blizzard had it all figured out. Why do I keep making the same silly mistake of trusting Blizzard hahaha must be something wrong in me ol thinker.

Edited to add:
Actually I would forgive Blizzard if they gave me the following

Iā€™ll take
+2 Swift Spectral Tigers (one for me, one for the husband)
+1 Corrupted Hippogryph
+1 Swift Zulian Tiger
+1 Brutosaur

Then Iā€™ll forget this ever happened.


We had 8 tabs of missing items. I got back 40 health potions.


So far I got back a handful of locked boxes, that my husband has since unlocked and given back to me, only to find they are all empty (but the boxes arenā€™t disappearing). Iā€™ll try them again tomorrow I suppose.

Also, I really hope they are indeed sending them out in batches by item, and not by guildā€¦ cause if this is all I am getting back, that would make their data loss statement understated.



This game has back ups they cant go into the backup files and check??? Or access the log???

Like a live service game should have checks and balances. Youre telling me that bug wiped out THAT much data???

On a server side thing? Something is up cause a bug, unless its server side, shouldnā€™t wipe server data.


I have a feeling that bank backups are like profession backups: gone after 24 hours.

Iā€™d just like to know where the safest place to keep my rare stuff is. To answer your question, game time wouldnā€™t cut it for me. My husband and I invested a significant amount of time into that collection and I doubt Blizz would ever offer enough time to make up for that. Itā€™d also take a huge sum of gold to cover value lost. Maybe if they want to open up all the Warband bank tabs for us, or compensate enough gold to do so, thatā€™d make it sting a bit less.


Na cause the items are stored so there should be a server log of changes made. If so explains how exploiters used guild banks to launder gold.


They wonā€™t inject that much gold into the economy.

But the guild bank log only goes so far backā€” and thatā€™s been a hot mess for like 3 expansions now, where it doesnā€™t work half the time.

This whole thing was a mess long before it imploded.


i think my lucky breads my guild bank wasnt affected. if i lost items and wasnt able to get them back. it would be bye bye wow forever.

Iā€™ll start with the positives. Thank you Linxy for posting finally. And getting SOME stuff back is (theoretically) better than nothing.

But beyond that, I have no good words for Blizzard / Microsoft. Anything I say here is NOT directed at Linxy or any CM/CS or the average worker at Blizzard. At most companies, especially one where so much layoffs have happened in the past several years, and so many BAD stuff has happened to them, gotta feel bad for them.

BUT I spare no sympathy for a company thatā€™s bungled this beyond what I would have ever thought theyā€™d be capable of. I and Iā€™m sure MANY OTHERS have reported the issue with GUILD LOGS not working MONTHS ago. I know Iā€™ve reported it more than once using the IN-GAME bug reporting system that they SWEAR they listen to (though they donā€™t say theyā€™ll DO anything about it).

WITH THAT issue still going on (it was never resolved - Iā€™ve seen a few random logs from a week, or few days ago here and there but they arenā€™t EVEN IN ORDER) they decided to do a HUGE overhaul of the system.

This is happening as they lay off people in large waves - the so-called ā€œnon-essentialā€ people, like Quality Assurance, Community Managers, Customer Service.

My guess is that they not only did NOT resolve a large issue (that of guild logs) but also did NOT adequately TEST this HUMUNGOUS NEW CHANGE that could NOT be tested in Alpha and Beta because that would have required existing guilds on servers WITH A BUNCH OF STUFF IN THE BANK to test cross-server access. This is an issue that should have been tested, retested, broken, broken, broken until it was no longer able to be broken, BEFORE LAUNCH. And while I have no insider knowledge, IF they are like many other companies, probably a lot of the people they lost were experienced workers (due to them either being so fed up they quit or deemed ā€œtoo expensiveā€ to keep). Again, this is NOT fact or knowledge but pure conjecture, knowing how many ā€œcost-cuttingā€ work-places operate. That means that many who may have had a better handle on solving the issue are probably gone.

