Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Are there not logs for deposits as well as withdrawals?


Honestly a more serious question than people may realize. From my understanding on their communications, logs containing the data as a whole were deleted. And this seems to not just have impacted Guild Banks, but it had to have impacted the Character Restoration lists too.

The Character Restoration stuff was able to be restored from a series of backups I’d assume, given I was able to restore characters I deleted twelve years ago this week. But the guild bank logs may not have been salvageable with them containing far more data than an average player’s character list would.

I wasn’t impacted by it personally, but it’s just unacceptable as a whole that this was even possible. You’re telling me you did zero data backups of important systems prior to launching a massive consolidation of server lists with the Warband update? The incompetence that would require is insane.


:joy: :sob:


There 100% is. I’d bet money they have the data, the issue is the resources ($$$$) involved to restore this data somewhere, and figure out what was lost and what wasn’t and was legitimately withdrawn would be astronomical, and they’d rather hedge their bets on people just shutting up and staying subscribed, and figure the ones who do leave will cost them less than the costs of doing a proper restore.


The problem is with the data loss they literally don’t even know what to give back.

It’s the equivalent of you calling a bank and saying your money was stolen, so they check and their records show you didn’t even have an account with them.

Even if they believe you, how do they go about restoring things when there’s no record of those things?


As someone who codes and has made mods… Yeah, unless WoW was very very poorly made. Inventories usually has save states that are updated constantly but also very trackable. If Blizzard knows this is an issue for a long time now, they should’ve properly setup a log system by now which logs all the guild inventories to help keep track of what is being lost, when a guild inventory breaks and goes empty, etc.

Granted, WoW is very buggy overall and there are many many issues that been going on for months now so… I doubt Blizzard really did anything to log the issues and keep track of everything.


It feels rhat way, either seeing if people actually quit, since this game is an addiction for many, or seeing if their token sales from the die hards will be sufficient compensation to keep this broken cash machine chugging along.

Hoping they’re working on actually fixing it, and just doing a dog doo job of communicating.


If you get tired of screaming into the void here, don’t forget Blizzard has twitter accounts for both CS and Devs to tweet problems at. Honestly they seem alot more active there than here.

twitter handles because I can’t link

Not saying spam anyone or be rude or anything (that won’t help). It’s just the lack of communication here (or between teams apparently) is leading to nothing but speculation as to what happened and if anything can/will be further done. Maybe another communication platform could get us any kind of information or recognition that this issue isn’t fixed for ANY afflicted guild. Or maybe they’ll just ignore it there too. All this doom and despair posting here isn’t going to help anything though.


Especially in the case of Guild Banks. Most of those should be logged in their own database entries with details on the contents. Common sense would be that these entries all have some level of backup protection, but there are a lot of signs of incompetence showing for the expansion so far.

We’ve got this, issues with A52 entirely dropping offline something like 4 times before they even recognized it as happening, weekly resets just flat not triggering for large sections of players, and more bugs than I have ever seen on an expansion release to date since starting in MoP.

This just reeks of a massive level of rushing internally, and rushing leads to major mistakes. They could have accidentally populated the backups with the corrupted data in a blunder or something of the sort. It’s not rare or unheard of with databases when someone is just not paying attention at the time of executing.


I, too, can confirm that epic edition does not guarantee the streamer treatment. My 7 tab nearly full bank was a total loss.


Hey mate, if you read through the discussion I replied to a comment similar to this back around the 704 mark. Everyone has a different play style. I’d like to assume you’re trying to understand the situation and not just look for drama so I hope that helps.

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Not to mention there’s transmog you can only get through crafting. If a recipe drops during a dungeon farm, it’s nice to have the mats to make it.

Regardless, the “It’s time to start fresh” argument is a bit of a slap in the face. Dragonflight is over, would that make it cool for Blizz to wipe any leftover Dragonflight stuff we have in our banks because it’s no longer current?

We’re paying for the time we’re investing into the game. If someone spends 6 hours farming linen, no matter how useless that may seem to someone else, its reasonable to expect that linen to be in the bank where they left it next time they log in. It’s not just about the stuff, it’s also about the time invested. The PAID time invested no less.


You aren’t discussing. You’re poking a stick.


If there was more transparency in the communication, there wouldn’t need to be speculation.

Unless of course the communication we’ve gotten is the end of it …


This has absolutely not been resolved to satisfaction. My guild only had a few stacks of stuff restored, 95% of their stuff is still missing. No way is this acceptable. This is a massive data loss… It’s hard to feel secure in playing the game when stuff can simply vanish into thin air without compensation… This post feels a lot like an attempt at crowd control and damage consolidation… Never in TWENTY YEARS has something like this happened. It should not be taken lightly or lying down!


My most affected guild has still received no mails whatsoever. One (and only one) of my other guilds has only had one cooking recipe returned.

I’m still waiting for more items to be sent back or proper compensation.

This is not over.


Some of ya’all don’t know what happened to Earl and it shows.

There’s a point on which we agree. If they can’t make the effort to send messages to the lowly peons from on high, then it seems fairly clear that they don’t see any value in any kind of recompense.


…and a very polite ‘don’t let the door hit you on the way out’.