Guild Bank Missing Items Update

True and understandably, but let me ramble :slight_smile:


Oh I’m not stopping you from rambling. Right now my account is paid up until the end of January. I haven’t decided if I’m going to stay beyond that or not. For now I’m going to keep playing, partially because I was not badly affected. But their response in the coming weeks is going to influence my decision for sure.


Basically same boat. My guild bank was mostly mats and pets/recipes over the years. Still sucks to lose but I can survive without. I’m subbed through xmas, but it’s just a matter of principle that I feel I’d be hard-pressed to ignore the blatant disregard for the players that lost so much time and money, let alone precious memories. Hopefully they step up and do right with us before then. <3


This is the part all the whiners saying “it’s just stuff” don’t get. It’s not about the stuff, it’s about the lack of respect for paying customers.


I don’t think this is a bug though

Pretty much standard for all seasonal PvP currencies (honor point, conquest point, etc) to reset to 0 when a new season begins… such as what happened in the transition from DF —> TWW

The upgrade system being greyed out is also normal since the old expansion PvP season is over

What isn’t normal is for honor level to reset or go down, since that’s a “lifetime” measurement that carries over from expansion to expansion - similar to achievement points. If your honor level went down for whatever reason, that is definitely some kind of ongoing bug


Sorry, but the people who are whining aren’t the people saying “it’s just stuff”.

Agree to disagree, those people have no business in this thread, they’re just stirring up crap and trying to make people feel bad for getting screwed over. Definition of trolls.


When you are paying for a product or service, you absolutely deserve the right to “whine” when that service isn’t delivered sufficiently. I’m not sure why this is even a topic. The corporation isn’t your friend.


So you are telling me, that players who are still playing DF, either because they don´t have TWW or want to play an alt, can not upgrade their gear anymore? They are stuck with low ilvl forever, unless they buy TWW gear in the AH?

Since when is this the case? Because I remember upgrading my gear at BFA and SL just fine, long after the expansion was released.

This entire seasonal crap, where they disable mechanics is making me even more angry now, than the silence about the Gbank. I did save all that currency so my alts have it easier and I love to max out chars before I move on and now this.


Looks like I am joining those that unsub, without my Gbank and now the upgrade path in DF, the game is over for me.


Sorry if the humor escaped you.

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Yeah it’s classic victim blaming. The fact that they provided a blue “response” to the issue is not good enough. This is absolutely awful customer service. There are also a lot of people posting passive aggressive comments that “they don’t have to restore anything, feel lucky that you got that stack of linen cloth”. And…yeah even if that’s techncially true, that doesn’t help. They’re a business that makes money by selling a product. If the product and the service that goes with it is terrible, well they’ll discover real quick that they CAN’T just dismiss people like that if they want to stay in business.


If the things are gone and there is really nothing that can be done there should be at least some sort of compensation. Game time, gold I don’t care what but it should be per guild tab. The more tabs you have the more potential damage you received.

I Know TOS says they don’t have to do anything but treating your paying customers right says you should do something.


None of the stuff I was ‘hanging onto’ was crap - it was all materials to max out professions on alts. You know, for the achievements? Yeah. I’m not ticked off, so I apologize that tone doesn’t convey, but that’s not nostalgia, that’s straight up progression.

… I keep my 20 year old nostalgia crap in my personal bank. It’s all soulbound anyway.


I’m more angry about Blizzard’s response to this almost than losing my stuff. I never expected to be able to just rattle off a list of items and have them restored, but how about a month of game time to everyone this impacted? Some good will on the company’s part would go a long way. The state of customer service at Blizzard is absolutely dreadful.

At the end of the day I know I’m the loser here and what I really lost is respect for a game and a company that’s kept me company in good times and bad for 25 years. And that’s a crappy feeling.


If i remember right from the bug report thread people had weird issues with the icon for the items a few days before they disappeared. Having not been affected though I’m not sure what they meant in that thread by weird icon issues. The person who did the post did a really good time line of how the bug effected them.


I remember back when I was playing Diablo 2, there were some release dates that got pushed back because Bliz wanted to make sure the game was right for release. It didn’t bother us, we understood the game wasn’t ready.

I kinda wish I had known that stance on things had really changed, because with the other folks losing stuff like rep and achievs, this one didn’t seem like it was ready to be released, yet.

I was excited about TWW. I was real curious to see what was going on with Anduin. I always love wow’s music and art. I wanted to meet Faerin. It was a delight to discover the Earthen sounded like little robots - which would make sense considering they are like the moving parts of the Azeroth machine. There was a lot to do, I was having fun.

Now I’m not as eager to explore. I get stuck thinking collections isn’t something to focus on anymore? Idk. Even all the great, new, silly gray trash they have for candles - I used to love to find stuff like this.

That was the game for me: healing players in LFG/LFR - and collecting goofy, fun stuff.


i just got two mails with some frostweave cloth and silk cloth to the GM of my personal guild bank. is this all the restoration we are supposed to expect? there are at least 50 missing slots across all bank tabs, most noticable in my gems tab as it is arranged by color and expansion. yet again, an unbelievable error by blizzard that the playerbase just has to accept and move on.


When you start to pay my bills, then you can start to tell me what I can and can’t do in the game. Until then, no one really wants to hear your condescending and dismissive toxic attitude on the subject.

What business is of yours who collects what and how long they keep it and where they store it…I can answer that for you – none.


As I understand it, the icon was visible as if the items were present, but you couldn’t interact with it, either with clicking or dragging, etc. I didn’t have that issue myself. :frowning:


The way Bliz chose to handle this is actually my biggest concern.

If they had told us right away that they acknowledged something was wrong and they knew it, I would have been in a better place because at least they said they knew/showed they cared about it.

That they are locking and deleting posts about it, that the streamers and places like wowhead don’t talk about it or bring up it’s kinda a big deal that can affect everybody, seems strange to me.

A different phrasing of the original blue post finally addressing the situation may have been helpful, too. They didn’t seem incredibly sorry for folks’ 19-20-year savings being deleted?

If they can make more money by creating and selling a new mount than they can with monthly subscribers, we may not matter as much anymore, in the scheme of things. The folks buying multiple tokens a week may make up for the few thousand of us that leave the game. This is my biggest concern.

It kinda hurts.