Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Guild vaults had slots that items couldn’t be put in, removed from, or swapped in.


There should be reparation to affected players,

That is spent time of their lives going to waste.

  • 1 month of free game time.
  • An in-game title : “The Wage-Worn” or “Time-Robbed”
  • A unique mount : “The Rusted Steed”.

This is awful and has huge negative impact. There’s nothing apart from full restoration that will ever make up for it.

This proposal is a bare minimum IMO.


They can’t agree with that because they’re not here to understand the situation or have a discussion. Better off blocking them for their need to voice “an opinion” than to try to get them to understand. Moderators have let this kind of gaslighting behavior go unchecked in accessibility and bug report posts, so it’s no surprise they unflag anything here.

On topic, this is unacceptable there’s been no follow up response to questions yet.


I would like to thank the mods for restoring my messages in this thread. Apparently, they feel my words of logic and TRUTH should not be flagged by the easily offended. Nice to know some of the community agrees with me. As for the rest of you, I hope you get back as much as they can restore. In the meantime, I will be out farming some missing mats and moving on with my game. They’re not going to give people a ton of free reparations because of a glitch. But hey, good luck.

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The obvious solution here is that more people should pre-purchase the Epic Edition for Midnight.


Robbery Victim Brewbaker

Brewbaker the Depleted

Brewbaker Starting Over

WoW is its own reward!

These people are just trolling. It’s a great way to plump up an /ignore list.


Yeah its not like you’ve got 50 personal bank slots to put them in to use them now…cause we don’t…hugs fellow Dwarf Hunter…sorry


I have a completely empty guild bank worth 100s of thousands of gold. And it cannot be recovered?! That is insane!!!


actually i counted exactly one person. ONE.

epic edition guarantees you streamer level of care regarding potential issues involving storage.

sorry bud. its gone.

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Unfortunately, it does not. I have the epic edition.


I took Hellvitas comment about the epic edition as satire of the highest caliber, since multiple people here have said despite having the epic edition they were robbed as well


Spoiler alert, I’m one of the suckers who lost everything with no restoration at all.

Hey Blizzard, can you sort your poor cyber hygiene out? This is why people get angry. It’s not the mistakes or bugs. It’s the abysmal customer service and lack of effort put in to actually address the underlying causes. Trust is eroded and people no longer want to engage, knowing that nothing but disappointment will result from putting their faith in you to be compassionate and responsive when resolving problems you caused in the first place.


Blizzard’s response to this issue has left me feeling like I did something wrong, rather than being the victim of a horrible bug. We’ve received more compensation for extended maintenance than for this bug that wiped out entire guild banks. I cancelled my sub, because I no longer have any confidence in Blizzard.


Yes, if things were taken out of the guild bank they would know.
But if the items were never taken out of the bank, but vanished.
Would their tracking system still track it?

That’s it? You think this is acceptable?


But…but…it was difficult!


So they are just silent and waiting for us to go away? Measuring the outcry and seeing if they can get away with it? Shameless.


Do they even know who was impacted?
They don’t know what went missing.
I have said it before if there is some type of compensation it should be per bank tab. More tabs more chance to loose items.

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I have logs showing things that vanished going in and not going out but yet I haven’t gotten those items back.


I can literally show you bank tabs that are fully empty and logs that show TONS of deposits with ZERO withdrawls. Blizzard couldn’t even figure out how to return those items to me. This is THEIR LOGS!