Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I got back 40 Dreamwalker’s Healing Potions. Out of 8 tabs of missing items.


Feel free to give my guild more than 23 windwool cloth back. You know, since we had 6-7 tabs worth of items missing, none of which was old data no longer in the game. What a joke you devs are.


Definitely wondering if the in-game Postmaster mails have all been sent out already, or if there will be multiple waves of them to make it manageable, because if that was the entire restoration sequence, then Yikes™.


(post deleted by author)

I think I’d have been less irritated if they had said “sorry, we couldn’t save anything” instead of trying to make it look like they were doing us a solid.


This is beyond insane… missing 667 guild bank slots of items/stacks and I receive 6 items back. That’s just 1% of what is missing. That isn’t restoration and isn’t acceptable. If this is all that is going to be restored then provide compensation because this is completely unacceptable.


Hang on… some folks had just 1 item restored with massive amounts of items missing???



Catching up on the fun since I last posted…

So the current situation is:

  1. A bug that was not caught through any testing (if any testing even took place) led to the irrecoverable loss of items

  2. Items that could be recovered were mailed back, but are all soulbound because god only knows why

  3. tldr; A bug killed the items and the restoration process is bugged too

Who’s in charge of all of this? Larry, Moe, or Curly?


I’m confused

I had 8 tabs of items go missing, except for a singular stack of runecloth and unbroken tooth.

I open up my mail today to receive. A stack of runecloth and some broken teeth.

I thought I was supposed to be getting the items that I was missing back, not the garbage you decided to leave behind in the first place.

EIGHT tabs of items missing and all you could restore was the ones that were already there? Absolute insanity.


The mails are probably going out in batches. I wouldn’t expect it all at once. They said over the next couple days.

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(post deleted by author)

At this stage nobody should expect anything.


I’m Shocked reading this and I feel that this NEEDS more awareness

This is beyond unacceptable HOW are you all even saying it’s a “incomplete” restoration, any respectable software engineer and even programmer knows the concept of snapshots. So you all DEFINITELY can, Your all choosing NOT too. Which frankly feels criminal, how are you telling your customers that “oh we made a mistake but to bad, it’s lost” with no compensation. You all HAVE to make these guilds whole, theirs no excuse.

If you all don’t how can we trust that this won’t happen again EVEN more so now with the Warbank system, which folks have placed personal items that stretch back since Vanilla. This isn’t some small private server, This is a billion dollar company so Blizzard needs to pull in all there resources, lock in and fix this correctly not just pass by and put your hands up and say oh well

I’m shocked reading this, how can anyone feel comfortable supporting or even playing the game if this could happened to them and they lose their items or Data


The data isn’t there. At all. They don’t know what missing items would be legit or people going “Trust me bro. I’m positive I had this.”

I like the part of the quote where they even said data was missing and they don’t know what in there is missing.

I’m not sure how they’ve flubbed this so hard. There are definitely snapshots as OP said, I’ve had to help friends contact blizz to have their guild banks restored after hackers got 'em in the past. How did they lose the snapshots? How did they just straight up lose all that data? How can they expect people to just be fine with that?


…I didn’t even get 5% back of what I lost ! Most people who got mail back got like 10 items or less out of the hundreds or thousands missing ! How is this acceptable ? You guys mentioned you were aware of it a few days after investigation. We were still losing items at that point. Where were the backups ? There’s no way only 6 items were salvaged from all that I have lost.

I hope you are right. If this is it, what a joke.


Source? It’s not in this update post.


Your optimism is admirable, but all hope is lost for most people here.



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One of your maintenance processes should be a reliable daily snapshot of every guild bank’s stores. If you can keep tabs of the vast number of individual items for every character…on every realm… worldwide… for the item restoration function, this should be easy.