Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Everyone please keep posting your results so we can all see how ridiculous this is.

Guildbank 1 was mildly affected - restoration result: 11 weighted jackolanterns, 28 potions, 1 perky pug costume (0 charges).

Guildbank 2 was a full bank that was >95% emptied out by the bug - restoration result: nothing.

Guildbank 3 was mildly affected - restoration result: nothing.

This is like the bank deleting your 401k and sending you a wooden nickel a month later, and telling you “we found the culprit […] We apologize for that and for the long wait here. We really appreciate your patience as we’ve worked through this difficult issue.” yeah that makes it all ok.

Pat yourself on the back. You have “worked through this difficult issue” and done almost absolutely nothing to set it right.


All of this is stored in a database. If they really wanted to, they could recover this. It would be a lot of work but it sounds as though yea, those who didn’t get things back are :bone:


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Many items that were in my own guild bank had been sitting there for months, if not years. No, that doesn’t check with what is being seen.


I had stuff deposited years ago gone…wiped out… so your summation is 100% wrong.


uhm…they could always have just done a server rollback. you know create a saved data image of everything in the game before such a major update.


I just checked my personal guild bank, because I forgot about it. One full tab is completely gone of transmog. I know one of the tabs I moved to the Warbank. But the other I left full of stuff, because it didn’t fit.

No mail.


I’ve had items in my guild bank for years as well. Since about 2016. I hoarded mats from all expansions and then more recently just started putting in things for auctioning in there, so maybe all the auctioning stuff should have been gone, but literally everything was gone.

Every single item except 2. I don’t think that the log problems have been going on that long.


yeah…uhm…data backups should be kept seperate.


I’d never trust anything in your GB again… ever.

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From now on… no more transmogs and no more holiday rewards (we had rare cosmetics, pets and mounts) will be stored.

It’ll be mats and consumables and nothing else.


Got back only 5% of the total items lost in my guild bank, which had 90% of its inventory wiped out by this bug. Still missing nearly a whole tab of valuable pets, consumables, rare old items and much more.

Worse yet, I can look at the logs and see stacks of deposited items that were never removed but weren’t restored. Which means the bank logs weren’t even accounted for in the restoration process. Beyond disappointed.


I’m going to need to find an addon that creates a log for the guild bank (since Blizzard apparently can’t do that) before I start using it again.

And yeah, when I do its just gonna be the garbage that is worth pennies but I need for some obscure recipe or something.

Of course Blizzard would never accept an addon log as proof, but at least I’d know what I lost. I guess. idk. im a bit overwhelmed by the amount of time i wasted farming out mats and then its like like LOL GONE TOO BAD SO SAD
how to even start to rebuild
do i even care to


this has ALWAYS been the case. once that timeframe passes the item is autmatically purged from the databanks memory forever. they have NEVER had the power to restore it once it gets to that point.

Problem is that Blizz doesn’t take our data or screenshots. So we couldn’t use it for tickets. Only for personal use.


Right, and that timeframe is getting smaller and smaller these days. It’s sad to see.

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Sheesh, what a rough situation. Nice to finally have a response and a supposed resolution to the problem. But so far this ‘restoration’ isn’t looking so good. Hopefully it’s an ongoing thing, because what’s been restored so far is pretty shocking. This is both an unprecedented situation and, frankly, an unacceptable response from a company with Blizzard’s pedigree. Maybe a solo dev running a game from his basement. Not AAA Blizzard with offices around the globe and more money than any of us can count.


All that is left out of about 4 total full tabs of items are 3 x stacks of goblin gliders.
TY Blizz…
Good job.


Fixed it for ya.


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