Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Again, can try on twitter. Making tickets to GM-bots isn’t helping, and they’re just corralling us into here on the forums. At this point we don’t even know if they consider this issue resolved or not, we’re just speculating because of the absolute silence.


I remember the Chicks before they stopped whistling Dixie.

I feel like the glitch is being addressed, even if it is not to the liking of some. I get why the folks who tend to hoard are mad. They want no one touching their jun… stuff. And in some cases, I feel bad for collectors who had crap since Vanilla that they treasured.

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Did anyone see the Blue post closing the thread in Customer Support?

It sounds like they are done and there will be no more mails.


still didnt get a single item back in mail and lost 6 full tabs


Vrak didn’t say anything of the sort. He said nothing can be done in CS (in a couple previous posts). He said the proper place to post feedback where it will be seen by the relevant parties IN HERE and not in CS. Because CS can’t do anything about it.

We don’t know what’s going on right now. But I guarantee discussions and meetings are happening. If they want to keep subscriptions, they are going to have to do some kind of compensation. What form that will take and how long it will take, I don’t know yet. But so far this is shaping up to be very similar the WOD no flying fiasco. It’s really blowing up now.


At least there’s somebody acknowledging that it’s been a disappointing “resolution”, I guess. That’s better than pretending they’re right.


I’m pretty sure that the CS blues have no idea what’s being discussed or what may happen. They are in the dark as much as we are. CS has no involvement in this process and the only time they are ever given information is when they are told to pass something on.


I really hope so. It’s why we can’t be silent and have to keep up the discussion and pressure on Blizzard.


Yep! Vrak was just clarifying that THIS thread is the place to do that.


Trying to get any honest feedback transmitted through Gen Disc is like trying to ask for help in Barrens chat, with the same results that you’d get there from everyone else in the channel.

There’s a joke in there about Mankrik’s wife and our guild banks, but I’m too tired at the moment. :frowning:

This. This is why I will never, ever point fingers or be ticked off at a CS blue. They are simply doing what they are allowed/asked to.


“Does anyone know where Mankrik’s wife is?”

“I put her in my guild bank but Blizzard deleted her.”


I spit coffee all over my desk. Thank you for that, I needed the laugh. <3


You’re not wrong.

Unfortunately, the only way I knew things were missing is because I had blank spaces where items used to be. Even if I can’t remember what was supposed to be in those spaces, it doesn’t excuse the fact that
those items (beyond my control) are permanently gone.


I found this story on Reddit and its stating over 1078+ guilds were affected, resulting in massive or complete loss of guild bank items, Mind you, that’s just the number compiled from posters reporting on this bug, so the actual number of affected guilds is probably much higher…


Question asked off the back of my last tweet requesting info back on 16 September. For the sake of just info and not getting into how it’s been handled, I’ve asked:

Can I confirm that Blizzard now considers the issue closed after the official forum post on September 21? Can I also confirm that any available items for restoration should already have been mailed?
I just want to know if this issue has been finalised as “resolved”.


Judging by what they posted last week I say its over now and they pretty much washed their hands of the whole issue and what folks got back is all that is going to come their way now…its damn sad this happened to so many guilds now and players …damn shame …


Vrak’s post earlier confirms something. They are VERY much aware that the pathetic “restoration” they did is nowhere even remotely close to good enough, and people aren’t going to stand for it, and will leave if something isn’t done. I think they are in panic mode right now and there are frantic “what are we going to do” meetings going on just like after the WOD no flying fiasco. Just gotta wait and see at this point. I am pretty confident SOMETHING will be done. What form it will take, I don’t know.


This is unacceptable. Totally, 100% unacceptable. How can you remotely think this is an acceptable answer?

I had a backup guild bank full of pets that no one has logged into for 4 months. Now that we got notification things have been fixed, I logged in. Guess what? No mail and the only thing left is a Left Shark and some copper racers. Are you kidding me? Mostly profession stuff you say? You are outright lying. I have access to 4 banks and all were gutted, pets, mounts, you name it.

I’ve been playing this game since December 2004 and with the amount of stuff lost I feel like quitting this game and going to one that respects my time, respects what we’ve done and doesn’t post some crap answer.

How can you sleep at night with this response?


Yes. I might be angry at what a CS/CM SAYS, but understand that the words, the ideas are not their. They are just the people thrown to the wolves. I honestly think that a mistake THIS big should have had someone in a higher leadership position come out and honestly discuss it with us. Well, at least as honest as a large corporation can be. Most people at these game companies work very hard (maybe even too hard), with a lot of pressure and often, companies get to a point where they are micromanaging people and what they are allowed to do for customers. CMs/CS know that the words won’t be popular and that many people might blame THEM.

Speaking of large corporations . . . Jason Schreier (who writes for Bloomberg about the videogame industry) has a book coming out later this year, called “Play Nice: The Rise, Fall, and Future of Blizzard Entertainment”. There are excerpts about how Mike Morheime tried to fend off Bobby Kotick’s and Activision’s encroaching control and influence over Blizzard, and how he (Morheime) fought to keep Customer Service Employees. Morheime and the old guard weren’t perfect, but I think the more they got pushed out, the more WoW began to lose its magic. And here we are, gobbled up by another company (remember how MS shut down Arkane Austin, despite many people loving their games? Companies like EA and MS buy up studios only to pick it for parts, and discards the rest. They are no friends to gamers. (And before anyone says “well, game companies are there to MAKE MONEY,” yes, but early Blizzard, I think, had passionate people who actually LOVED games. Sure, they wanted to make money, but also wanted a company and product that they could be proud of.

Anyway, the articles at Gamespot are called " Blizzard Co-Founder Left Because He Was Tired Of Fighting Bobby Kotick - Report" and a shorter one on the the book coming out called " Blizzard’s 33-Year History Chronicled In Upcoming Book By Jason Schreier"

Might not be a bad read for those of us who have been with them from either the early days of WoW, or before that, with WC RTS games, Diablo, Starcraft, or even earlier.

It may be slightly off-topic but I think it points how we got to where we are now.


Current status update:
My guild bank (Classwar-Zuluhed) has 7 tabs, all were close to full of assorted things from all expansions. No idea if I had anything of real value (that’s not the point, however).

COMPLETELY empty, and not a thing sent back to me as of today.

I’ve cancelled my sub, but will keep tabs on the outcome, in the event an acceptable resolution is reached, I might come back, since I love this game, and have been playing for nearly 20 years.

As it stands now, I will never do business with Blizzard ever again, in any way, because of how this has been (or not been rather) handled.