Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Years worth of mats, dang near hundreds of STACKS missing. All that was “recovered” was 46 Motes of Life. The support ticket that basically said “don’t bother sending screenshots or inventory lists, it won’t help us recover your items” truly was insult to injury. Do better and invest the resources to fix this or find a way to reimburse those affected. Never in my playing since TBC have I ever wanted to cancel my sub out of frustration until now.


This blue post seems to paint this situation like a minor inconvenience. I wonder if this kind of wording was intentional.
“some items disappeared” and the notion that it allegedly were mostly some old world materials is just a wild understatement. So is the explanation of an “incomplete restoration”, when according to reports from affected players 95% or even all of the items are gone.

With all of the data fumbling they’re doing lately (AH, warband banks, guild banks, reputations…) and so much stuff disappearing and resetting, there’s a strange feeling of uncertainty whether anything is safe. What’s next? Personal banks? Account-wide achievements?


Why did they close the other Post that had 2609 posts on it 2 days ago when it’s not “resolved”???


For Blizz it’s probably resolved. The bug is fixed and in their eyes they did everything they could. That’s why they don’t want any more bug reports.


There are times where I am like:

“I know I put this in my bank…. Where is it?”

I used to be so sure maybe I was mistaken. Now, Blizzard stealing it from me and laughing at my confusion might actually be a thing.

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So it’s now been six days. No email from Blizzard. Is this still being worked on? How long do we need to wait for a partial restoration? Or is it finished and I’m just completely screwed?


If my sandwich is gone … there’s no chance of anyone getting that back, either :stuck_out_tongue:

Potentially, sticking to this analogy, if the data is gone, they should make a reasonable guess as to what the original sandwich was, and compensate in some way - either by providing another similar sandwich, or making a “best guess” at the value of the sandwich and offering compensation to that effect.


There’s an article on Reddit:

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I feel like this is wishful thinking, but I want to believe.


Based on this, I think there’s nothing else being done.


Love how they don’t answer your question. Just copy and paste the initial response. Must be A.I… No wait, A.I. would respond more appropriately.


Probably because this isnt some life altering thing. They are pixels in a game. I dont think its that big of a deal. Again, its just a silly video game. Change your perspective, its not that important.

When this topic was over in the bug report section, it had around 38K views.


No, the poster copied the initial response to ask the question. This was actually answered. Gotta give credit where it’s due.

I mean, I agree there has been an absolutely staggering amount of incompetence in this situation, but the blue posters have done the best they can.


WoW sucks. Same formulaic nonsense with a team that’s now puppets to Microsoft who also suck. They wonder why people leave, it’s because it’s because people do not want to do chores. People want immersion and freedom in an MMORPG. Not chores. And even moreso, people want a game that doesn’t have ridiculous bugs that deteriorate their items they’ve slaved over in their game of chores just to be told “Oopsies” by Microsoft’s puppet studio #3. The entire point of video games to for entertainment and escape. Hard to escape when you’re slaving away at content that is a chore. Jump on, AOE and move on. Boring… Do that on multiple characters per day and per week. Then next week, do it all again. Oh and hey, some of your stuff will be deleted to keep it fresh haha. Insanity. Glad I left. Good luck peeps!


I’ve gone back and read that a few times today and took my time ‘digesting’ what the OP and the people replying had to say. The thing that really caught at me most was the comment by themonorata that’s currently at the top:

"I know its not relevant but I always think how would people that have constantly played wow through out their lives, react to the game closing its servers some day whatever the reason.

Edit: comment blew up. I personally dont think wow will die. But I really like the idea of a new blizzard mmo. Some of us are just too attached to items and characters. What only really matters are the experiences we lived."

For those who don’t want to go read it on Reddit, here’s what I replied with:

"When the game shuts down and the servers close, that will the the end of it. It’ll be sad, but it’s to be expected (eventually), it will be planned, announced, intentional, and it’ll be shut down for everyone. It would be the end of its lifespan; nothing lasts forever. The game shutting down at the end of its lifespan would be - and should be - considered normal and par for the course.

The error with the guild banks, however, is not quite the same. It was neither planned nor intentional, and it certainly did not affect everyone. Those of us who were not affected probably would never really have known anything happened, and hadn’t lost anything. Those of us who were, well… I think that it’s fair to say that we feel shafted, even if none of it was intentional, and the (so far trash handling) of the situation by those who can make those decisions just worsen the feeling.

As to what was lost: with a very few exceptions - obviously rare, expensive, sentimental, or now-unavailable things - most of it really were things that could be recovered with time, gold, or a combination. It’s those things, the ones that can be recovered, where it’s less about the items than the feeling of loss, the inability to prevent that loss, and the overwhelming and fairly unanimous perception that the investment that those items represent is worth nothing to the decision makers - not even a decent apology that hasn’t been funneled through faultless CS blues on the forums and that doesn’t leave a lot of us feeling dirty somehow. That’s what a lot of us refuse to just drop - no one likes to feel used and screwed over, and I think it’s fair to say that’s how we all feel now.

That’s why recompense here is tricky; there’s only a fraction-of-a-fraction of the playerbase that has been affected, but what constitutes appropriate recompense is different for each of us.

To bring it back around, however, to the eventual shutting down of the game: there won’t be a need for apologies, transparency, recompense, or anything else like what is being asked for (or in some cases demanded), because I would think that Blizzard - or whoever it is that officially would be making that call at that point - would give all of us proper time to say goodbye to the game (hopefully), instead of being completely blindsided by something that Blizzard really ought to have exercised more caution with to begin with."


Some people raid. Some PVP. Some push Mythic+. It’s good that there are different activities to make you happy.

I collect. This is a collector’s worst case scenario.


Well that would be something. I think that number is from views, the replies were just under 3k. Still a staggering number for the Bug Report forums though.


Thank you, I fixed it to say views!


… what? Linxy specifically responded to me.

Look, I get that the situation sucks, but let’s try not to make stuff up.