Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Yeah I saw that reddit thread in my feed earlier, lurked it for a bit

I must say, the “who cares, its no big deal”-style whiteknight comments down in the comment section are pretty disgusting… people just nonchalantly dismissing the whole thing with 0 empathy for legitimate victims of loss :man_facepalming: Yes, it’s digital pixels… but those digital pixels can represent literally 100s or 1000s of hours of finite time, “something” was definitely lost one way or another

Skimming thru that comment section earlier I was reminded just how badly the “community” aspect of the game has eroded since the og days, people don’t see their fellow players as human beings anymore - and it shows when you’re reading comments like that with the openly troll-y snide remarks and total lack of empathy


So… what the heck does “soon” mean?
It has been 5d since this blue post, and I have yet to receive a single item from my “personal” guild bank…

This is absolutely unacceptable.
Since vanilla, I posted for the first time on the official forums due to this issue via the largest US thread that has now been closed without explanation.
I am now making my second post regarding the same issue due the ridiculous response Blizzard has provided. The ambiguity is insane.

I created an ingame ticket the day after this blue post went live and received a response today suggesting I open a bug report as customer service cannot assist. They also mentioned restorations are underway… which to be frank, I do not even believe given the communities responses to this blue post and lack or real restoration (myself included).

If customer service cannot help, then who?
Who is actually “packing up the missing items?”
Who is considering the paying customer?
Who is actively engaged in resolution?
Who can speak to the timeline for completion?
How are the items being restored? All at once for each case? in waves? mail over the next year?
This blue post creates more questions than it answers…

This was not the players fault, this falls solely on Blizzard. Therefore, Blizzard should put ALL hands on deck to fix it. Even if it means reviewing every case individually and manually.

Due to the wow token, this is quite literally deleting potential balance. Deleting customers real cash. Absolutely unacceptable.

PLEASE consider the real people playing your games and prioritize a REAL SOLUTION

Thank you. Amen.


LOL well, there’s a reason I actually had Trade Chat turned OFF for most of the years betw. mid-WotLK (so actually, it’s been kind of bad for awhile . . ., though admittedly, it has gotten worse) and near the end of Dragonflight (when the Whale crafters weren’t around and I could actually fill a few work orders if people needed it, mostly for the Work-order weekly quests). A LOT of the Blizzard community is like that. Probably a lot of the gaming, the internet community is like that (you know, the F-WAD theory and all that . . .) That’s why I was actually quite impressed that MOST of this thread and about 99.9% of the original Bug Report thread were full of people who were willing to be supportive of each other, even when they may not have suffered as much of a loss as others. Good people are out there, but it takes a lot of looking. As angry as we are, I think having that community to commiserate with, and not feeling alone, not feeling like a freak for having multiple guild banks, not feeling like I was petty being furious and sad for losing almost the entirety of one of my banks, and partial loss of other banks (including the active guild).

It wouldn’t occur to me to go to a forum post or reddit thread of a bunch of people who were treated badly by a company (or an even worse loss or real-life catastrophe) due to no fault of their own, whether it’s loss of pixels, time, money or “stuff” (because it could be said “meh, it’s just STUFF”) and troll them. I don’t see the POINT. We’re not getting anything else back - at least let us rage and rant and rave till we reach “acceptance,” or find a constructive way to deal with this, and let us at least have the support of others. Or maybe even come up with some kind of a helpful solution (not likely though). This IS a support group pretty much. Why would anyone go to a support group to minimize others’ pain?


Almost 1,700 posts in this thread, of which only TWO are from a “Blue”…

Even though someone with Blizzard moved this thread to “General Discussion” this issue is still very much a Customer Relations issue… One that Blizzard is (still) handling poorly…

To everyone else out there who has lost countless hours of in-game progress from your guild banks, you have my sympathy (for whatever that may be worth).


When is this mailing supposed to happen? I have not received anything yet on my guild leader character. While it would suck to lose some of the materials, stockpile of glyphs and what not… I could deal with that. The worst thing was that I had quite a few of the Wirt’s leg weapon variants from the diablo event in one of my tabs and I can’t just get them anymore without buying on the AH which would be unfair to me. :frowning:


Another confirmation here, that the Epic edition doesn’t help. While I bought it mostly for the goodies (with it hurting a bit less since it included 1 mo. gametime) I think I spent my early days fretting over all the crap that disappeared from my various guild banks. I was actually tabbing out a LOT during my “early access” (and beyond) to the original Bug Report Forum on this topic. I think I was also paying to beta test the product. Actually, I think I still am . . .