They are not only working with not enough people in all areas, but have been RUSHING the release of contents. How long could they keep this up before things began to go wrong? Someone above said they released it to be in time for Q3. I absolutely believe it. They time things for WALL STREET, not for us. Was a time when they would release things ā€œwhen they were done.ā€ Even back then, they had bugs, but I think at least then, they actually tried. Now, they donā€™t care. What customers suffer, and what they do, whether its quit, delete the game or continue, is of no importance to them. WE are of no importance to them. STOP RUSHING THE GAME. Let people be impatient. If they leave but leave with decent memories, theyā€™re more likely to come back.

The lack of communication is absolutely abominable. A few answers here and there in the EU forums, a few tickets answered. No transparency. No honesty. Again, very telling of what they think of their customers. This forum has been going on for over a month. Not only that, but whether content creators were affected or not (including WoWHead) they do often report on major issues. But that there was very little is, as many have said, suspicious. Combining the lack of OFFICIAL Blizzard response till now and the lack of any reporting, it does seem like Blizzard had been trying very hard to put a lid on this.

As the company gets bigger, the service gets worse. Also, I donā€™t think ANY of us can ever feel safe that anything we keep anywhere in the game will always be there. If this was data loss, then itā€™s catastrophic, because EVERYTHING is data. We donā€™t have ā€œhard copiesā€ of our ā€œstuff,ā€ of our gear, mounts, achievements. Itā€™s ALL data, that means that, if they mess with the wrong thing, ANY of it could disappear at anytime, and we now know that we CANNOT trust them to make things right, whether by working with us to try to get back what we had, even if we donā€™t have an accurate inventory, we know of the TYPES of things we lost. They can even look here, read tickets, etc. and gleam what people have lost and at the very least try EVEN IF THEY HAVE TO DO IT ONE STACK OF ITEMS AT A TIME. All of this time that they were spending NOT solving the issue, NOT saying a damn thing, IF they were able to find ANY list of any kind, just hand restore the damn thing. We are suffering because they wanted to MAKE MORE MONEY for shareholders. Well, spend some of that money and actually make this RIGHT.

Also, the message is vague. Again, not Linxyā€™s fault. CMs are probably given very little information and very limited ability to say things. Has restorations started? When will it end? How is it being done? Are they going by servers? Regions? Item ID numbers (which means people who had personal letters are very sadly, probably SOL :frowning: ) Is it going by the GM character name? Playerā€™s last name? WHAT?

And while no amount of compensation could make up for this for many people, that they donā€™t even offer, donā€™t even try, donā€™t try to open dialogue about what could be if not fair and complete, but at least satisfactory, then that makes them look even worse than ever. I would like to RESTOCK at the very least the MATS that I had in my banks. I donā€™t know the exact amounts, or even every single item, but I DO know what kind.

I know that I had every kind of cloth (even the rarer cloth), every kind of enchanting item, pretty sure EVERY type of elemental item (and believe me, those took TIME to farm!!! EVEN NOW) from every expansion. Iā€™ve had the end-of-dungeon items (orbs and whatnot), the crafting items from WoD, and a TON OF RECIPES, bags (and please for Godā€™s sake . . .if they are BoP they are FREAKINā€™ USELESS so donā€™t even clog up my mail with that crap), items to get fishing pole from Legion (not useful but looks cool and would have helped friends get it). And thatā€™s just ONE BANK.

I am beyond livid. THIS is beyond subpar. This is absolutely ABYSMAL lack of customer service. I can never think of the game the same way again. Iā€™ve been getting old mats from TW: TBC. I would normally happily put them in my bank guild. And yes, weirdly, I got a slight bit of joy doing that. Now??? I donā€™t know what to think.

I am heartbroken. Angry. Disappointed. And no longer able to trust a game that Iā€™ve been playing for almost 18 years and have no trust that they will EVER do right by us. As long as the shareholders are happy, they will screw EVERYONE over and have not a single ache in their conscience doing it.


Iā€™ll gladly take this, but I wonā€™t forget this ever happened.