Ikillu, while I’m not 100% positive, I think this is it. :frowning_face: I hope I’m wrong but the Blues messages make it seem that they are done that they consider this “resolved.” I’m so sorry. :confounded:


All tabs wiped. Still zero items restored. No email from Blizzard. Just silence.


Idem here.

I had 6 personal guild banks, 118 alts at last count and lost around 90% of the contents. It’s left me discouraged and pissed off to the point that I’ve stopped playing.


I like the idea of a title. Esp since we’re dealing with … ‘void-like’ elements. >,<"

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Since they said it would be returned to my guild leader character,
I double checked today to make sure my guild leader character didn’t receive anything.

Hearthstone which is the current guild leader, since it doesn’t let me set cross server toons as a the guild leader, received one mailed item from blizzard a “Tiered Medallion Setting”.

Not a stack of them or anything else.

So I am still missing all my pets, enchants, food, flasks, enchanting mats, lockboxes, shadowlands items for pets/mounts, and various gear and recipes I had in my gbank.

I know my item losses are minor compared to some and their losses but for a GL who struggles to keep people, who kinda offered a safe space to keep gear for raiders, its a great loss of trust. Whats the point of a guild if you can’t promise that your raid earned items will be available for alts an so on.

This bug has burnt a population who never gets thanked, who basically has been ignored by blizzard for years. Its pretty pathetic that no streamer has given a full update on this.


“To a good understander, few words” says a saying in Spanish.
Everyone wants us to stop talking about it. There would have been labor consequences, we will never know.
I agree not to touch the subject again, but in exchange for the title being instituted “The Scammed”. And I will use it forever.

I guess I never realized this is a game that is so successful they don’t need players.


Everyone got screwed. Big surprise! Not!


Nah, not everyone got screwed. Unless you’re a streamer (portraying Blizzard in a positive light) or some random nerd race to world first, in which case you’re an"elitist" and Blizzard respects that more than anything.


It’s been like that for a while now. They ruin the game on a daily basis just to make the 1% happy, because screw everyone else… which doesn’t make sense because that 1% play 3 months and leave until the next big patch, whereas everyone else who’s loyal play every day. If the 1% quit playing wow forever, it would be the best thing that ever happened to wow. If the casual stopped playing wow, it would be the worst thing that ever happened to wow, meaning wow would die.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard catered to the “top eSports guilds” prior to this “race to world first” asking if anything was missing from said guild banks.

Had items been missing, they’d be returned instantly. They (Blizzard) only want positive feedback.


Yes, Blizzard stood for quality and longevity.

If a game was not ready, they delayed it. The original WOW was a totally different game to what they released as Vanilla. They changed a lot of things after Alpha testing, as testers felt it was not fun.

There was a time when you did actually level your abilities by using them, similar to weapon skills in Vanilla. They removed that after feedback wasn´t so good, I liked it tho.

Another aspect is that playing a Blizzard game was a true investment. They never removed content, they never shut a game down it was there for a lifetime.

But now? As we see with the upgrade system, with challange modes, raids and dungeons, quest lines… it´s all being removed once a new expansion hits. It forces you to play every day, else the content is gone.

It´s just not fun anymore…


Yikes. Feel bad for people/guilds that bought tokens to fund materials for progression only to lose it and possibly have it not be recoverable. Hell, even people that farmed the stuff themselves for collections sake only to lose it all.


I am beyond livid. My entire guild bank was vanished an month ago, 18 years of mats and items and I come on to see this post. WTAF!!!

I have not received any items back. I am the GM of my guild bank and have not recieved any mail at all and from the looks of it, likely won’t now.

The trust is gone. Absolutely disgustingly handled. What compensation will those of us, you gave the middle finger to, be getting?

Nothing has been returned to me and I have seen some people get a laughable few items back from full GBs. What kind of company are you running???